I'm Slater nice to meet you
... I like LED lights
that looks like a generic cheap made Chinese grow light... yes it has cobs but they are not even close to one of the 4 main brands that produce the best white light for growing. They are not even round or yellow, that's a very big give away there... and I'm betting the drivers will be the cheapest of the cheap, may even burn out after a few grows... when a company like that say 1200w it's more than likely 500w - 600w if your very lucky... How the Chinese get round saying those figures is that the parts used could take that amount of power if applied but they normally put half the amount of power they claim on paper... The only Chinese company that is now being a little honest is Mars, and they are the only Chinese company I would kinda recommend and that's only their brand new models they have just bought out this year.
I'm not saying that light it won't grow weed, it's bound to do the job perfect and I'm sure you will be happy with the end results but I'm betting you would be far better off with a 600w hps at a far cheaper price, You will probably match that LED light gram for gram... when your ready for that upgrade I would be putting my money with these company's... Horticultural Lighting Group, Chilltec, SANlight, Migro, Grow Northan, Autocob.net, just to name a few... if your on a tight budget then I would consider DIY as an option, its the route I've taken to having the best of the best LEDs in my garden at near on 1/3 of the price.
Hey @GorrillaGrow why don't you pop on over to introductions and tell us a bit about you self and grow, lot of great LED growers on here to help you out -