Outdoor hillbilly outdoor grow

You're got one hell of an awesome site there, nestled up to the cliff edge. Piggy's jealous.
does growing outdoors with autos usually take longer?
yes, in my short experence with autos they don,t know when to stop outdoors. The ones I grew indoors last winter were 8 or 9 weeks from seed to harvest. Outside they never let their sun leaves turn yellow like they did for me inside. The leaves turned yellow then the whole plant died!Outside I took the main buds then pollenated the remaining. I then waited 6 weeks for the last harvest. So, thats 3 months plus 6 weeks equals 4 1/2 months.Although I harvested most at 2 months and they were ready to smoke. But there were no yellow leaves so I think who knows if they would have died on their own.There was always new growth at the ends of the buds.
I have not had this experience with autos outdoors. I've noticed they take one to two weeks longer, I assume based on the fact there's less light available each day. Mine yellowed up just fine in that time period. Not saying stone is wrong, just had a different experience :2cents::peace:
I have placed my bed in front of a large white stone wall that has to reflect some sunlite from behind. I get less hours daily than inside but better quality light. You can't bear sunlight!I am just thinking this may be a uniuqe situation.In all the talk about sun verses L.E.D.,hid, cfl, nobody has said anything about the effect of !00%+ sun on autos. Maybe this is why my autos had a different groth scheldual than others?Any ideas anyone? I thought all autos did this outside. My sun leaves never yellow or stop producing new growth out the top of the buds.This drought has done this now but the photos look the same.
Picture 009.jpgHere is a pic of Hercules at three months. Look how healthy the leaves are.
Picture 007.jpgHere is a different Hercules planted May 1 and harvested Aug. 20. Again the leaves are fine and the buds were growing out the top still. Is this not normal?
Picture 145.jpgAs you can see the photos are coming along nicely.This is the time of year that I get worried. The smell will soon get bad and I have 3 more weeks to go.I took the chem dog a few days ago and the buzz is hard to explain. Strong but trippy. The taste is nothing like the smell, the strongest pineapple I ever smelled. The taste is fuel like for lack of a better word.I will manicure and get a final weight tonight.
medussa chick, is bad