Live Stoner Chat Hi There, from england

  • Thread starter Thread starter Flim Layon
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It's more see through than it look's in picture , I think I'll try putting bubble wrap around the bottom half of the greenhouse just for extra stealth...cheers for the tip Red eye.
No probs mate,if you do get bubble wrap but the stuff with the biggest bubbles you can get
Will do, cheers Red. BTW this might sound like a silly question, but do plants need direct sunlight, its just where I've positioned my greenhouse it will only get 8hrs of direct sunlight in the summertime, will this be a problem?.
mine used to get around 10 hours direct sun per day,but that was on and off as the sun moved round the houses surrounding me,and they did ok mate,I don't think the need constant sun beating down in them all day for 12+ hours.
Check out this grow by griever,a lovely duurty dragon grown in under 6 hours direct sun per day
Thank's red, I'm gonna scan through some of your outdoor threads, see if I can get some tips...cheers mate :thumbs: