Indoor Here I go again...

Hey @Eekman
Thanks for stopping in, ya, it does feel good to grow again. The Six Shooters seem to be real nice robust girls. Here's todays picture.


hope to process a few more pics and post them.
@Puddentane Thank you! It's nice when folks notice. I do put a bit of work into my pictures. Be happy to share if anyone cares to listen...
Keep showing off your chops and the world will beat a path to your door. I see lots of good plants here but often think with better images they would have been better received.
Day 17
Watered and fed this morning. They look mahvelous!
1 gal. of ftw got 4ml Rock Fusion Grow or FG, 4ml SC, 1.5ml EarthJuice Cal-N-Mag or CnM, 4ml F&SW all this needed 10 drops of pH down to get to pH6.1. Each pot got 1L of this.
So we have six big happy girls and two just cracked in the dirt. The garden is going gangbusters. Looking at maybe a few photo girls getting started. Want to get some mothers going.
What I week. I won't bore you with the details but suffice it to say I made it!
The girls did too. I gave them a their nite time spray and thought the y looked great and thought you would like to see too.
Here you go 6 days since the last picture.
