Indoor Hempy Buckets! by Gauge Steel

So after 5 days I went digging for my 2x gold glues and guess what? Nadda. For crying out loud. Thats 50/50 for Rapid Rooter's. I have got to stop using old ass gear. So I took one of the beans that didn't look rotten, stuck it in a new Root Riot and we will see. Transplanted the MPAB "Man" into a Bubble bucket and here we go.
Brought Cindy out for some COB sunshine today.

On a sad note my dog Lilly of 10 years was put down yesterday. She lived a wonderful life and saw a lot of this wonderful country. She just literally used up all she had. It was a peaceful passing. Roast a bowl for Lilly and all your beloved pet's past and present.

Group shot





Thanks for watching my Journal.

Sorry to hear about Lilly. So sad. I got a pup going on 9. Will definitely roast a bowl for lilly and all the other pets.

Bummer on the beans not popping. I haven't had much issues but it's bound to happen at some point. The ladies above ground look healthy. Keep on keeping on!
Thanks ya'll your good people and i appreciate the welcome to the community.

I think my bean order must have sat in a truck or somewhere under intense heat. The day i received them it was over a hundred here. This batch of seeds is the first batch i have ever had problems germinating. Old Rooters and intense heat is what i am telling myself. Chit happens. I will not buy seeds in the dead of summer again. I am over it. Thinking ahead, i am on my back porch getting peppered with tiny acorns already and it got me thinking, if you use beneficial enzymes be thinking about ordering before the freeze begins or they wont ship.
Plants seem to be doing well on the current soup.
Per Gallon
2ml green Rx grow A&B
2ml Botanicare Cal Mag Plus
2ml Z7
1/16 teaspoon humic acid.
PH 6.0-6.5
Tap water @190 ppm
Total solution 360ppm
Solution as of Wednesday Aug 2

Per Gal
2ml green Rx grow A&B
2ml Botanicare Cal Mag Plus
2ml Z7
.2g teaspoon humic acid.
.2g Kelp extract
PH 6.0-6.5
Tap water @190 ppm
Total solution 360ppm

Everybody is still alive and thriving.
Hi There! :d5:

Looks like you're keeping a nice journal!
Always handy to refer back to at the end, and may help pin point things that you may do differently next time :D

Good to hear they're still alive and rocking! :D

Have you done this type of Soiless grow before? I'm by no means an expert and have never grown hempy - although i have a feeling that perhaps your PH is a little high for this type of grow.
Maybe one of the other hempy style growers can chime in, but i've considered it to have similar needs to coco (which i would recommend 5.6 (to start) to 6.0 (in full flower)

Just a thought - Good luck! ^_^
