Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopot grow w/Fast Buds LSD-25 using coco/perlite & LED

Looking good bro, starting to fill out that space now... Berkeley definitely looks promising ;)

Yeah I'd suggest cleaning / flushing the lines and valves a couple times a grow to be safe, especially if you go away and leave them unattended like I do... Also when flushing the lines use the syringe but with hot water instead of just air, works great.
Looking good bro, starting to fill out that space now... Berkeley definitely looks promising ;)

Yeah I'd suggest cleaning / flushing the lines and valves a couple times a grow to be safe, especially if you go away and leave them unattended like I do... Also when flushing the lines use the syringe but with hot water instead of just air, works great.
Thanks for the info on the hot water. My main lines I did flush them with water, but could not empty the reservoir. So blew air using the syringe with a blunt needle thru the shutoff valve and that small length of line and in the process blew out the filter without taking it out. Just have to remember to hold it above the level in the reservoir when you turn the valve on. LOL

Girls have drank 2.25 inches of water in 24 hours so something in going on inside those pots. Need to travel and afraid of not leaving them with enough.
Forgot to mention on the update that I added 15 liters of solution to the reservoir. This brought the depth of the water in there to 13.5 inches deep. I left everything where it was, but backed off the Grow A&B to 1ml/l as I was still seeing what looked like a little nute burn on the newer leaves and have added a 3 liters of plain water to each of the last two reservoir changes to back off the EC to 1.3. Backing off the A&B brought the EC to 1.33 with all the others additives left the same as before. Did a quick check of the pH just for giggles and it was rock steady at 5.83, you just have to love the way it just works.

- Cal/Mag 1.5 ml/l
- Sensi Grow A & B 1.0 ml/l.
- B52 0.75 ml/l.
- Carboload 0.75 ml/l
- Terpinator 0.75 ml/l.
- Drip Clean 1 ml/l

Happy Growing everyone!
I read that somewhere also. I have been wanting to try trusting Advanced Nutrients hype by not checking pH for a grow, but up until now have always been just one grow from being without any medicine. This last summer's harvest while not great is helping to ease my mind. I would post a picture here but they were not even autos, just some local bagseed. Next year I'm going for three harvests outdoors using the autoflower seed I made with DP's Auto Mazar.

Hey Hemi, FWIW I haven't used my pH pen in over a year. AN works, *if* you do weekly res changes, and look at your plants and diagnose any deficiencies in a timely manner. I don't use near what they recommend either. My heaviest feed this grow is 21ml/15L, or 1/3 what AN wants me to use.
Hey Hemi, FWIW I haven't used my pH pen in over a year. AN works, *if* you do weekly res changes, and look at your plants and diagnose any deficiencies in a timely manner. I don't use near what they recommend either. My heaviest feed this grow is 21ml/15L, or 1/3 what AN wants me to use.
Yea I'm trying my best to put my pH pen away and have managed to do so in between reservoir changes. Maybe after a few more changes where it just starts off perfectly, as it has been, will get me past this nasty habit.

Thanks for stopping by and if these autopots look interesting to you, check out the masters in the Autopot forum section that got me hooked on this method, they grow some monsters. Will be nice this summer to still be able to grow, but not have to worry about water temps. In addition, it's much easier to go on vacation when you can fill up the reservoir and head for the mountains. :rofl: The Dark Devils might be the next one up later in January. I want to see how well they do in the autopots. Plus I have enough surplus now that I can risk a couple smaller ladies in the tent. Although they say that autopots can't grow small plants.
I couldn't grow in warm weather if I wanted to. I'm addicted to two wheel travelling, and I'm just not here much. This year was a trip to Key West, then to Lake Erie, and then home again. Plus other trips, that the was just one. Next year is an attempt to see Anchorage. I've started for there 2 times, maybe third time is the charm.:cheers:
Forgot to mention on the update that I added 15 liters of solution to the reservoir. This brought the depth of the water in there to 13.5 inches deep. I left everything where it was, but backed off the Grow A&B to 1ml/l as I was still seeing what looked like a little nute burn on the newer leaves and have added a 3 liters of plain water to each of the last two reservoir changes to back off the EC to 1.3. Backing off the A&B brought the EC to 1.33 with all the others additives left the same as before. Did a quick check of the pH just for giggles and it was rock steady at 5.83, you just have to love the way it just works.

- Cal/Mag 1.5 ml/l
- Sensi Grow A & B 1.0 ml/l.
- B52 0.75 ml/l.
- Carboload 0.75 ml/l
- Terpinator 0.75 ml/l.
- Drip Clean 1 ml/l

Happy Growing everyone!
Hey just FYI the Drip Clean is 1ml per 10L.
I couldn't grow in warm weather if I wanted to. I'm addicted to two wheel travelling, and I'm just not here much. This year was a trip to Key West, then to Lake Erie, and then home again. Plus other trips, that the was just one. Next year is an attempt to see Anchorage. I've started for there 2 times, maybe third time is the charm.:cheers:
Depends on the length of your trip with a 45 liter reservoir you can get at least a week or two of growth without you even being there.
Oops, I guess I screwed that up. Hmmm, makes me wonder what I will find when I get back from holiday. Thanks for noticing and saying something.
No worries... shouldn't do any harm, just been using a lot more than you need to lol.

Have a good holiday and merry Christmas bro.