New Grower help with first tent grow???

Lets make it easy and erase chance for failure.
1. got to any walmart, pet store, local hydroshop, etc buy one brick of coir
2. place brick in a 5 gallon bucket with lid
3 heat up approximately 2us gallons of water to a full rapid boil
3 pour the water over your brick of coir in bucket
4 place lid on bucket and forget it
5 now several hours later or as soon as temps come down you have a full bucket of pasteurized nutrient free grow medium

If using above it would be good to use some type of root enhancing/promoting formula I can't recommend a specific one I only have exp with General Hydroponics rapid start but will say it does the trick.

Another mix and this could be used through every phase of growth not just seedling.
1. bag of Peat moss (I use spanish but any will work)
2. bag of topsoil (ordinary plain whatever is cheapest at Lowes/HomeDepot)_
3. bag of perilite
4 approximately 1- 1.5 cups of lime of lime

Mix all above together

Many will probably disagree with me and my methods with regards to feeding but aside from small amount of rapid start added during watering I don't feed period 1st weeks, my logic is that I want to allow my root mass to begin to build without trying to compensate for too high of this not high enough of that etc. I love chemistry but there are times where mistakes can be corrected, seedling phase isn't one of those times.
Thank you! This is great! yea im familiar with.coir and pasteurization from my mushroom grows so i should be able to do that no problem.. the other tbing i get are you referring to rooting powder like for clones or luke a basic nutrient source? Or us the coir the nutrients? And this mix will go in the cup with the cut off bottom. :) my foxfarm soil trio nutes came yesterday along with my smart pots and soil ph meter
Thank you! This is great! yea im familiar with.coir and pasteurization from my mushroom grows so i should be able to do that no problem.. the other tbing i get are you referring to rooting powder like for clones or luke a basic nutrient source? Or us the coir the nutrients? And this mix will go in the cup with the cut off bottom. :) my foxfarm soil trio nutes came yesterday along with my smart pots and soil ph meter
yep you got ;-) it, many skill sets I find are cross compatible, and you can apply things you've already learned towards what you need to learn.Yes the mix goes straight into the cup.View media item 5745View media item 5782View media item 5999View media item 5744
coco is unique in a lot of ways, particularly with Ca, Mg uptake, and it's native K and Na content...when using brick stuff, you really have to pretreat it carefully, usually with a Ca-Mg solution to help displace the Na and K,... straight water alone only help so much; the ionic bonding needs the power of those double positive charges on Ca and Mg to force the Na and K (single + charged) outta there,.... if too much Na or K gets left behind, it can cause toxicity issue (largely Na in this case), and the lack of saturation with Ca of the coir particles makes the coco suck it before the plant can


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coco is unique in a lot of ways, particularly with Ca, Mg uptake, and it's native K and Na content...when using brick stuff, you really have to pretreat it carefully, usually with a Ca-Mg solution to help displace the Na and K,... straight water alone only help so much; the ionic bonding needs the power of those double positive charges on Ca and Mg to force the Na and K (single + charged) outta there,.... if too much Na or K gets left behind, it can cause toxicity issue (largely Na in this case), and the lack of saturation with Ca of the coir particles makes the coco suck it before the plant can
is this the rooting enhancer you are talking about?(the bottle) and the cal carb i would use with the coir correct? at what ratio? and i would also use it for cal deficiencies later in the grow since im using mars hydro LED's? if so i guess i gotta get some mag now... o and them two came as freebies which is GREAT!


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is this the rooting enhancer you are talking about?(the bottle) and the cal carb i would use with the coir correct? at what ratio? and i would also use it for cal deficiencies later in the grow since im using mars hydro LED's? if so i guess i gotta get some mag now... o and them two came as freebies which is GREAT!
Here's the amazon link Amazon product It's link to
My ratio that I use but (may vary depending on others and their respected growing environments) 1/4 teaspoon per US Gallon of water
is this the rooting enhancer you are talking about?(the bottle) and the cal carb i would use with the coir correct? at what ratio? and i would also use it for cal deficiencies later in the grow since im using mars hydro LED's? if so i guess i gotta get some mag now... o and them two came as freebies which is GREAT!
I didn't blow your pic up before replying, but yes same product.
is this the rooting enhancer you are talking about?(the bottle) and the cal carb i would use with the coir correct? at what ratio? and i would also use it for cal deficiencies later in the grow since im using mars hydro LED's? if so i guess i gotta get some mag now... o and them two came as freebies which is GREAT!
I've never used CalCarb product before, but after looking over data seems like it would be good to use, but I'd still hang off at least till week 1 or 2 AFTER germination out of surface of grow medium
I've never used CalCarb product before, but after looking over data seems like it would be good to use, but I'd still hang off at least till week 1 or 2 AFTER germination out of surface of grow medium
ok i dont know much about calmag problems i gotta do more reading but i thought i would only add something like that if and when it shows a deficiency... sorry for all the questions i just wanna do this right or as close to right as possible the first time....
ok i dont know much about calmag problems i gotta do more reading but i thought i would only add something like that if and when it shows a deficiency... sorry for all the questions i just wanna do this right or as close to right as possible the first time....
You have nothing to be sorry for, if I anything I say can in any way be useful then you are welcome to it, in which case I'm honored to share. :)
im loving this page already :)