So these are all around 40 days old. They were all looking pretty good up until about week ago (except for the front left that I snapped in half, which kinda was doing ok still..) all autos. No bugs around. Coco/perlite. Autopots. 3g megacrop v3, 1ml TPS calmg, 1ml TPS silica, well water/per gallon. Total ppm 575. Keep it 5.8-6.2, generally stays around 6 half the time. 75 degrees ish, 50% humidity ish. I also flush weekly with half a gallon of quarter strength plus recharge. Haven't had this happen before and kinda concerning being that it's so sudden and affecting everybody. Only new change is new light but been using the light for a month and it's 30in away from tallest and I don't really think that's the problem