Light green/yellowish leaves, all 4 plants

Both lol. Isn't yellow/pale leaves and red streaked stems a sign of lack of Nitrogen? Maybe lockout?

Maybe, I'm not sure... Could be this, could be that. Hopefully someone can steer me in the right direction. First I thought this could be the case, maybe my soil ph too high, maybe the calcium was too much from the tap water and caused the N issues. I have no idea, but I just don't want to treat something that is probably not the cause and considering im already into flower my options are limited...
So in other words, this light is too powerful for the suggested 4x4 area? And that their recommendations of 24" for flower, 36" for veg are actually not ideal for the light? It sounds like you know what you're talking about, but I find it surprising that this light has such good ratings and this is the first time i have heard anyone basically say it's too powerful for a grow tent. However, perhaps I'm not fully understanding what you're saying...

I think all of this is grow method related.
After I switched to my new Rspec light I got a bit of bleached top growth for the first time ever, even tho I had them dimmed.
I'm DWC while following the VPD chart, and I suspect that this style needs less food and light.

When I do what I think the plants are telling me to do, it means much higher light distance than the light makers recommend.
Maybe its general lack of nutes. "Watering once in between with nothing but 6.5'ish PH balanced water," right there you are feeding at 1/2 strength.
yikes... for reals? as far as most minerals/nutrients go or just the cal/mag?
I think all of this is grow method related.
After I switched to my new Rspec light I got a bit of bleached top growth for the first time ever, even tho I had them dimmed.
I'm DWC while following the VPD chart, and I suspect that this style needs less food and light.

When I do what I think the plants are telling me to do, it means much higher light distance than the light makers recommend.

ok. well, i moved them back up to about 36" from the highest point of the canopy, but from what im reading, that 6" is not going to make much of a difference? maybe i'll also just water with 6.5 ph water only for the next week or so too. i did just give them a dose of recharge last night which i have heard COULD help buffer if it indeed is a nute thing.
ok. well, i moved them back up to about 36" from the highest point of the canopy, but from what im reading, that 6" is not going to make much of a difference? maybe i'll also just water with 6.5 ph water only for the next week or so too. i did just give them a dose of recharge last night which i have heard COULD help buffer if it indeed is a nute thing.

Yes, if you feed just water half the time, you are diluting your nutes by that much.

You should get more expert opinions, and ideally check your media/soil pH, but I think you need to feed the plants. Why "just water with 6.5 ph water only for the next week or so?" I doubt just normal watering is going to fix anything.
ahh.. i misunderstood what you were saying. i thought you were saying just the plain tap water has half the "minerals" (i keep thinking about the hardness) i need already and that i probably had too much... brain fart haha. i see what you're saying now, the opposite.

Yes, if you feed just water half the time, you are diluting your nutes by that much.

You should get more expert opinions, and ideally check your media/soil pH, but I think you need to feed the plants. Why "just water with 6.5 ph water only for the next week or so?" I doubt just normal watering is going to fix anything.
Im again going with the 1-2 punch of chlorine toxicity, and potassium deficiency....which will affect mag uptake.
In fact i think its light on nutes in general. I dont know about adding any big N numbers at this point on the ones with buds, maybe nothing more than a value of 1, but everything else needs food. They hungry my man!