Help me increase yield

Feb 7, 2023
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Hi all

I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong as I've had 2 successful harvests in soil but the yields have been ridiculously low in comparison to what I get in coco.

I've got all the right gear but nae idea!!

In coco I was pulling aroumd 80/100g per plant and for 3 photoperiods I was easily bringing in 280g plus loads of trim.

Since moving to soil I'm only averaging 40g per plant and the 2 autos I've just done which was my first ever autos got me 31g and 41g which tbh is shit! I've spent more money each month on my electric over 3 months than it would've cost me to buy that on the street!

It hasn't put me off as I've got 4 more Auto's on the go in 10L pots of biotab silicium flash but could really do with some advice how to increase the yield to what I've bee used to but nit go back on coco as I cant be faffed with all that nonsense of PH feed to 5.8 and have EC within range and deal with run offs.

Can anyone make any constructive suggestions other than ditch soil lol
I only grow coco, but I think just stick with a soil you like and take time to really dial in the feed regimens so you’re hitting the right NPK ratios at the different growth stages…especially at transition phase for autos. My two smallest autos I switched to bloom nutes too early and they seemed to need more N than I was giving to really stretch and stack in early flower.
Too many other factors there to just blame it on soil. With fresh soil ( Happy Frog ) I usually get 2 to 5 oz. per Auto plant. More towards the 4 to 5 oz area since switching to autopots. Definitely going to need different water/feed regimine than with coco.
I have been experimenting with off the shelf Osmocote Plus for the last 5 grows without changing the soil out and it's been doing OK so far. Only thing I can suggest it to try changing little things each grow to see if you can get an improvement. Don't change more than 1 or 2 things at a time per grow or you'll drive yourself crazy trying to figure out what change did what. First thing I'd try is to bottom water where thay have an almost constant supply of water/nutrients available. That was my biggest improvement.
With soil the larger the grow bag the better the results, I wouldn't grow in soil in less than a 5gallon container. My next grow this September will be in 7gallon bags.

I have had excellent success after going to a living soil in 5gallon grow bags, basically water only, some Recharge twice during the grow and the only amendment is the NLS flower power soil conditioner added to the top of the soil about half way thru stretch.

Dont forget that the strain, genetics and environmental factors play a big part
Presuming what you have been growing has been good quality; that you are successful at growing smaller plants, consider growing the "sea of green" (*SOG) method, lots of small(er) quicker maturing plants in smaller pots (or otherwise more jammed in the same floor space). I don't know if it's true, but I've seen claims that SOG is the most productive way to get quality buds, a high return in terms of ounces/sq. ft./month.
What breeder did you run, what strains? Pics of plants?
In General to increase yields I would say…
A successful Veg leads to greater yield so focus on sound husbandry. Try getting your second set of true leaves to be equal to or greater than the first set of true leaves by day 10(stupid rule of thumb I use to gauge progression) choose varietals with longer veg times. Allow plants to mature a little longer, when I started out I was pulling too early and missed on some late flower swell. Larger pots, monitor light somehow (apogee, Photone app). Buy a controller that monitors humidity and temp
If all else fails try an Earthbox, it’s an organic cheat code
Good genetics.
Also I only get about 1.1gram/watt as of now personally so am still learning too. Past few plants have averaged ~100g each but I think this Earthbox JR. will be better (1 cubic foot of media).
Super Sativa Seed Club Auto Bruce Lemon Diesel, always gives a generous Veg and gets big. There is danker weed but this is good
I'm gonna say liquid nutrients and ferments. Like aloe vera juice etc. Coco generally gets better yields. You need to have really biologically active soil so water em1 kombucha or yogurt. You want it where if you mix like banana or whatever into the top soil you can't tell it's banana in a week or so. So 1. Biologically active soil. 2 liquids look into Korean natural farming you can make a bloom fertilizer out of bananas and a veg fertilizer out of anything green that's edible. Like dandelion leaves grass canna leaves whatever. also you can look into bokashi and feed the liquid off that. Hope it helps.
Also for organic soil you want chlorine free water chlorine kills good bacteria making the soil dead. You could get a carbon filter for your hose buy reverse osmosis water. Get a Britta filter. Leave your water out for a few days if it's chlorine not chloramine. Chloramine is way harder to get out that's why they put it in in some municipalities. It's chlorine and ammonia.
Presuming what you have been growing has been good quality; that you are successful at growing smaller plants, consider growing the "sea of green" (*SOG) method, lots of small(er) quicker maturing plants in smaller pots (or otherwise more jammed in the same floor space). I don't know if it's true, but I've seen claims that SOG is the most productive way to get quality buds, a high return in terms of ounces/sq. ft./month.
i get an average of just over 200g per grow in a 115 x 75 cm space
Normally 6/7 plants in lightmix soil in 3 gal pots rolled dwn to 2.5 gal.
SOG style growing
ive tried one 5 gal tho this time to see the difference. and its alot bigger than the 3 gals.
just keep tweeking ur methods and you will get more each grow by learning from previous errors or tnings youve recently learned on here.
we all are trying to get more bud each time