New LED and 1st experience with autos- whats up?

Feb 7, 2023
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Hi all.

I hate chucking question after question up especially when I've grown for 3yr but it's all still new to me especially when I'm using a new led and growing autos.

Things seems to be going OK but I dint know if its normal or not

@Bob's Auto's I'm using a 10l pot mixed with biotab silicium flash so I assume I don't use compost tea or any pk5-8?

I've checked the ppfd of my light and it's good aroumd 600, temps are steady at 26c / 27c I've I've the light on 20/4 and temps relatively the same around 24c at lights out.

I thought this was light burn and ive got the light nearly 50cm away when I should be as close as 30cm

I'm holding some pk5-8 and tempted to give a little but I thought by mixing the biotabs for water only method I wouldn't need to compost tea or any flowering boosters like pk5-8

Any ideas appreciated its a seedstockers gelato 41


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Hey buddy :cheers:

If you are running the 'water only' approach, did you follow these instructions? 👇

And no, you don't need any other product to finish, but as with all nutrient lines, if you want to bulk things up I really suggest you use either the PK Booster Compost tea or the Bio PK 5-8. As you know I prefer the tea, as you can create a massive bacterial colony which will do the hard work for you. The same bacteria are inside the Bio PK, but as you don't brew that* it's just that amount of culture you add to the soil.

*You can brew the Bio PK 5-8 if you add it to the compost tea. Just follow this advice or this one 👇

At that distance your ppfd should be alright, but were talking auto's. So turn it down another 60-100ppfd, just for a while and see how the plants react.
You told me the temperature, but not the humidity. These to are very important because one can calculate VPD from it and this year VPD is my deity, I bow down to her and monitor her closely. Before I made a couple of sensors and an app to control it all, I used this chart. 👇
VPD Chart.png

What I would do, is my standard tip when in trouble with soil and this is...
First of need to realize that you won't be getting the full potential from your plant. It's damaged and stressed = unhappy plant. That being said.
  • Let the soil dry out, but really dry. Don't let your ladies wilt, leaves can hang downwards, but shriveled leaves...then you've gone to far, right.
  • Meanwhile take a bucket and fill it with tap water. Let it sit for at least 24 hours, even better if you add an air stone to pump some air through the water.
  • Add two teaspoons Bactrex and one teaspoon Mycotrex
  • Add 10ml Orgatrex
  • Let it bubble for half and hour, just so it is well mixed
  • Now comes the fun part...Were going to find out is she is a witch 🧙‍♀️ Dunk the pot in the water and hold it there until all bubbles are gone.
  • Then, very slowly, pull the pot out of the water. Do it really sloooooow as this will be in your benefit. The soil will keep it's structure better this way.
  • Put the pot back inside the tent and let her drip into some tray, but don't let her stand in the water, so raise the pot a couple cm's/inches...
  • Remove excess water. You can use this mix for all your plants. These are just the nitrifying bacteria and mycelia which will help you keep your leaves nice and green and keep your soil happy.
I wouldn't use any nutrients of sorts while your plant(s) look like this. First you need nice and green leaves, then we can start thinking about bulking up those buds ;)

Hope this helps. :toke: