Live Stoner Chat Hello from frozen divide

Your garden is excellent but ... on your next grow I would try to build a reflective wall around the plants .... possibly one that you can move a section at a time for access ... I use a lot of 1/8" particle board that is white on one side and Masonite on the other for containing my light w/ reflectivity ... it's hard to imagine a more successful grow than what you've got going but utilizing the lost light would make a difference .... you can also use simple Masonite covered on one side w/ either Mylar or tin foil shiny side out ... I have used tin foil for ever ... used Mylar briefly and like it but it's a b.tch to put up alone ...
Unless you have a LARGE drying room I would suggest not starting the next grow before the current one is in the jars ... as it is you should be able to hang your plants in your grow room if you don't have another space. In low rh conditions I like to hang the bush for a day or two then put a lawn and leaf bag over them to slow down their loss of humidity.
Your garden is excellent but ... on your next grow I would try to build a reflective wall around the plants .... possibly one that you can move a section at a time for access ... I use a lot of 1/8" particle board that is white on one side and Masonite on the other for containing my light w/ reflectivity ... it's hard to imagine a more successful grow than what you've got going but utilizing the lost light would make a difference .... you can also use simple Masonite covered on one side w/ either Mylar or tin foil shiny side out ... I have used tin foil for ever ... used Mylar briefly and like it but it's a b.tch to put up alone ...

Working on it right now. Thank you

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