Hecno's on going organics

I am going to give it ago , 2 Blackberry gum -- 9 x 50 watt Cree 3590s in 27 liter pots , I will top both of them as I believe they will handle it no problems . And leaf trimming . Soil is my next progression and I will use nutrients as needed . The soil is my own design and made from local inputs . I got 10 once's from 3 plants last grow , this time I am aiming for the same off 2 plants . The others are for outdoors . View attachment 909490 View attachment 909491 View attachment 909492 View attachment 909493
The middle photo is another soil that I banded in the pots , it is out of one of my worm bins .
cheers to home made soil!

your art?
Well to day I was blown away and I owe it to all of you :bow: So this is what happened , - My wife was working in the shop , I start very early and she runs it after I go home , A lady and her partner we have know for 25 years is very sick with cancer , Now both these lady's have never had anything to do with cannabis in any way . So she got talking to my wife about it and said all the drugs here partner has to have is making her very sick , when they went to the doctor to ask about medical cannabis , which here in Australia has come into law doctor says no -- no -- no -- , Fuckin rock apes , sorry for swearing but it makes me mad , It is a subject I have been studying , any way the wife said Hecno has been looking into it , So I had some cake in the freezer and the wife gave it to her to give to her partner , [ she has never smoked in her life ] Now this is party cake , not medicinal , but she noticed a change in how she felt and was able to get up and sort of do things . So said lady [ not the sick one ] came into the shop today to talk to me , and not having any idea how to get cannabis asked me .
This is where trust comes in and not losing faith in humanity . So I spent a fair bit of time explaining things to her . So I gave her a once of top heads Blackberry to make a cake for her partner . Which will be a way stronger than the cake she first had , Now this is going to lead me down the path of medicinal cannabis . The joy in this lady that said it helped her partner humbled me . Guys I don't pretend I am any thing I am not . The reason I I thank you all is because you have all helped me to be able to help other people .
big smiles!, never a downside to giving!
Very nice bud,nice frosty buds,should be some decent smoke for you.Thanks for running those bud..You have some amazing soil in your garden.I got a few of those going ,will see if they can take the heat.The temps in my room is getting in the high 90s F .We are not in our hottest part of the summer yet.I am already seeing some stress.I hope i can pull this off.This grow will test my knowledge base.LOLIf these don,t make it got plenty.They are holding their own right now.How many weeks on those hec.The Yeti mom was a ten week strain.Much respect bud.Peace Oh i got several of the Mex air going,two up so far.I will send you some pics when i get something to look at.Peace please
:spels:----- :drool: ripe and ready mate! :d5: -they must smell amazing now,... Le Paz is looking very nice, I think she did better with the soil's nutrient profile than the Desfran's did,... Some observations,....Sativa's can be tricky! I'm noting how the fans look, surprisingly untapped and green,... I think Hec', that there might not have been quite enough P, possibly K going in during bloom, maybe more N than is good? I'm looking at how the bud florets built up on Desfran crosses, they stacked but didn't bulk up as much as expected...lower P/K and higher N can lead to this sort of thing,... but then, this could just be how that pheno' grows! Any idea what F generation they are on? What were the temp's like?
...those little nub buds drive me nuts during trim! :rofl: ..nowadays, I clear out those inner, light starved, low input nodes,...I've let them go before and they never really pay off, so let the energy go to the tops instead! .... resins look great, I can't wait to see dry porn! ...betting the smoke will be primo- :coffee: :thumbsup: .. maybe even more zippy than the MA! .... mind the poor worms when you compost the fan trimmings, they might explode- :hothot: :poof: :rofl:
:zen:...garden is lovely as always mate,... the Paw Paw tree looks fantastic! :headbang:
Thanks for the input @Waira I really enjoy growing these , I was going to trim the bottom stuff off , but I thought this round I would leave them mostly alone to see there structure , being the first time I have grown them properly . Next round I will trim more , I too don't see the need for the bottom stuff --. nutrients -- I hear you on that , I will have a different plan of attack , next round -- Mango Haze -- and they will have a lot more sun hours too . I have till October [ 12 weeks ] flowering time if I plant out at end of June , which means they will have 4 weeks indoor veg . This is what we call the short season . We get 2 grows a year , Short and Long season and I am now going to sell my place in the hear future and buy a bigger block of land with better sun , Further out of town . I'll find out what F generation they are , Temps 15 c to 26 c average . :thumbsup: