Well to day I was blown away and I owe it to all of you

So this is what happened , - My wife was working in the shop , I start very early and she runs it after I go home , A lady and her partner we have know for 25 years is very sick with cancer , Now both these lady's have never had anything to do with cannabis in any way . So she got talking to my wife about it and said all the drugs here partner has to have is making her very sick , when they went to the doctor to ask about medical cannabis , which here in Australia has come into law doctor says no -- no -- no -- , Fuckin rock apes , sorry for swearing but it makes me mad , It is a subject I have been studying , any way the wife said Hecno has been looking into it , So I had some cake in the freezer and the wife gave it to her to give to her partner , [ she has never smoked in her life ] Now this is party cake , not medicinal , but she noticed a change in how she felt and was able to get up and sort of do things . So said lady [ not the sick one ] came into the shop today to talk to me , and not having any idea how to get cannabis asked me .
This is where trust comes in and not losing faith in humanity . So I spent a fair bit of time explaining things to her . So I gave her a once of top heads Blackberry to make a cake for her partner . Which will be a way stronger than the cake she first had , Now this is going to lead me down the path of medicinal cannabis . The joy in this lady that said it helped her partner humbled me . Guys I don't pretend I am any thing I am not . The reason I I thank you all is because you have all helped me to be able to help other people .