-- good brother Hecno, have I not always said you are a Prince?

..... Robbio cautions wisely, but one must trust their instincts too,... (
Robbio mate, Cheers to you for 30 years as a nurse! My family is loaded with Dr.'s and me bro' is a OR nurse/surgical assistant)... as long as you made clear the need for absolute discretion, I think you're secure enough,...Sometimes the Universe connects a few dots for good reason-

.... I have helped with two very dear family members fight their cancer with cannabis products, neither were ever "partakers"... the challenge is how to administer the meds! Edibles for one, vape'/joint tokes for the other,.... I highly recommend you chat with Root about this, and get some recipes to pass on to your ladies,... I think an cooked oil extract might be a good place to start, for ease of dosing, minimal "food" intake, if appetite and retention is a problem,... my main worry with edibles is the difficulty in adjusting the dosage because of the inherent variables going via the GI route,... also, the liver does temporarily convert THC (delta-9) into a more psychoactive form 11-hydroxy-THC (basically double potency, and lasting)... this can be of great help when dialed in, but can also be a mess if overdosed,... if the ill lady can learn to toke, so much the better, as you know this is the fastest and most readily self-adjusting way to dose,...

Your boys are fantastic mate! Good apples from a good tree

.... both learning very good skills too,...
The garden is ramping up nicely indeed

... are you a salsa kinda guy Hec? Pico de gallo,...

... tomatoes down the hatch a 100 different ways

... are you growing any chili's?
.... what's this about leaf spot?

toss a few pics up mate, and nothing doing about figuring it out alone! This is how we learn here too ya know-- sharing good and bad :smoking:... microbial attacks are more tricky, and rare by far here,... also, tougher to figure out cause and effect! Often the fungal/bacterial pathogens get in via more insidious routes, from vermins feeding on the plant, opening up a path through the cuticle, or physical damage too,... But as long as it isn't going nuts and spreading, a few leaves isn't a worry,... I find the plant figures it out past a point to, and forms that abscission layer fast to ditch the infected leaf!
How are the Desfran crosses coming along? Hard to say from the pic, but they still looks a little ways off,...? I know you like a more stimulating active buzz, so minimal ambering is you ticket,.. you have your knock-dowm meds already!

.... My experience with the Sativa's in general is to get them when ambering on bracts is about 10% (I like zippy too, but not jittery),... from ther after dry, it's all about 'testing"

... one of my Acapulco Golds was like bad biker speed initially

-- a month of cure fixed that though,...I think this is more of a terpene thing than a cannabinoid,.... how's their perfume now mate?
I'll have a PM incoming to you shortly,....:smoking: