Hecno's on going organics

Man, things are looking good in hecno land:d5: you're going to have an edible and smokable jungle there brother. I love seeing the pics of your yard:drool:
Hecno's Sunday . What a great day in Hecno land . I have 2 sons , one is into pig hunting, fishing , out door type of bloke , He decided he wanted to learn how to weld , he took on himself to learn ,As I don't have any idea about it , He spent 6 hours on Sunday to practice .
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My other younger son is into art and playing music , He he is making a Bowed Lyre , he even chopped the tail of his girlfriends horse for strings . :rofl:
He is making it with all hand tools and it is made of a local hard wood , spent most of the day on it . I'll post a photo when finished .View attachment 911493

So what doe's Dad done --- The Garden --- had a great day too 6 am to 5 pm mucking around , Our season is just starting to get going and have till about mid October till it gets to hot .
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I recon I'll get my 500 gram tomato this year .
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As you can see still a lot of empty space , This I'll let have another wet season on it before I plant in it as it is not as old as the other parts . These beds are 100 % organic and nearly made up of all local inputs , [ Tropical ] Now guys , for you that are into organics I highly recommend a book called --- Permaculture A Designers Manual -- By Bill Mollison .
Truly awesome book , My son got it for me .
@Waira I agree with you on the deficiency , I am now thinking a Leaf Spot Disease , I'll post a photo later today as 2 leafs on my out door plant has it .
The reason I did not post anything early on about it , I need to figure these things out myself now . The Photos I have a Desfan x Sour 2 will be ready this time next week I recon , the second one will be a bit longer

Second one .
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She is bulking up real well :mrgreen: not bad as they only get around 6 hours full sun , Started a bit late with them , With the second run I will have a lot more sun light hours on them . One good thing about a family day like this is --- Hoy son can ya go and roll me a joint oh and get me a cold beer to . Sunday don't get any better .than this . :bighug: :thumbsup:
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Yes. To all of that!

Great book first of all. I've read parts of it, if you have not read it yet, I also recommend "the one straw revolution" by Fukuoka

I spent a dozen years or so making drums and instruments. I made a few skin banjos, a mountain dulcimer, and dozens of hand drums. I LOVE the lyre. Y'all are kickin ass down there.

Well to day I was blown away and I owe it to all of you :bow: So this is what happened , - My wife was working in the shop , I start very early and she runs it after I go home , A lady and her partner we have know for 25 years is very sick with cancer , Now both these lady's have never had anything to do with cannabis in any way . So she got talking to my wife about it and said all the drugs here partner has to have is making her very sick , when they went to the doctor to ask about medical cannabis , which here in Australia has come into law doctor says no -- no -- no -- , Fuckin rock apes , sorry for swearing but it makes me mad , It is a subject I have been studying , any way the wife said Hecno has been looking into it , So I had some cake in the freezer and the wife gave it to her to give to her partner , [ she has never smoked in her life ] Now this is party cake , not medicinal , but she noticed a change in how she felt and was able to get up and sort of do things . So said lady [ not the sick one ] came into the shop today to talk to me , and not having any idea how to get cannabis asked me .
This is where trust comes in and not losing faith in humanity . So I spent a fair bit of time explaining things to her . So I gave her a once of top heads Blackberry to make a cake for her partner . Which will be a way stronger than the cake she first had , Now this is going to lead me down the path of medicinal cannabis . The joy in this lady that said it helped her partner humbled me . Guys I don't pretend I am any thing I am not . The reason I I thank you all is because you have all helped me to be able to help other people .
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Good work bud,i always try to help people,but have to be very careful who i say what to.Its still a very sticky subject in these parts.No pun intended.I see lots of people i could really help.Sadly this is a few years down the road me thinks.I was a nurse for over 30 years,i could have helped a lot of people over the years,if i would have had some real meds in my bag of tricks.You are a good person Hec.Much respect bro.Peace please
That's a great tale hecno,:thumbsup: glad you were able to make a real change in someones life.:worship: It's starting to happen, people are getting past their prejudices and finding relief in our plant.
:bighug: -- good brother Hecno, have I not always said you are a Prince? :karmacloud: :smoker1: ..... Robbio cautions wisely, but one must trust their instincts too,... (Robbio mate, Cheers to you for 30 years as a nurse! My family is loaded with Dr.'s and me bro' is a OR nurse/surgical assistant)... as long as you made clear the need for absolute discretion, I think you're secure enough,...Sometimes the Universe connects a few dots for good reason- :eyebrows:.... I have helped with two very dear family members fight their cancer with cannabis products, neither were ever "partakers"... the challenge is how to administer the meds! Edibles for one, vape'/joint tokes for the other,.... I highly recommend you chat with Root about this, and get some recipes to pass on to your ladies,... I think an cooked oil extract might be a good place to start, for ease of dosing, minimal "food" intake, if appetite and retention is a problem,... my main worry with edibles is the difficulty in adjusting the dosage because of the inherent variables going via the GI route,... also, the liver does temporarily convert THC (delta-9) into a more psychoactive form 11-hydroxy-THC (basically double potency, and lasting)... this can be of great help when dialed in, but can also be a mess if overdosed,... if the ill lady can learn to toke, so much the better, as you know this is the fastest and most readily self-adjusting way to dose,...:goodluck:

:cheers: Your boys are fantastic mate! Good apples from a good tree :biggrin:.... both learning very good skills too,... :thumbsup:

The garden is ramping up nicely indeed :woohoo1:... are you a salsa kinda guy Hec? Pico de gallo,... :drool: ... tomatoes down the hatch a 100 different ways :rofl: ... are you growing any chili's?
.... what's this about leaf spot? :eek1: toss a few pics up mate, and nothing doing about figuring it out alone! This is how we learn here too ya know-- sharing good and bad :smoking:... microbial attacks are more tricky, and rare by far here,... also, tougher to figure out cause and effect! Often the fungal/bacterial pathogens get in via more insidious routes, from vermins feeding on the plant, opening up a path through the cuticle, or physical damage too,... But as long as it isn't going nuts and spreading, a few leaves isn't a worry,... I find the plant figures it out past a point to, and forms that abscission layer fast to ditch the infected leaf!
How are the Desfran crosses coming along? Hard to say from the pic, but they still looks a little ways off,...? I know you like a more stimulating active buzz, so minimal ambering is you ticket,.. you have your knock-dowm meds already! :rofl:.... My experience with the Sativa's in general is to get them when ambering on bracts is about 10% (I like zippy too, but not jittery),... from ther after dry, it's all about 'testing" :coffee:... one of my Acapulco Golds was like bad biker speed initially :rofl:-- a month of cure fixed that though,...I think this is more of a terpene thing than a cannabinoid,.... how's their perfume now mate?
I'll have a PM incoming to you shortly,....:smoking:
Hecno's Sunday . What a great day in Hecno land . I have 2 sons , one is into pig hunting, fishing , out door type of bloke , He decided he wanted to learn how to weld , he took on himself to learn ,As I don't have any idea about it , He spent 6 hours on Sunday to practice .
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My other younger son is into art and playing music , He he is making a Bowed Lyre , he even chopped the tail of his girlfriends horse for strings . :rofl:
He is making it with all hand tools and it is made of a local hard wood , spent most of the day on it . I'll post a photo when finished .View attachment 911493

So what doe's Dad done --- The Garden --- had a great day too 6 am to 5 pm mucking around , Our season is just starting to get going and have till about mid October till it gets to hot .
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I recon I'll get my 500 gram tomato this year .
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As you can see still a lot of empty space , This I'll let have another wet season on it before I plant in it as it is not as old as the other parts . These beds are 100 % organic and nearly made up of all local inputs , [ Tropical ] Now guys , for you that are into organics I highly recommend a book called --- Permaculture A Designers Manual -- By Bill Mollison .
Truly awesome book , My son got it for me .
@Waira I agree with you on the deficiency , I am now thinking a Leaf Spot Disease , I'll post a photo later today as 2 leafs on my out door plant has it .
The reason I did not post anything early on about it , I need to figure these things out myself now . The Photos I have a Desfan x Sour 2 will be ready this time next week I recon , the second one will be a bit longer

Second one .
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She is bulking up real well :mrgreen: not bad as they only get around 6 hours full sun , Started a bit late with them , With the second run I will have a lot more sun light hours on them . One good thing about a family day like this is --- Hoy son can ya go and roll me a joint oh and get me a cold beer to . Sunday don't get any better .than this . :bighug: :thumbsup:
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I also have boys. Having good kids is such a blessing. Sounds like Sunday was a slice of heaven for ol' Hec.
@Waira Here ya go you old pervert , no cloths on . :rofl:
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Some observations --- This plant --- Resin content is very high , it was not so much sticky , more like oily and very sticky . - Yield should be just over 3 once , but we will see when it is dry . --- Problems --- Cal/Mag --- Now this is what let me down , I did know going into this that the cob lights can create a problem and I thought I had covered , but no , at one stage I had it as high as 2 ml a ltr to correct it , I believe it did effect the yield as it could have been better . The plant -- Mexican Airlines -- gave me the chance but But I did not get on top of the Cal/Mag issue quick enough . ---- Soil --- very happy with the way it is working , but I still have a way to go with it , but each time it getting longer before I have to use nutrients . --- The Nutrients -- Molasses --- Plant of health -- 10/10/10
and there Bio trace element mixture , liquid seaweed , --- Bloom Advanced Floriculture , PK -- and ooze -- plus home made teas , I have been making my own ratios , with the 10/10/10 as a base , like if I use 3 ml a litre it makes it a 3/3/3 and if I add ooze it will give me a 3/7.3 / 7.4 --I also top dressed with wild worm castings so every time I watered it would leach in [ covered with hay ] --- Leaf trimming , did a fair bit of this , I took lower leafs off and those I thought where redundant . -------- Cob Lights ---- Just bloody awesome , the light penetration amazing . --- Light distance [ 9 ] cobs , veg 36 in Flower 22 in , I found 22 in for flower is what they liked . Room Temp 24c to 26 c Humidity 60 to 50 % . Light time 18/6 . Pests- NONE - Well that's about it , 2 plants to go , one will come out on the weekend and the other a bit longer . --- Forgot , Plant height 90 cm and 50 cm wide . :thumbsup:
covered in flower!
Yes @Waira it is Fast Buds Mexican Airlines . it is very heavy on the sativa side , buds not tight at all , First 3 Blackberry [ Fast Buds ] and then Blackberry Gum [ Seed Stockers ] - First up the FB , Blackberry . Yum , smells great , nice rock hard buds .
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Now we have Blackberry gum . Smell just like bubble gum awesome smell about it . Buds are rock solid should get over 4 once's dry off her , I will have a total dry weight later on . And Waira , I started feeding them around 2/12 to 3 weeks into flower . Nearly have the aromas sorted :biggrin:View attachment 906043 View attachment 906046 View attachment 906045

I am very impressed with Blackberry Gum , and have more seeds coming , I just have to grow it again . :thumbsup:
these look to be pack n some weight!, nice color on the blackberry