Hecno's on going organics

Yes @Waira it is Fast Buds Mexican Airlines . it is very heavy on the sativa side , buds not tight at all , First 3 Blackberry [ Fast Buds ] and then Blackberry Gum [ Seed Stockers ] - First up the FB , Blackberry . Yum , smells great , nice rock hard buds .
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Now we have Blackberry gum . Smell just like bubble gum awesome smell about it . Buds are rock solid should get over 4 once's dry off her , I will have a total dry weight later on . And Waira , I started feeding them around 2/12 to 3 weeks into flower . Nearly have the aromas sorted :biggrin:View attachment 906043 View attachment 906046 View attachment 906045

I am very impressed with Blackberry Gum , and have more seeds coming , I just have to grow it again . :thumbsup:

I got a pack of BBG just burning a hole in me pocket! All i ever see is awesome examples!!
@robbio Here is your girl , I thought I would get some all round shots for you , She is a dream to grow . @Waira Now the bit I am not very good at -- Smell -- I find pine , with a of earthy type smell , very nose cleaning , reminds me of being in a pine forest . . :thumbsup:
:drool::drool::drool: Hec' I'm, drooling! The DP girls are just stellar mate :d5:.... beautiful buds, solid and gummy with resins! BBG is really killing me :rofl:-- berry bubblegum aromatics *slobber*,.... makes me want to fire off some HBSS, but on this first run, I'm avoiding such potential monster plants,.. oh that's right, I haven't mentioned yet, I scored a 4 x 2 tent recently! :woohoo:..space opened up in the little OD courtyard, and so I swooped in to fill the "void" :rofl:..... it's my frist one too BTW, so it's a new learning curve there, but since I have no need to fully rig it with carbon filters and all that, it's pretty KISS :greenthumb:.... I got me COB's beaming away on babies already!.... Skyrone Stomper, Cosmic Queen, (Stickman's) MoB/OGK x C99a, Amber (Portal) which is in the 2L comp'; Super Blueberry (unreleased Short Stuff), and a Sour Livers,... SBB was not a wise choice, I had forgotten that it's shown to be a long bloom time plant, but I guess we'll see now! I still plan to give them actual Sun time in bloom anyway,...
....Mate, get us dry-porn when you can, and of course, more goodness from the photo girls too! :vibe: :hump: :pass:
Ok, here are some bud shots @Waira . first up Bubble Gum .

Next Blackberry .

and my Favorite , Mexican Airlines .

Well I have been making tea for my veggie garden . As you know I like to muck around , I think this tea is going to be a winner , we will see . It is a simple mix . I used worm soil out of one of my 60 ltr bins .

to 20 ltr of water I added about 1 1/2 cups of this lovely stuff , 1/2 cup Guano - 40 ml of Fish Hydrolysate - Molasses 1/4 a cup - and 40 ml liquid Sea Weed --
And this is what I have --- 19 hours later . :biggrin:

One thing I am finding out about teas is you really have to just do it , you can read about it , but playing around with it is what gets the job done . It does not take long to get the hang of it , and it is easy to do . Something else I have been meaning to show you . Remember the big raised bed I filled with wood chip and horse manure and other stuff , well here it is now , [ it was filled to the top . ] What is growing in there has only had water .

This photo was taken 2 1/2 weeks ago wit 6 days of that time with very little sun . . :thumbsup:
:drool: :clapper::clapper::clapper: -- *slobber* ... that's the good stuff right there mate! Top shelf nuggetry, as fine as any I've seen of their kind, fresh from Hecno Farms- :d5:.....lovely colors on the DP girls... that BB is centerfold material- :eyebrows: ..don't you just love that deep purple color and the way the resins stand out against it? Excellent work my friend, and so much more to come! :pighug:.... the DP girls are usually pretty heavy handed on the buzz, are they so for you? ... mmmm, MA is looking very enticing,... how's her aroma? I'm curious to see is she's similar to the Acapulco Golds I grew; one was a banana-bubblegum, the other a nose stingy metallic citrus.... the buzzes were right up your ally! :coffee:

:cheers: -- pass me a mugga that frothy brothy goodness mate- :rofl:...just fizzing with life! ...the beds look great Hec', how long ago were they set? ..some big level drops happening :greenthumb:

:smokeout: :bow: Thank you Hec' for the bud pics! ...we are ready for some photo' ladies now- :woody: :haha:
@Waira It just so happens I have just taken some , only one , as I have a issue with 25 to 30 knot winds , and this is the only one that came out good . Hopefully later in the week the wind drops . :thumbsup:

The big bed was started around 10 months ago . With the leafs , they are off a tree that drops them this time of year . [ Kapok Tree ] it is the only one to drop its leafs , the rest are ever green .
I am going to give it ago , 2 Blackberry gum -- 9 x 50 watt Cree 3590s in 27 liter pots , I will top both of them as I believe they will handle it no problems . And leaf trimming . Soil is my next progression and I will use nutrients as needed . The soil is my own design and made from local inputs . I got 10 once's from 3 plants last grow , this time I am aiming for the same off 2 plants . The others are for outdoors .

The middle photo is another soil that I banded in the pots , it is out of one of my worm bins .
Hey brother nice to see a new grow taking off! good grow karma to you....you got the soil and you got the skills should be getting some great herbage:greenthumb::karmacloud:
I think I found the answer to a problem I had last grow , --- too much calcium can cause a phosphorus deficiency and vice versa.

They both bind strongly together to make calcium phosphate.--- I would say I did not allow for the high calcium in the bat guano I was using . K 12 - C 29 - Si 10
and adding more - C - gave me a [ k ] deficiency , thoughts on this guys . @Waira @912GreenSkell