Hecno's Sunday . What a great day in Hecno land . I have 2 sons , one is into pig hunting, fishing , out door type of bloke , He decided he wanted to learn how to weld , he took on himself to learn ,As I don't have any idea about it , He spent 6 hours on Sunday to practice .
My other younger son is into art and playing music , He he is making a Bowed Lyre , he even chopped the tail of his girlfriends horse for strings .
He is making it with all hand tools and it is made of a local hard wood , spent most of the day on it . I'll post a photo when finished .
So what doe's Dad done --- The Garden --- had a great day too 6 am to 5 pm mucking around , Our season is just starting to get going and have till about mid October till it gets to hot .
I recon I'll get my 500 gram tomato this year .
As you can see still a lot of empty space , This I'll let have another wet season on it before I plant in it as it is not as old as the other parts . These beds are 100 % organic and nearly made up of all local inputs , [ Tropical ] Now guys , for you that are into organics I highly recommend a book called --- Permaculture A Designers Manual -- By Bill Mollison .
Truly awesome book , My son got it for me .
@Waira I agree with you on the deficiency , I am now thinking a Leaf Spot Disease , I'll post a photo later today as 2 leafs on my out door plant has it .
The reason I did not post anything early on about it , I need to figure these things out myself now . The Photos I have a Desfan x Sour 2 will be ready this time next week I recon , the second one will be a bit longer
Second one .
She is bulking up real well

not bad as they only get around 6 hours full sun , Started a bit late with them , With the second run I will have a lot more sun light hours on them . One good thing about a family day like this is --- Hoy son can ya go and roll me a joint oh and get me a cold beer to . Sunday don't get any better .than this .