Hecno's on going organics

:smokeout: G'day mates! A pleasant Saturday to yeh,....:woohoo1:

:spels: :hothot: Hec, they are getting more sexy every time I see them! :d5:... I too really enjoy just taking a seat, having a pipe or three, and just soaking them in through my eyes and nose,.. this is the Good Stuff, ay? :zen:..wish I was there! .... LePaz looks like she had some sort of wad-up on the lead,... no matter, now you have a club head instead of a cola! *foooooore!* :biggrin:
..she has petite bones mate, likely you'll have to start tying her up as the buds gain weight,...
... Zam'-Yeti is making nuggetry! This girl will be swaying with weight soon, but looks plenty sturdy....:thumbsup:
.... :hump: oh man, the Desfran x's are getting me sweaty! :rofl: --- they look spot on Hec', beautiful Sativa style buds,... filling in nicely too! Are these F1's? .... that gal there has big hands and lean fingers,.. you know what they say about those kinda gals,...:eyebrows: ..... she has a big cola too- :rofl: :eek1: .....speaking of which, another very cool thing with these two is the differences in their top cola structure, a perfect example of how that more sideways leaning top got the hormone changes to start making side nuggs into mini-colas, much like an early super-cropping kinking can do-:greenthumb:... that's going to be a hoot by harvest, a row of several fat finger colas! :wiz:

>>> @Tommy McCain .... tell about what aloe does please! Is it the food grade stuff? I saw big jugs of this at Walmart the other day,... wondering if it was pasteurized, and so destroying some of the goodies normally found in the gel,.... Thanks for the Ful-Power tips mate! BioAg has a lot of good info, and is sure seems like this company is one of the best,... other nute companies mention them by name- :thumbsup:

....:biggrin: I have a few aloes around, but not the medical types! I'll post some pics, as succulents and cacti are favorites of mine too,....
Yep The outdoor girls are coming a long nicely :thumbsup: After these are done I will be planting Mango Haze and when they are done I will plant Mango x Laos and Zamal / PR x THH -- For the long season . Right to the Autos - I got the dates wrong on them . So we are at day 80 with about 5 % amber , I will harvest them later in the week . I have come to the conclusion that I like the more Sativa type smoke . I am very active and find my more Indica sits me down and I get lost in space , Waira I don't know if they are F1 but I can find out . And the outdoor plant was Kinked , it was getting to tall .
The answer I have been looking for , any input @Waira
Posted in: Agronomy and Analytics

From product efficacy to ease of application, it is important to get your pH levels right.
With heightened awareness around agronomic practices, growers are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of knowing and managing pH levels in the soil. However, it is important not to forget that pH levels of the water you use can have a significant impact in the sprayer.

Let’s look at four reasons why pH levels matter in spray solutions, along with recommendations to help you avoid any concerns.

1. pH affects the stability and performance of insecticides.
Pesticide performance (especially insecticides) can be dramatically affected if the water you use is alkaline (with a pH between 7.5 and 9.0). This can lead to alkaline hydrolysis, which causes the pesticide to decompose to an inactive form – resulting in poor insect control.

The solution: Decomposition can be slowed or prevented by using an acidifying product solution to achieve a pH level of 6.0 or below. Acidified pesticide sprays frequently provide improved initial pest control and longer residual control.

CLICK HERE for list outlining recommended pH levels for a number of common insecticides, fungicides and herbicides (by product name and active ingredient).

2. Your pH impacts solubility and nutrient uptake.
Nutrients must be present in water-soluble form for effective plant uptake. Fertilizer and nutrient products that have a neutral pH and low water solubility make it hard for plants to immediately absorb the nutrients.

The solution: Acidifying the water to a safe level will increase solubility of nutrients within the spray tank, making them more readily available for plant uptake. Where quick response is desired, such as in fast-growing crops or where deficiency correction is urgent, this effect is especially important.

3. Foliar sprays require an acidic pH for proper absorption.
Foliar absorption is pH dependent. The pH level regulates the complex electrostatic repulsion and attraction phenomena within the plant’s cuticle. For example, it is believed that the optimal pH level for phosphate absorption and utilization is between 3 – 3.7. There is evidence that zinc is absorbed best at a pH range between pH 4.1 – 4.9. While much research needs to be done, it is clear that optimal pH levels vary according to each nutrient and its carrier.

The solution: Again, acidify the water and seek the advice of an agronomy professional if required.

4. Extreme pH imbalances can burn the plant surface.
Plants are generally tolerant of sprays with a wide range of pH. Naturally, extremes at either end of the pH scale should be avoided.

Phytotoxicity is a chief concern. A spray solution with a significant pH imbalance can “burn” the plant, and result in soft tissue death, stunting, russeting, leaf spotting, dead leaf tips, dead areas between leaves and distortion of the leaves and reproductive organs

The solution: Avoid extreme pH levels in a spray solution. Spray solutions should not be acidified if they contain lime, lime sulfur, or fixed copper products where copper may become solubilized by the acidity resulting in possible plant injury.

Note: Other factors besides pH that affect phytotoxicity are concentration, salt index, chemical reactivity, and weather conditions.

Tips for managing pH levels in your spray solutions.
As you can see, pH plays an important role in the performance of your spray solutions. To summarize:

  • As a general practice, spray solutions work best in an acidic solution (pH 4.0 – 6.0).

  • Pesticides are most effective at a pH of 6.0 or below.

  • Phosphate is absorbed best at a pH slightly below 4.0.

  • Most spray products become more soluble as pH decreases.

  • Extremely high or low pH levels can cause leaf burn.

  • Spray solutions should not be acidified if they contain lime, lime sulfur, or fixed copper products, carbonate, hydride.

  • Acid spray solutions help control certain fungi and may be a factor in maintaining populations of some beneficial insects.

It starts by knowing the pH level of your water supply. When it comes to product mixing and compatibility, always follow the labels and consult with your farm supply retailer if you have any questions. They may recommend use of an acidifying product or a tank mix adjuvant designed to improve solubility, compatibility and efficacy.
:vibe::vibe::vibe: --Just awesome Hec'!! :bow: :clapper: Those are as fine as they get my friend, the results speak for themselves! That soil of yours is showing to be truly excellent, pure Gold..... look at how nicely they are finishing, the fan leaves are telling the Tale!.... whatever tinkering with supp's you did was perfect! I'm blown away at the bulking they did mate, it's like you used a high PK booster :greenthumb:... your P-K sourcing has both lasted and released just right,... the aroma's must be divine by now! :drool:... 80 days, about right for the DP's, and the bulk on that MA, worth the extra time,.... Please post us nekked-lady harvest pics if you can mate, I'd love to see all the bud that hidden right now by her foliage! :hump:--peel those veils away :rofl::dancer:

>>>> :thumbsup: another good snippet of info Hec', thank you for that! I've heard some nonsense about how foliar pH, barring extremes, was not really relevant, but I never bought it,... same pH related chemistry/availability rules apply to nute/supplement solutions whether used for foliar or in-pot! It's about the chemical form the nute ions are in,...and perhaps especially in the case of foliar, how well chelated they are (and with what- :eyebrows:...fulvics, amino's, going right on in,... no need for a "disassembly/hand-off routine").... As for P, I've never dealt with P defc. by foliar... never had it defc. during veg', and foliar during bloom is something I frown upon unless it's dire,....everything else in this article makes sense to me!
:smokeout: G'day mates! A pleasant Saturday to yeh,....:woohoo1:

:spels: :hothot: Hec, they are getting more sexy every time I see them! :d5:... I too really enjoy just taking a seat, having a pipe or three, and just soaking them in through my eyes and nose,.. this is the Good Stuff, ay? :zen:..wish I was there! .... LePaz looks like she had some sort of wad-up on the lead,... no matter, now you have a club head instead of a cola! *foooooore!* :biggrin:
..she has petite bones mate, likely you'll have to start tying her up as the buds gain weight,...
... Zam'-Yeti is making nuggetry! This girl will be swaying with weight soon, but looks plenty sturdy....:thumbsup:
.... :hump: oh man, the Desfran x's are getting me sweaty! :rofl: --- they look spot on Hec', beautiful Sativa style buds,... filling in nicely too! Are these F1's? .... that gal there has big hands and lean fingers,.. you know what they say about those kinda gals,...:eyebrows: ..... she has a big cola too- :rofl: :eek1: .....speaking of which, another very cool thing with these two is the differences in their top cola structure, a perfect example of how that more sideways leaning top got the hormone changes to start making side nuggs into mini-colas, much like an early super-cropping kinking can do-:greenthumb:... that's going to be a hoot by harvest, a row of several fat finger colas! :wiz:

>>> @Tommy McCain .... tell about what aloe does please! Is it the food grade stuff? I saw big jugs of this at Walmart the other day,... wondering if it was pasteurized, and so destroying some of the goodies normally found in the gel,.... Thanks for the Ful-Power tips mate! BioAg has a lot of good info, and is sure seems like this company is one of the best,... other nute companies mention them by name- :thumbsup:

....:biggrin: I have a few aloes around, but not the medical types! I'll post some pics, as succulents and cacti are favorites of mine too,....

@Waira, aloe has so many benefits I can't possibly list them all. I have a killer PDF paper on aloe and the chemical composition. But I cannot upload PDFs to this forum for some reason. I can give you a general idea of what it contains. Specifically I think the list of carbohydrates and inorganic compounds (Calcium, chlorine, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, zinc) is amazing. It also carries a full list of plant enzymes and B vitamins. I have used a bottled aloe from the store with good success but I think getting a few aloe plants growing is a more sustainable long term goal. Plus I think fresh aloe works better.
@Waira Here ya go you old pervert , no cloths on . :rofl:

Some observations --- This plant --- Resin content is very high , it was not so much sticky , more like oily and very sticky . - Yield should be just over 3 once , but we will see when it is dry . --- Problems --- Cal/Mag --- Now this is what let me down , I did know going into this that the cob lights can create a problem and I thought I had covered , but no , at one stage I had it as high as 2 ml a ltr to correct it , I believe it did effect the yield as it could have been better . The plant -- Mexican Airlines -- gave me the chance but But I did not get on top of the Cal/Mag issue quick enough . ---- Soil --- very happy with the way it is working , but I still have a way to go with it , but each time it getting longer before I have to use nutrients . --- The Nutrients -- Molasses --- Plant of health -- 10/10/10
and there Bio trace element mixture , liquid seaweed , --- Bloom Advanced Floriculture , PK -- and ooze -- plus home made teas , I have been making my own ratios , with the 10/10/10 as a base , like if I use 3 ml a litre it makes it a 3/3/3 and if I add ooze it will give me a 3/7.3 / 7.4 --I also top dressed with wild worm castings so every time I watered it would leach in [ covered with hay ] --- Leaf trimming , did a fair bit of this , I took lower leafs off and those I thought where redundant . -------- Cob Lights ---- Just bloody awesome , the light penetration amazing . --- Light distance [ 9 ] cobs , veg 36 in Flower 22 in , I found 22 in for flower is what they liked . Room Temp 24c to 26 c Humidity 60 to 50 % . Light time 18/6 . Pests- NONE - Well that's about it , 2 plants to go , one will come out on the weekend and the other a bit longer . --- Forgot , Plant height 90 cm and 50 cm wide . :thumbsup:
:woody::woohoo::woody: thanks for indulging us mate! :rofl::pighug: ...... there's a ton of fine bud on that beaut'! :clapper: :bow:..... This is MA you say? ...yes, I'm thinking about a qp too, depending on how dense the buds are,.. only a nice finger-hug can really tell that! The resin texture, I think I know what you mean... It's kinda greasy-slick at first, them gets stiff-gummy after some exposure..? I have a Lambsbread version that makes strangely greasy resins, not sticky much at all regardless,... weird! --but she's wonderful smoke,...

Roger that on the nutes and supp', thanks :greenthumb:... when did you start to feed in earnest? I didn't see much Ca defc. mate, sure didn't look severe enough to hurt yields significantly,... OK, what's ooze? :eyebrows:-- sounds nasty-licious! All in all, it's worked nicely indeed,... I really like the no vermins part too,.. I was a little worried with their slightly OD exposure, they'd be spotted,....So it's the DP girls left still? Who comes down next?

:spels::spels::spels:..photo gals are filling in so well now- :d5: - excellent! LePaz's top is looking almost silly now, ay? One giant bud wad! ...still buggin' you about aromas on them mate,... :rofl:
Yes @Waira it is Fast Buds Mexican Airlines . it is very heavy on the sativa side , buds not tight at all , First 3 Blackberry [ Fast Buds ] and then Blackberry Gum [ Seed Stockers ] - First up the FB , Blackberry . Yum , smells great , nice rock hard buds .

Now we have Blackberry gum . Smell just like bubble gum awesome smell about it . Buds are rock solid should get over 4 once's dry off her , I will have a total dry weight later on . And Waira , I started feeding them around 2/12 to 3 weeks into flower . Nearly have the aromas sorted :biggrin:

I am very impressed with Blackberry Gum , and have more seeds coming , I just have to grow it again . :thumbsup: