Hecno's on going organics

If we are going to saved as a species , we have to change our way of thinking . maybe after all this is over we will better off , Help your mates , tell them they are being silly buggers . Stop the me - me - me and for gods sake -- fuck -- the fat lips -- Yuk :biggrin: ,
@Waira @Iriee Vibez Ficus Miro Capa -- Green Island fig .
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This next one is a Strangler Fig , just not to sure which one at this stage , I have just saved it 4 weeks ago .
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Now You guys do not report me the the - RSPSV - :haha: Work that out :biggrin: :smoking:View attachment 1222311
@St. Tom and this is your fault .
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I know the pot is big . But I am ready mate . next grow I am in . Solo cup ' It will be fun mate . :thumbsup: Waira , both with the boy, Bu that is cool , seed planted , Z99 The flavour carry's on , it is a very happy stone , some are finding it strong , I like the indoors better , my timing on the out door girl was wrong , I recon a month to 6 weeks to early due to sun light hours , This next photo is my Rocket .
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With this , I take a leaf then get a bit of basil and rap it around a tomato , Massive flavor hit . This is the hot one , not the rubbish ya get from a supermarket . Be Kind Please . Hecno :cooldance:

Love the garden, man! That strangler fig is very interesting to look at. And I see you are testing out small containers too! That’s awesome. I haven’t managed to kill my solo cup plant yet, so I am encouraged!
Ficus Miro Capa -- Green Island fig .

bloody excellent stuff mate! The Ficus is a prize, looks like a Bonsai master worked her for years already...
Ah, another Strangler? A nice grab on that one Hec', it has that cool creepy tissue and sinew look to it!
How's that Z99 treatin' ya?
I see you're practicing for the next Solo Comp!

Here's a little dark-eyed beauty that flew in the kitchen last night,... super mellow this one, had to get pics!
Yep yep trying to figure out my lineup,i got more seeds than i got sense .Peace please
:funny:... and still we get more! Are you running auto's, or photo's? Have I set the hook yet on you trying a Fast Version? .check out the SSSC Creeper auto grow-show, a longer cycle large auto, very nice!
Howdy all , internet is still shit and I am not sure if this is going to work , but here goes , I have started a new grow , testing some strains for @The_Skunkist , I have been taking photos but I will post them when the bloody net is fixed , uploading just does not work as the issue is a external problem . @Wairalove the bug mate , and the Z99 is bloody awesome . curing up nicely and super smooth and starting to get a bit of caramel taste . The high is is dream like , puts me in a very happy place , makes me feel at peace with the world , lasts a good while and encourages me to work in the garden [ In a dream like state ] :biggrin: :thumbsup:

Now lets see if this works .