Hecno's on going organics

Well all seems to be fixed so here we go - What I have here is 4 of each , killer Fuel , which is Killer Kush x Russian Rocket Fuel , Then Madarine Fuel , which is Cream Mandarine x Russian Rocket Fuel , they are regs so the males will be pulled out . In the photos they are 6 days old today and my dirt with seeds direct sown . Room temp 26 c and 60 % humidity ,

and here is my solo cup girl -- Amnesia Kush -- Same age.

Day 22 since dried - Z99 - :cooldance:

His name is Knuckle Head . :biggrin:

His girl friends ,

I forgot . The soil this time is close to 7 months . I did gently mix it to bring the older bottom soil up . ph is 6.6 . This is the soil the plants are in .

I took most of the worms out to put in the new soil , Its a good feeling when you build soil and plant with it . :thumbsup:

Howdy all , internet is still shit and I am not sure if this is going to work , but here goes , I have started a new grow , testing some strains for @The_Skunkist , I have been taking photos but I will post them when the bloody net is fixed , uploading just does not work as the issue is a external problem . @Wairalove the bug mate , and the Z99 is bloody awesome . curing up nicely and super smooth and starting to get a bit of caramel taste . The high is is dream like , puts me in a very happy place , makes me feel at peace with the world , lasts a good while and encourages me to work in the garden [ In a dream like state ] :biggrin: :thumbsup:

Now lets see if this works .
Z99, gotta get me some! That kind of buzz is very desirable,... :zen:....... juicy nugg shot mate! :drool: It looks to have darkened up; I've had a few cultivars that do that consistently, Green Poison is one of them. I still have to get you to grow that one Hec', the F1FV would be excellent for your OD photo season.... And pending final results on Red Mandarine F1FV, the orange aromatics are not to be missed :yay:-finally, I got one that lived up to it's name!

:headbang: Oh! Bangin' new crosses from Skunkist- :d5:... RRR is a classic, good pheno's are tops! ...reminds me, a local mate made some C99a x RRR last year, that should be a phat cross too!
I'm figuring the KK is Sweet's, like the CM? Both are super nice ones,... did Skunkist say if these are fully auto, the KK and CM auto versions themselves?

The Asian Jungle Fowls look fat and happy :eyebrows: ... I like how that cock is giving you the Eye -:rofl: ... well at least they will be pooping up your wife's side of the property! ...and you get fresh guanos :chef: LOL!

.....That soil looks really well cooked mate, I like the pH lower down like that too....
:thumbsup: 'Shroom pic is excellent Hec, that's a keeper! The resemblance to a birds head and beak (even a nostril) in uncanny,......gonna turn it into my desktop background...:thanks:
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I'm figuring the KK is Sweet's, like the CM? Both are super nice ones,... did Skunkist say if these are fully auto, the KK and CM auto versions themselves?

Hi there !
Yeah they are fully automatic and regular . I just did some CM X KK autofem too . And much more .
Enjoy !
Hi there !
Yeah they are fully automatic and regular . I just did some CM X KK autofem too . And much more .
Enjoy !
Thanks mate!
OOooo CM x KK you say? :woohoo1:

... BTW, nice response to Krk over there,... That shit-biscuit always finds a way to offend somehow, and needlessly too!
And they’re off! Looking all set for a nice run, Hecno. That soil looks rich, like black gold! I bet those plants will be happy campers there. Those crosses sound killer. I will check this grow out if you don’t mind! Lol!
Here we are at day 14 , They are in cruise mod at the moment and I have not done a lot with them , just given them pond water and Mammoth P one time . They have been at 26 c - 80 % humidity , in a day or so I will drop humidity to 70 % as they should have some good roots by now . The little pot is doing ok as well but I have to give it water every day , The others every 3 days . My soil holds moisture well without being water logged .I also have another big python hanging around , my son saw it the other night when he got home from work and he recons it is about 10 ft long . Got the chickens buggered it has stuffed up there after noon walk around . The thing is it will not change till I catch it . I told the wife it would happen , this is just the start . 2nd day of spring . :biggrin: I know it is going to be the middle of the bloody night when I have to catch him . @The_Skunkist for you mate . :thumbsup:
recap . day 7

Day 14 .

@Iriee Vibez @St. Tom Same age as the rest .
Something I would like to share with you guys .

This is a bud from a mate of my sons that I have been advising gave me today , Good kid , he takes on board what I advise him , Still has a way to go yet , The first time he gave me some I coughed me guts out . :nono: This I did not , but taken to early . mild high no legs , I have told him steady steady , no rush , I gave him one of my Z99 buds , it is easier for them to understand when they try proper cured and dried bud that has been harvested at the right time . One of the first things I tell them is - Take pride in what you grow . :thumbsup: