Hecno's on going organics

those plants look neautiful Bro, lovely green leaves, not a hint of overfeeding, and lovely sticky candy canes on their way - or do we call them Lolly canes over here?

As an 'Englander' I can inform you ALL (Iriee included) that Lollies are always on a stick... like those Chupachups.
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You can have Ice Lollies....
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But these.....
View attachment 1202318 are called Gummies

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.... and this is Candy....
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Let's get it right Boys!

Well, I vote for the candy! Lol!
Yep . @Teetee Gummies is the one . :biggrin: Now back to soil , I have been thinking for a while now of another way to get Potassium into the soil from what is around me . So I looked further into the Banana plant which grow wild in my yard , And this is what I came up with --- banana stem chop and put into a food processor with a little water and blend it all up , -- stems are green -- Here is a chart of the NPK value .
View attachment 1202396 the samples in the chart are wet weight values .
Also worms love the mix . So what I do is get some rain forest leafs and lay them on top of the soil , then put the mushed up stems on top . It will all compost down nicely . :thumbsup:
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that’s some bad ass looking soil. No wonder your plants are always smiling!

Howdy all , hope you are having a great day . :smoking: So here we are at day 20 into flower and all is well . What I am noticing is a strong smell of Lollies , I have never had that strong a smell before ,It is bloody nice -- I like lollies -- :biggrin: also starting to see a good showing of resin . oh and the stretch has stopped at just over a meter , so i have plenty of room height wise now .
:drool:you got me drooling already dammit! Sweet candy fruit aromas are tops with me - :d5:... and you say these girls are terp-bombing you already? that is bloody impressive! Their resin production this early is very encouraging.... Hmmm Hecno, you have me thinking hard about these Z99's! :eyebrows:
They have shown to be very flexible and hardy in veg', and prime time is yet to come! :greenthumb:

:chef: that blender concoction, I though you were gonna drink it at first - :tonic::rofl:
@Waira I did . I put some vodka in it . :biggrin: The smell is now passion fruit , I got my son to smell it , the cut a passion fruit in half and got him to smell that -The same Dad he says - Duck asked me - I could sort seeds for you or you can ask him , he is a top bloke . There is something ticking in my noggin here . I can see more photos down the the line . :smoking: :thumbsup:
Yep . @Teetee Gummies is the one . :biggrin: Now back to soil , I have been thinking for a while now of another way to get Potassium into the soil from what is around me . So I looked further into the Banana plant which grow wild in my yard , And this is what I came up with --- banana stem chop and put into a food processor with a little water and blend it all up , -- stems are green -- Here is a chart of the NPK value .
View attachment 1202396 the samples in the chart are wet weight values .
Also worms love the mix . So what I do is get some rain forest leafs and lay them on top of the soil , then put the mushed up stems on top . It will all compost down nicely . :thumbsup:
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Your a Frugal Genius Mr Henco,

I know my mother does that with rhubarb leaves when they fall off in her garden. I always thought they are to acidic but her rhubarb loves the leaves piled around them. she's done it for years and makes the best rhubarb pie ever. I know you can eat stem of rhubarb raw but not the leaves so i guess the oxalic acid in leaves must break down when they decompose.
@Mustang92 Any one can do it mate , The first step is understanding of nature around you , I always ask myself why does this do that or how does that big tree get so big with no one feeding it . It is all in the soil and how it gets fed . Soil is a big part of my growing and I enjoy it as much as growing a plant and using what is available around me comes into play - Time is a factor - In that I mean letting every thing come into balance .
Understanding nutrients and what they do is very important . Making mistakes is a good thing as you learn by it I still do and should not cause you grief . :biggrin:
I am also lucky that I have great biodiversity around me to learn from . There are members here on AFN that I take note of , One bloke that we all know is a sneaky bugger , he has great info tucked away in his post , little tip bits of info . There is one thing that is making me sad , It is young new members that have the money to buy all the you beaut gear and nutrients and have no concept of growing , so when things go wrong they just ask for help [ Which is ok ] but they can't be bothered to look around the site and all the info is here . -- Shame -- It all starts with the soil . :thumbsup:

Dont be so humble, hec! You're a great teacher, not a recipe lister
Only been lurking your thread for a year, but you are always dropping many of the same little tips through-out your posts :thumbsup:
everything seen here, is for a reason haha, nearly smacked myself in the head when your usual sign off clicked for me :doh: just had to read it a hundred times, It's funny when you read a sentence but it isnt until after that you understand the sentence
Thanks - DM - So here we are at day 25 for Z99 . one wee issue with the plant on the left side , a bit of nitrogen dificiency . I cut out nitrogen about 10 days ago , so next feed I will add some back in . it is one thing I have had to learn how to control and I think I have it sorted . :biggrin: one thing I would like to recommend is 3 things for those that are not using it . -- Fulvic acid - Humic acid - Amino acid - I have been using it for a while now and have it dialed in and I am seeing the difference and is well worth using. This is for you @Waira :cooldance: .Z99 has one of the best smells of any strain I have grown to date , as it progresses the passion fruit smell is still there but it softens into a warmer smell . The next feed I am going to give them a little bump -- Bat Guano and Liquid seaweed -- :thumbsup:
Here is the out door girl , Fist day of sun in a week .

Remember the banana stork blended up , all gone .

Now here is a nice surprise . The lad came home and said Dad I got something you will like , and bugger me it is very good , full on sativa .

Been a while since I have had good bush weed , No idea what strain it is . :smoking: :thumbsup: