Hecno's on going organics

I concur with Waira, but to add to it as he matures see how many and how dense the pollen sacks are. Give his stem a rub and see what scent he gives off. also, apparently hairy stems on males is a good thing. I need more info on why it is, I just head it is from a couple of folks that know way more than I do about breeding.
Some like early flowering males, some think it's a bad thing. Ultimately, it may come down to gut feeling as you gain more experience.
day 13 of 12/12 and I might have a bit of a problem here , They may get to tall they are at 90 cm :biggrin: so far these girls have been a joy to grow , I did a trim job on them 3 days ago and it did not affect them at all , I took most of the popcorn off them so there is more light getting in and easier to feed . I am doing a 3 step program with them , it goes like this -- 1st Feed - 2nd water with silica - 3rd water with amino acid and calcium . then back to feed to start again . I am making my own NPK ratio and I seem to be getting it right at this stage , but we will see as time goes by .:biggrin: :thumbsup:
Smokey -- G bandit -- If you are interested this is my base line up . Easy to get and I'll say it again , we have world leading organic nutrient products here in Australian


These photos are taken I hour ago 5 pm ' out doors Z99 - Tropics -- I am hoping she works out , It is The latitude which is a a bit of a worry , and the altitude [ 150 meter from sea level . and it looks like we are going into a warm winter . Here in the tropics . I believe environmental factors play a big part in how you feed your plants , I sit here every afternoon . Now I am not bull shitting ya , we talk together . it is just like the young days when ya go to a pub to chat up a Sheila and she says ^%$@ off ugly . Dam shot down in flames . :wall: So what does a bloke do .
Think thats what . Give her what she is telling you and and share your knowledge with her and she will share with you , You get it right it is really cool . :smoking::thumbsup:

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Nice tunes Hecno mate and great looking plants. Nice see the NTS products at EasyAsOrganics website. They have kelp, neem and other amendants also,not as large the site you linked sometime back though.

Not sure where the Tomato thread is, maybe is best i put the vege garden pics on my page or something lol, finally did both lol poor tiny plants they are, also through a few auto bag seed in just to see what happens lol
Howdy all , hope you are having a great day . :smoking: So here we are at day 20 into flower and all is well . What I am noticing is a strong smell of Lollies , I have never had that strong a smell before ,It is bloody nice -- I like lollies -- :biggrin: also starting to see a good showing of resin . oh and the stretch has stopped at just over a meter , so i have plenty of room height wise now . :thumbsup:

This one is the outdoor girl .