Hecno's on going organics

:biggrin: Dad had a couple stones like that, lord knows how old.... One was worn 3/4 through! I'm betting that one dated to the 60's or older...
You got that right about unskilled folks and sharp knives - :eek1: A few peeps I know, I won't work their knives because I see how careless they are with them...Dull makes them prone to bad habits and getting nicks from them that would debone their finger with a sharp knife! :yoinks: ... I'm just OK with sharpening, but can manage a decent edge on most things, but flexible blade like my deboning knife are rather difficult to work on...
I have a really nice Santoku style Shun, core is VG Max (VG 10?) which is harder than shite! A tough sharpen, gotta take extra strokes.. maintaining that consistent angle is a challenge....

Z99's look great mate! Is it Z6 x C99?
the lads plant look pretty good,... now what comes of the tomatoes after that swag soil addition remains to be seen! :eyebrows:
Hello all , here we are in week 5 . These baby's are just cruising along mostly living off the soil @AtomC They get fish pond water and I made a microbiological tea , no set recipe , just a bit what I have and can find . 5 years ago I started down this path , my mentor was Mr Eyes , Then Waira came along who is also a great teacher . I do not mean to offend anyone here . But it seems the word -- organic -- is getting off the path of what it is , I see a lot of younger guys wanted to grow organic and buy it out of a bag , It takes time to understand organics .You don't have to be a rocket scientist it just takes observation and understanding the effect nutrients have on your soil and climate and temps . Microbes are a very big part , this is where soil temp and humidity comes into play as well as soil temps , I don't see any understand about that . I said in one post I don't make teas , I do , but there was no point in me explaining as all they want is a recipe with out understanding the principle behind it . Again I do not mean to offend any one , the best way I can explain it --- When I was a kid I had to go down the street to the local telephone box to make a phone call , I was a bit of a bad bugger then , I used to stuff paper up the money return and come back and get the money . :biggrin: Am I organic , nearly , maybe in another 2 years or so . :thumbsup:

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:pimp: Word, mate! ... "organic" is a term often misunderstood and misused, and it doesn't help that the definition in Ag'/gardening terms isn't clear on some levels, particularly with nutrient sources... And it doesn't help that some peep's can't be bothered to LEARN the "hard way", that is read and research, etc.! Too much of that just tell me/sell me shit = :face: :nono: ... How many times have I bit my tongue thinking if you can't be bothered to learn, don't expect satisfactory results... The concept of "organic" is attractive, but the effort to make it work like it can usually isn't there... To really delve into it, one needs the space and time as well and that's not something many folks have... That, and the Life+ nutrient cycling part of it blows clean over the heads of some folks too, critical as it is it's not a simple or fast thing to learn...
For those who can't make, in comes the cheaters solution, like mine- :rofl: ...KIS Nutrient Pack to the rescue! :superhero:I will be picking brains for some nice teas though.... :eyebrows: .... Cheers Hec', you and EoF are my compostable heros here!

Z99 kids coming along nicely,... Who's the "Z" in this cross, Z6? I know Stickman run this, but forget it's details,... Sexing should start soon ay?
Well guys looks like I am in top running for the AFN Knuckle head of the year award , @The_Skunkist here is the yarn , I put the pots ready to seed in the room and I even dated the day they went in . I wanted to get them acclimatised . I got the seeds and put them in my hand to go to the room to plant them , on the way the son comes down the stairs and says , here dad a bourbon and coke , good on ya son as I reach for the drink . We had a bit of a yarn then it it me , I had the bloody seeds in my hand -- F&*% -- me . Do you think we could find them -- narr -- My soil was spot on , the new dehumidifier was working great , new ph pen is here and new soil ph probe , This is going to be a top grow . :wall::wall::wall::wall::cuss:
so on to plan -B- the Z99 photos are going to be grown inside . This is the first real time I have got fair dinkum about growing Photos indoors . I will cull the males out , I transplant today and 2 days ago I topped them and they are on 20/4 at 65 % humidity . at 24 c . Still living off the soil , they have had a tea and I am using fish pond water . Monday is the beginning of week 6 so I'll let them settle a bit then I will change the lights to 12/12 andtheare in 14 liter pots .
First up the soil .-- At any time feel free to give me any advice it would be most welcome . :thumbsup:

Root systems

:woohoo1: 4 out of 6 are female , and they are powering along , I am thinking about letting them go to 50 cm before I switch to flower 12/12 , only hic up power went off for 6 hours today and later this week I will make up another tea for them . Here is some strain info - Zoid Fuel x C99 .
Zoid Fuel
The Wizards of Oz
Written by S.T.Oner, Cannabis Sativa vol.1

Sativa Dominant Hybrid

Genetics: Papua New Guinea Gold x Australian Bush Sativa x Chinese Indica
Flowering: 9-12 weeks

The Wizards of Oz are a new collective of Australian breeders including Wally Duck and the underground breeding star Moonunit. As if sharing a name with Frank Zappa’s kid isn’t cool enough, in his brilliantly named Zoid Fuel, Moonunit has created a heavy sativa hybrid which is interesting for its lack of any North American or European lineage. With Asian influence on the pure Australian genetics of Moonunit’s Fuel line, Zoid Fuel definitely stands out from the crowds, and is a testament to Moonunit’s tireless efforts to bring high quality and very exciting Australian strains to the wider community.

A ‘bush plant’ bred and homogenized to be grown indoors, Zoid Fuel takes very well to amended soil. The breeders have worked hard to reduce the flowering time of this line and as such, this plant should be fully finished in about 9-12 weeks. As a bush plant, this strain, like most Australians I’ve met, much prefers being outdoors and will be energized and revitalized by the natural light until its almost glowing with life. It might even get a tan if you’re lucky. The plants are very responsive to light, so if you’re growing indoors you should keep a sharp eye on how close they are growing to the bulbs, and move the light source accordingly – movable lights are a great investment before starting to grow this strain. Midway through the vegetative stage is the best time to push the growth with a healthy dose of nutrients, though this should be slowed down once flowering starts. The myriad tastes of this strain are one of its greatest traits, so be sure not to use any synthetic nutrients towards the end of flowering and do a good flush with blackstrap molasses for 2 weeks before the cut. It would be a travesty to lose the taste to a chemical flavor.

A pleasant plethora of tastes including the mad mix of fuel, mint and incense, Zoid Fuel is much tastier than it sounds. Even if you’ve been smoking other strains all night long, once you light up a blunt of this, it will cut straight through the haze of other smoke and hit you right between the eyes. The smoke of this bud gives a typical sativa high that comes through in waves, getting more intense with every break, just like a Gold Coast surf trip. Starting in your head, it will move through your body and give you energy and enough gab to keep on talking all night long. ------ In the first photo the 2 plants in the front are male , I am thinking about keeping the best one and having it outside to get some pollen to pollinate 1 or to buds . :thumbsup: