Hecno's on going organics

Part 1 --I have some time on my hands and cold beer in the fridge so here we go . :cheers: :smoking: Big Bud x AK107 is done and dusted . :thumbsup:
Day 72 chopped , I have not had anything to do with AKs before , Big Bud I have , i can see BB is a great to use as a x , Bud structure on this plant is awesome , buds are heavy and very tight with very little pop corn buds as such . Growing is easy so no problems there . Wet weight went 705 grams with 11 grams pop corn . Here she is . :thumbsup:
:vibe:--- :drool: that is one solid sparkly beast Hec', ripened to perfection - :d5: ... she has shown some impressive mold resistance too with that RH%!
Still holding the berry + mystery aroma?

:coffee: whoa, that Sticky BB is cranking along now! Another jar buster on the way mate- :bow:

---- 'Roses looking gorgeous as always,... top right one has a very interesting shape, might be my fav' so far! :kiss:
....I hope that guy over there can get you seeds of that white blush combo one,... 'course, it'll be a while growing it out- :rofl:

:bighug::passit: EoF my man! Good to see you about brudda, I hope you're faring well enough! I had a quick peek, and you're up to your tit's in girls right now- :rofl: -- a very good sign I say,...

>>>> OK mates, as per request by Hec', some fresh orchid pics....

Stanhopea saccata
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Hey ya Waira ,good to see you to broseph.Im sure things are kicking around for you a lot.Im feeling worse but this whole disease BS is for the fkn birds bro..I been bored so I figured I pop in for a spell since I heard theyre trying to go back to a learning/Teaching vibe forum which in all honesty,has lost a good bit of momentum imo. but eith way,its fun to be back for a spell. :bighug::pass::smokeout:
Part 2 -- First up next girl Sticky Fingers x Big Bud -- Day 37 , not sure how long in flower , maybe just over 2 weeks , not that it matters I go by the look of the . I already can see this girl is built for weight , it is a very solid plant and same training as before ,

Ok now I will try and explain how I do things , I believe it is all in the soil , this is what I spend most of my time learning because I make my own and use what I can find around me , -- But I still use nutrients that I add to the soil as I am building it and a small amount along the way , Here is a line up of what I use
mostly . All Australian products . Early in my growing I tried all the big name brands , but bloody hell the cost a lot , the more I understood nutrients and how
they work the the more I diverted from them and saved money big time , My use is 10 % of what I used to feed the plants with because of the soil and how I build it . at this stage due to work ect I am very happy with the way things are going , --IF -- YOU SPEND TIME -- to understand how things grow you will grow great plants , by buying ready made soil you do not get to understand as soil is the base you need to grow well , I learnt from the senior organic growers here and I pestered the hell out of them . Here is my observation that I am seeing about organic growing , as I see the USA becoming more legal , company's are jumping on the organic band wagon , Here is the dirt and here is the feeding chart , now you are a organic grower , :rofl: I don't mean to offend anyone here but that is not how I see it .


Ok roots , 27 liter pot , this is another thing a look at and spend time understanding .

This is just as important to know about . Next time you young ones are on you I phone or what ever you have and a mate says are you on face book , just say narr , I on google learning how to build soil . @Waira not far from the pot now .



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Part 1 --I have some time on my hands and cold beer in the fridge so here we go . :cheers: :smoking: Big Bud x AK107 is done and dusted . :thumbsup:
Day 72 chopped , I have not had anything to do with AKs before , Big Bud I have , i can see BB is a great to use as a x , Bud structure on this plant is awesome , buds are heavy and very tight with very little pop corn buds as such . Growing is easy so no problems there . Wet weight went 705 grams with 11 grams pop corn . Here she is . :thumbsup:View attachment 1158211

BB Martini haha nice one! Got to be happy with that harvest figure :thumbsup:

Garden looks fantastic mate! Pics are stunning! Even cats and dogs find peace together in your garden! haha :smoking:

Having some trouble with micronutrients with Biotabs in my light potting soil (20% perlite / 25% vermicompost / 55% light peat mix 5.5-6.5PH and 400-600ppm)

I already plan to add 40g dolomite lime to my 3-4 gal soil mixes in future to help with PH and Ca + Mg.

For the micronutrients as soil amendments or perhaps top dressing during the grow I am looking at:

1) Azomite (seems perfect except has chlorine)

2) Chelated EDTAs (in pic at bottom)

3) seaweed extract powder

4) dictateameous earth

Do you have any suggestions? I preferably just want to adding minerals /micronutrients and not much extra NPK.

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@Waira first up you know I love orchids , keep the photos coming :woohoo1: Right I am building up the orchids at work at the moment , dividing them ect , now is the time to do it here -- Wet Season -- Give me a year or some and I will have a awesome display , I already get comments on the Resort Gardens , The boss trust me and lets me do what I want 90 % of the time . I have already saved them a lot of money because I am good at propagating plants . The SF x BB is a Auto from BW as well , BW gave me very little info , not that it matters I just Googled the stain info . Fish water I have know idea and the cost to get it tested is very high here in Australia . This chart is what started me on it . I take water from the top 3rd only
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Now here is something I want to show you guys , remember how I said I mix soil from what I can find , This is my latest find , First we have soil
composted down leaf litter from a tamarind tree . Shit load of worms . View attachment 1155070View attachment 1155071View attachment 1155072View attachment 1155073
Next is mango tree leaf litter Heaps of worms here too .View attachment 1155074View attachment 1155075
i just mix it into my base soil , doing it this way I always get a soil ph of 7 . and it works well for me . I also reuse my soil that is why I at least go no less than 3 months curing after I have added what I want , closer to 5 months most times . then it is just a matter of feeding the soil . and the soil blends into a living system . -- Hopefully -- :biggrin: @Eyes on Fire It was you that got me started down this track . I love it , but the wife thinks I am going mad , bringing home buckets of dirt from here and there and tubs of worms . :rofl: :thumbsup:

man, if I could find Dark Gold like this I'd be ecstatic!
G'day Cobbers . All is well in Hecno Land , Now that I am home from work . I dug up and shifted 300 pavers . Mowed around the swimming pool and other stuff , 38 C again 85 % humidity . :cuss:, the funny thing about the day . I had a 24 year old to help , fit looking lad, so here I was thinking cool I can have a bit of a bludge , Silly old me , After 2 hours I had to knock him off purely for safety reasons . --- Heat and Humidity --- You don't come to the tropics to live if you can't handle the environment . 24- 59 :eyebrows::biggrin: .
Big Bud x AK 107
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Big Bud x Sticky Finger ..
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colariffic :drool: