Photoperiod Haze's eurogrow bubble gum and caramel. + free seed Dinafem auto mystery (completed)

26th October

Started feeding my girls as they are around 3 weeks old now,

gave 1ml/L of following:

Biobizz: bloom, grow, fishmix, algamic.

And 4ml/l of

Biobizz: root juice.

It's recommended to use the root juice on the first week, but seeing as I only just got it I thought I'd do it. Better late than never I guess and the root ball still has a way to go before being flipped to flower. I bought a bottle of leaf coat as well so gave them all a good spray top and bottom.

I also topped the plants at the 5th node on the plants that I could. The 2 I couldn't will get the same treatment in the next couple of days also.

I'm impressed with their growth, all of them seem to be exploding by the day, and now the temperature has started to drop I'm going to remove the cool tube and replace it with a wing reflector instead which should help them along nicely

I will take some photos maybe later tonight or tomorrow depending on when I'm home
All plants topped and looking fairly happy. Starting to see a lot of different structures emerging, both dinafems are much taller than the others. Especially no.1 which i made a mistake when topping, i realised i accidentally pulled off one of the new shoots in the process, so i decided to take it a node lower as it was still much taller than the others, now it is about the same height as the rest.

I'm thinking of doing a SCROG on this run, just see if I can fill out a decent canopy. But not sure how it will work if these girls do grow completely different to eachother.

I'm planning on cloning in the future as I have 10 seeds in a safe place all from Dinafem. 5x Blue Kush 5x Purple Orange CBD.

My ultimate goal would be to clone the best plants and grow them all out in a SOG and have them all grow uniformly, I'm unsure as to how the plants differ in size but thats a problem for future me. For now I'm thinking I may clone the best of this run and see if I can squeeze it into my tent with the next run. Try and keep some mother plants for future growing to keep things varied.
Heres a better look at the plants as they are today. Been juicing them up and don't seem to see any problems as of yet, the DF2 had some leaf burn from what I think was due to spraying the leaf coat or water droplets on the leaves when the light was on. So I'll keep an eye on it and learnt from my mistake and sprayed while lights were off this time!



Dinafem 1

Dinafem 2

Bubblegum 1

Bubblegum 2


I have now removed the cool tube and corresponding extractor. Replaced with a wing reflector. I'm hoping that this will give them a little boost in livelyness.

This is the first time I've grown a heavy indica plant, and thw caramel seems totbe very squat in comparison to the others, so hoping it's small size is due to genetics and not the grower!

I'm happy with the progress so far, I've definitely decided to run a SCROG on this grow, and I'm just sourcing some cal-mag that's compatible with Biobizz, there's a local grow shop but they don't have Canna or the other one people use, can't remember the brand. Does anyone know if sensi Cal mag is okay?
Heres a better look at the plants as they are today. Been juicing them up and don't seem to see any problems as of yet, the DF2 had some leaf burn from what I think was due to spraying the leaf coat or water droplets on the leaves when the light was on. So I'll keep an eye on it and learnt from my mistake and sprayed while lights were off this time!

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Dinafem 1
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Dinafem 2
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Bubblegum 1
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Bubblegum 2
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I have now removed the cool tube and corresponding extractor. Replaced with a wing reflector. I'm hoping that this will give them a little boost in livelyness.

This is the first time I've grown a heavy indica plant, and thw caramel seems totbe very squat in comparison to the others, so hoping it's small size is due to genetics and not the grower!

I'm happy with the progress so far, I've definitely decided to run a SCROG on this grow, and I'm just sourcing some cal-mag that's compatible with Biobizz, there's a local grow shop but they don't have Canna or the other one people use, can't remember the brand. Does anyone know if sensi Cal mag is okay?

Sensi is ok, I think the N in it is a little high.
Sensi is ok, I think the N in it is a little high.
Thanks mate, I'll be heading to the store today, I'll ask the question and see what he recommends. Also picking up two premade SCROG nets from them as I can't be bothered to DIY them.
So they all seem happy to date. I'm really seeing the difference in the size of the plants now, the caramel is a stubby little guy, the two Dinafem mystery seeds seem to be a lot stretchier than the others, so far leaning more towards a sativa structure but with big chunky leaves. Can't wait to see what they are!







As you can see both dinafems are showing preflower. But Dinafem#1 showing more. Really hoping this is just preflower and not autoseeds otherwise I may have to hold off flipping to 12/12 til after they're done. @Dinafem-Mark @912GreenSkell what's your opinion?

Also had to up my grow feed to 3ml/l still feeding with 1ml algamic and spraying with weak fishmix/algamic mixture. And finishing off with leaf coat.

I had read the Biobizz feeding schedule incorrectly and had been giving bloom Topmax as well when I shouldn't have been so I've stopped that now until the correct time!
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