C'mon man,just one joint!Only like 3 months. I have 6 all right at 9g each
It was the first time.@WildBill
Do you make your temple balls from dry sift, dry ice sift sift or ice water method?
Also.. What micron number is best?
Do you think the flavor is hoppy? I have gotten that strain before and it kind of had that flavorFinally got to try out my new trim bin today with some Barneys fatm LSD
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View media item 22757This was the crop it came from
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It all depends if you run bubble all the time it might be worth it. If only a few times a yr probably not. Some people are trying to acheieve like a 1 or 2 percent wash first off alot of material to get the best of just the heads meltieast most flavorful ones. As I understand it. But that's probably not as much for the home grower as a hash makerUsing big paint mixer in a cordless drill in a 5 gals bucket on low speed for me.Not lazy enough to buy a 200$ weed washing machine...