Indoor Hardon's First AFN Grow - Fast Buds West Coast OG GLR SCROG

Day Twenty Two Update

There are some nights when you are just too baked to go near your plants. Saturday was one of those nights...

I got news from work late last week that I was being sent aboard for two weeks on Monday (today). Obliviously this is not an ideal situation as the plants are getting near stretch time and will need tended to and unfortunately the only person I can trust to do this...

a: didn't know that I grew (he does now),
b: the closest he has ever come to tending to anything 'horticulture' related was when he pissed against a tree one night :eek1: and,
c: is a bit of a thick cunt who I wouldn't even normally trust him to walk my dog never mind tend to my plants.

So Saturday evening I thought I'd begin Hardon's IPTCC (Intensive Plant Tending Crash Course). So we sat smoking as I explained to my mate pretty much everything about growing and explained in detail everything that he might have to do. It took a while and a considerable amount of weed to get to a point where I realised he wasn't understanding even the mere concept of what I was saying...

So I took him up to the tent and tried to explain everything with the plants in front of me, hoping that might inspire his brain to engage. At some point I grabbed the screen and stuffed it in the tent to show him what he had to do with it. To be honest, I didn't secure it because I thought it would have temporarily held in place as it is a tight enough fit. But of course when I opened the tent again, the screen came crashing down! :doh:



It somehow split the top of #4 in two as well as almost removing one of the new shoots. It also managed to almost remove a branch from #3. #1 and #2 both got hit but seemed to escape any major damage. To be honest I didn't have much hope for the damaged branches and shoots as it was a rather clean slice. I taped them up but they were dying off so I just removed them.


This is very typical of a Hardon grow as I always try to kill my plants at least once :rolleyes1: And of course this attempt was all for nothing as my boss called me yesterday and told me to stand down....

Boss.... :finger::finger::finger:


Other than the recent assassination attempt via screen, the plants are still making great progress! They responded maybe a little slower than some autos to being topped but the new growth is well underway now. They got fed today with 5ml Grow & 1ml Silicon. Lights out temps are down to the high 17's now - I have another tube heater ordered up but it hasn't arrived yet. And to be honest, I don't think I'll even have the room for it! And my god they absolutely stink already!!! :thumbsup:

And since he is clearly running scared and ignoring my challenge in the grow off battle thread - Sir @Roark - Knight of the SCROG. I challenge you to up the stakes in our GLR grow off battle.

Maximum rep for the winner.

You gonna step up and lay your rep on the line bro?... :shooty:


Thanks for dropping in!

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22 days 5ml grow!! I'm going to have to give this a go…i honestly thought i was a hard feeder, so did the good people at Biobizz when i told them i was feeding young auto plants at 3ml with Fish-Mix… so i'm going to name the plant left in the pot with the canes in your honour and up it's feed to 5ml. If it dies i'm telling DP you made me do it. Anyway brother i'm enjoying the show and the shits and giggles.
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22 days 5ml grow!! I'm going to have to give this a go…i honestly thought i was a hard feeder, so did the good people at Biobizz when i told them i was feeding young auto plants at 3ml with Fish-Mix… so i'm going to name the plant left in the pot with the canes in your honour and up it's feed to 5ml. If it dies i'm telling DP you made me do it. Anyway brother i'm enjoying the show and the shits and giggles.

A plant named in my honour? Woohoo!! :woohoo1:

This lot have been on 5ml of grow since day 13 with zero signs of burn or stress. They also been on the silicon since day 4 which I think you can really see the benefit of in the shiny green leaves :thumbsup:

I have found your thread and am about to have a read through now. I did have a read at your previous diary a while back to see what this canin' it lark was all about - Interesting stuff! Will get subbed up to the latest one in time for the official plant naming ceremony :biggrin:

Thanks man. And you've no idea just how fucking thick a cunt he is! :biggrin:


Don't we all have than one fried who, while being a good friend, is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I wouldn't want to hand over a SCROG during stretch to anyone, much less someone somewhat daft. I remember my first SCROG, snappalicous! :biggrin:
Day Twenty Six Update


It's been a busy few days in the DR60. The screen 'officially' went in a few days ago and they are starting to fill it out nicely. I set the height at 10 inches although I'll probably lift it a little higher in a few days once they get their proper stretch on :biggrin:

I've been debating since the last feed what I should feed them this time. I was hoping that they would be good for one final grow feed but over the last few days, they have begun to show signs that they are ready for the bloom nutes. This has lead to another dilemma about continuing to feed grow nutes or not. This is my first time using the Plant Magic range and all their feeding schedules state that grow nutes should be stopped whenever bloom nutes are started. Further reading shows that their bloom nutes and bloom booster contains 'elements of nitrogen' which makes me think that continuing with grow along side these might not be the best idea... :confused1:


But then I decided that 'elements of nitrogen' doesn't really satisfy me and since I've largely ignored Plant Magic's guidance so far, I've decided to continue on with the grow nutes albeit at a lesser dose. They got fed today with 1ml Grow, 3ml Bloom, 3ml Superthrive and a tsp of Molasses. I will keep a close eye on them over the next few days and see how they react. If all is good, next feed will be at full strength bloom nutes :thumbsup:



And the switch to bloom nutes means it's time to bust out the HPS! :biggrin: The change in spectrum will encourage them to stretch even more so I'm hoping by the next update that they will have a big chunk of the screen filled up. And OMAFG, they actually reek already! I can't remember a plant stink so much at this stage...


They have recovered well from Hardon's attempt to kill them at the weekend. As you can see, #4's stem is still split a little but it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. Lights out temps are still holding up okay in the high 17's on the coldest days but the weather forecast says winter is to arrive this weekend. And it is to get cold :sad: Fingers crossed the new tube heater arrives before then! And to finish....


Kinky up skirt shot :eyebrows:
Thanks for dropping in!
