Day 9
Still no roots showing from the net pots.
I noticed days ago that a fuzz growth was on the air stones and airlines. This is coming from I believe the Rhizotonic so wasn't worried about it at all. I'm wondering now is it responsible for the lack of roots? I've decided to completely drain the system, flush it, clean it and refill with without Rhizotonic and 0.5mpl of H2O2 17.5% to make a dead system.
I emptied the reservoir tank and give it a really good clean with bleach and then a really good rinse after. I ran bleach water through the chiller and hoses for a few minute then flushed it out with clean water. I took all the airstones out of the buckets and cleaned them and sat them in a bucket of bleach water for an hour, then thoroughtly rinsed them. Emptyed all the buckets and gave them a wipe with a potent water and H2O2.
I then refilled the reservour tank and RDWC bucket system with RO water + H2O2.
0.5mpl Plant Magic - Magni-Cal+
1.0mpl Advanced Nutrients - Grow A&B
0.25mpl Advanced Nutrients - B52
a touch of pH down
0.8 EC / pH 5.7
Please take a look at these pictures of the growth and let me know what you think
I should know in a couple of days time if this is the solution to my problem, but so far it's a pretty crappy start to my first DWC

The seedlings are not that healthy. I germinated one extra think different and stuck it in a 1 litre pot with coco, feeding the same nutes that are in the DWC and it's doing well, looking healthy and actually bigger than the DWC seedlings

haha. So it's also possible that I haven't been top feeding the DWC seedlings enough... However the splashing action of the air stones is really making the stones in the netpots wet so I thought that would be enough? I've top feed a bit but will top feed more until the roots are coming out the bottom.
I'm crossing my fingers and very hopefully in a few days they'll be doing better and starting to grow properly.