Humboldt Seed Organization H.S.O. Grow Off - "Dedoverde Haze" - Frogster Grow


Ratiocinate Extraordinaire (look it up)
May 25, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
THC Bomb, G.S.C., Blackberry, Caramel, Euphoria, Amnesia, CandyDawg, Purple Stilton & Others
HSO Mixed Logo.jpg

Hi & Welcome.... This will be my Journal for the " HSO - Grow Off"

First, A big thank you to Humboldt Seed Organization for providing the test seed.

Winning Seeds 2.jpg

I am looking forward to this so much.


For this "Grow Off" I have decided I will be growing the "Dedoverde Haze",the more I read, the more I like, a really interesting and highly reviewed plant.

She will be sharing my tent (photo below), with two "Round-2 Grow Battle" Girls.

Tent 2.jpg

On occasion it maybe necessary to show photographs off the full tent, including the other plants sharing it, but I will try and keep this Journal to the HSO "Dedoverde Haze"

If anyone is interested, a normal tent setup/startup for me (my goto setup), is detailed below.

Equipment Setup


2.4mt x 1.2mt x 2mt (Green Qube 1224)
Ventilation / Intake
Outside Air from Ground Level >>> Wall Hole Entrance with Bug Screen >>> Ducting >>> 5" Systemair High Volume Fan >>> (Enter Tent) 5" Ducting >>> Diffuser
Filtration / Exhaust
8" Rhino Pro Carbon Filter (800m/3) >>> Reduced to 6" Duct >>> High Velocity Systemair 6" (720m/3) >>> (Exit Tent) Acoustic Ducting >>> Wall Exit.
Main Lighting (for this grow)
8 x 3500k - 55wt Auto Cobs (@BigSm0 - Cobshop) with reflectors, as needed.
Reserve Emergency Lighting
600w 400v Dual HPS & 600w Mars Hydro LED (old style)
Environmental Control
Evolution Fan / Temp / Rh Controller
4ft Tower oscillating fan
Assorted other clip fans etc
Humidifier / Fogger with variable level, pumps cooling fog to plants
Home Built Humidifier / De-Humidifier Controller
PulseOne, Environmental logger.
V20 Air Pump
2000wt Oil filled Radiator, Tube Heaters and backup fan heater
Medium Etc
Dual Grow & Bloom Res with circulating pump, Autopot system, with inpot Airdomes
Ferro Nutrients (Regional Adjusted)
Addatives:- Charge, Plant Magic Mycorrhizae, Mammoth P
Canna Terra Pro Soil, Clay Pebbles, Additional Perlite
Other Bits & Bobs.

I have a few other "grow tools" in my cupboard that can be called upon if needed.

I always like testing out new stuff... or improvising bits and bobs to make something work how I want it to.....

So don't be surprised if I vary from the above during a grow.

Today is Germ Day

A single HSO "Dedoverde Haze" seed was placed into a shot glass, with Ph'd water today.


The shot glass has been placed in a warm dark place, awaiting the seed to crack and a tail appear.

The seed will then be potted into a clear "Solo Cup" . She will remain in this cup until I judge her to have sufficient root development to enable me to transplant her into her final resting place (an Autopot with Airdome.), without inflicting to much shock...

Pull up a chair, roll a fat one, enjoy the ride.

calling out to:- @CannaZone Tier 1 , @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3 @HSO-Mark


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Fantastic to see we have the 1st HSO grow off on AFN up and running :pass:

This is going to be a blast with many different types of growers and techs being used :thumbsup:

Best of luck with this grow off my friend.

Let's see what you can do :bong:

Kind regards

Germination Update

@St. Tom

After 48 Hrs soak the seed had cracked and a small tail emerged.

The germinated seed was potted into a clear solo cup, sifted canna pro soil,extra perlite, charge, Plant Magic Mycorrhizae, Ph'd water.

Placed in a heated propergator with humidity dome.

Using 1 x 55w AutoCob for light.

5 Days later we have New Life. Happy with that.

Germ 2.jpg

In the words of Argent.... "Hold your Head Up"

I was into Argent - "Back in the Day"


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Germination Update

@St. Tom

After 48 Hrs soak the seed had cracked and a small tail emerged.

The germinated seed was potted into a clear solo cup, sifted canna pro soil,extra perlite, charge, Plant Magic Mycorrhizae, Ph'd water.

Placed in a heated propergator with humidity dome.

Using 1 x 55w AutoCob for light.

5 Days later we have New Life. Happy with that.

View attachment 1051982

In the words of Argent.... "Hold your Head Up"

I was into Argent - "Back in the Day"


And the fun begins :pass:

Thanks for the update buddy, she looks happy and healthy at this early stage :thumbsup:

Until next time :bong:

Kind regards


The first seedling looked to be taking a while to put on any growth.

It may be that this strain takes a while to get a hold (developing roots). However I was not happy as she had a deformed leaf.

9 Days Plant 1.jpg

She may just be a slow starter, but, I decided to germinate a reserve seed.

So 4 Days ago I popped another seed straight into soil and put her in my propagator.

4 Days Plant 2.jpg

She looks healthy enough and has developed faster than the first one, so now I have a choice.


She sure did..... I may just have to grow out both.... :shrug: If we don't get too crowded.... I always seem to want more room. :crying:

If you have the room I vote for both my friend :thumbsup:

The 1st one up does look to be growing quite slow, how is she doing this week mate? Any rapid growth spurt?

Kind regards

Week 2 Update

Tag:- @St. Tom for HSO
Tag:- @Mañ'O'Green for Lighting
Tag:- @archie gemmill for General

HSO Mixed Logo.jpg

Plant 1 has been in soil for 17 Days and is ready to be potted into her final home.

To date, all seedlings have been getting plain Ph'd water. Under a single 55w AutoCob in my propagator.

I will be potting all my seedlings into Autopots with Airdomes.

17 Days plant 1.jpg

I have decided that clear starter pots are the way to go, you can see the root development and have a better indication of when to transplant

Here is the 17 day old "Dedoverde Haze Auto's Roots", I am getting her ready for the move.

17 Days Roots plant 1.jpg

The backup seed is also doing OK. I will be growing both out (fingers crossed), with the help of the Canna Gods.

She is 5 Days behind plant 1, but will soon make that up when she goes in the tent and gets a dedicated light.

12 Days Plant 2.jpg

@CannaZone Tier 1 , @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3 , @HSO-Mark



Today I transplanted both the H.S.O. "Dedoverde Haze" to their final home.

Using my Autopots with Airdomes, the Airdomes are just 50% covered with washed clay pebbles.

Air dome.jpg

I then mixed up my standard tried and tested soil mix.

Soil Mix 1.jpg

50% Canna Pro Soil, with 25% added Perlite & 25% added washed pebbles, some charge and some Plant Magic Oldtimers "Mycorrhizae"

Soil Mix 2.jpg

All mixed well and the Autopots filled.

Watered with Ph'd water and the seedlings were potted.

Plant 1 (the older of the two)
Plant 1 16th May 2019.jpg

Plant 2 (the backup seed)
Plant 2 16th May 2019.jpg

They were transferred to the "shared" Grow Tent, each now under their own 55w Autocob.

Tent 16th May 2019.jpg

And here they will remain for the duration of the grow.

Hand watering with ph'd water and a a dash of Mammoth P. This will continue until I turn on the Autopots / Airdomes next week sometime.


@CannaZone Tier 1 , @CannaZone Tier 2 , @CannaZone Tier 3 , @HSO-Mark
