New Grower GSC journal first ever grow .

Right guys so what are your thoughts on a water schedule for my gsc ?

At the minute I water once a day with root booster added to water , I give it between 200-500ml depending how dry the soil is I will usually alternate between watering one day around the edges and the other day around the plant .

What do you think then ?

When they are that small (seedling stage) you really don't need need to water them that much. With cocoa (never used it) you hold water for longer periods of time. When a plant sprouts and you see the seed sprout it has the hull of the shell and inside of that shell is a membrane that the seedling feeds itself with until it can establish roots and a leaf system to start using energy and building the root mass. You only need to give it air water(very little,enough to keep everything moist) and some light(nothing intense) and heat and humidity to keep the seedling cool and moist.

I personally just throw mine into the soil and let them go naturally,they take a day longer to pop usually. The only ones I had die were the seeds I dug up due to new grower lack of restraint to find out if they popped yet. Once they get their first true set of leaves around second node then they will start to drink more and then it off to the races. I would suggest you keep a personal journal and every day log everything from temps and humidity during the day and after lights on. Light height,how much water and nutes you are giving it. Every question and problem that you have log it in,really even if everything is ok just write it down. Basically everything you do gets recorded so you can look back and say "yeah I don't need to water this much now or this strain can only take half nute strength so on and so on. Once you get it then all the basics become natural then you log in are the critical new problems or good results from learning new things. I am just anal but it is what works for me. You got this,I will be watching this one ,I am really interested to see how things go. Peace and good karma!!
Yeah they need very little water when they are so young 50ml maybe every other day just watch her and when its dry give her a little more it helps the roots stretch out to find water so they grow more.and when she is a little bigger and you are watering more just pick the pot up when its dry to feel the weight then water and feel the weight again after a few times of doing this you will work out when the pot is light enough to water again.

What you can do to get used to the weight of a properly watered plant vs a dry pot is get a pot the same size you are using and fill it with soil. Let the pot dry out,now you have a reference just keep that pot close by and use it for a comparison. Get a moisture meter(a digital on is only about 20.00 if that) and keep that soil around 4 constantly and you are golden. Just keep that pot near by,just a suggestion.
Thanks @Ripped In Oregon I have a journal that il use now , I was going to just wait till I started nutes but your right there has been a couple times where IV had to think about how much IV watered . i have cut way back on watering for now and I will till I get a lot more growth I think she's only just starting to grow now I definitely stunted it in the first week but at least I know now and won't make the mistake again .
Day 16 gsc

Day 3 lsd

Good morning all !

More growth overnight and as u can see it's developing quicker now .altho still small for now.

IV had to move my lsd under my light now as the stem was reaching for light and getting way too long it's taller than the gsc !
U can't really see the height on this pic but here she is this morning
Thanks for watching
She's Defo a slow starter but sometimes they end up the biggest strongest finishers.
Quick question bro how far away is the light.
She's Defo a slow starter but sometimes they end up the biggest strongest finishers.
Quick question bro how far away is the light.
Yeh those new leaves look a bit mutant aswel like a cabbage lol I moved the light up this morn wen I put the lsd in its at around 24" now
Yeh those new leaves look a bit mutant aswel like a cabbage lol I moved the light up this morn wen I put the lsd in its at around 24" now
Yeah that sounds perfect I'm a great believer of making them work for the light but not to much that they get lanky