New Grower GSC journal first ever grow .

Day 10

Growth is still very slow I don't know why , but there is still growth ..
Didn't water for 72 hrs and gave her 500ml this morning with root booster 1ml/litre
this is what I used

And here's the little gsc.


IV also started off my lsd-25 just incase this 1 doesn't turn out well . IV used pouch pot this time with a different grow medium a lighter mix . just trying to do it differently to the last 1 if I get better results .
Nice pot the GSC is praying hard just be patient she's getting her foundations strong first iv found that sometimes there slow off the mark but once the root system is settled in boom lift off

Cheers bailey I pray ur saying those words to me in a couple months time "nice pot " lol .
For day 10 it is small but it will bounce back if you manage the watering. If you are not watering a seedling for 3 days then it is way over watered. What works for me is when I fill my pots I put a layer in and moisten it well and stack and repeat. Now you have a pot that is wet but not soaked. Once the seed pops I take 2 table spoons and water around that in a circle to get the tap root to follow the water down. The tap root on a healthy plant will move super fast if watered correctly. When those seeds pop they have a very delicate root system going at first and over watering of a seedling can cause big problems especially with autos but any plant is going to suffer from over watering at a critical stage. Try to remember as a new grower we need to be patient because there is nothing you can do to make it grow faster than it is going to go,if anything it is going to be overkill. Just remember for the beginning stages you don't need the whole pot to be saturated as it were a plant at week 2 or 3. Same rule goes for nutes same theory the cramming of nutes doesn't do any good unless you are an experienced grower,can't say it enough less can be better especially for us new growers. Good luck and you will be happy with that GSC and the LSD is the one I want to do on my next auto run and Scrog them,I am curious to see what it comes out like.
For day 10 it is small but it will bounce back if you manage the watering. If you are not watering a seedling for 3 days then it is way over watered. What works for me is when I fill my pots I put a layer in and moisten it well and stack and repeat. Now you have a pot that is wet but not soaked. Once the seed pops I take 2 table spoons and water around that in a circle to get the tap root to follow the water down. The tap root on a healthy plant will move super fast if watered correctly. When those seeds pop they have a very delicate root system going at first and over watering of a seedling can cause big problems especially with autos but any plant is going to suffer from over watering at a critical stage. Try to remember as a new grower we need to be patient because there is nothing you can do to make it grow faster than it is going to go,if anything it is going to be overkill. Just remember for the beginning stages you don't need the whole pot to be saturated as it were a plant at week 2 or 3. Same rule goes for nutes same theory the cramming of nutes doesn't do any good unless you are an experienced grower,can't say it enough less can be better especially for us new growers. Good luck and you will be happy with that GSC and the LSD is the one I want to do on my next auto run and Scrog them,I am curious to see what it comes out like.

Thanks for that advice mate il be sure to follow it with my lsd and make sure I don't over water my gsc I'm only watering every other day from now on only if needed though .
She is up and praying to the ganja gods, good thing. I can't tell for sure, but the above pic looks like you have yellowing in the veins of the leaves??? Probably just the particular pic, natural light works best for natural looking pics. She is just putting down roots, she will take off once she gets her feet under her. Patience is virtue.