Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018

Well Hey y'all[emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]

Ok the milk treatment worked 90%...
So what didint work?
Well as long as the sunshine is on the milk spray it works very well...
But where the Sun didn't shine the PM could still live in a much less active state. And then it can come back in time.
So I have a couple of good ideas that can help with still taking the PM to the grave[emoji91][emoji379][emoji573][emoji95][emoji35]
So this is what I am thinking ...
A day or so after spraying with milk mix come back and spray with hydrogen peroxide and water mix and repeat as necessary.
Can also use baby wipes with these treatments.
One other ... Could also IF your plants are in pots you can spin the pot the next Sunny day and spray it again with the milk.
As far as I know the milk treatment can be used offen as needed.... But I dont think it would be good to leave it on at harvest (mite not smell real good[emoji43]) But should be washed off and rinsed before hanging for drying.
I have just gone through this and it dose work. No funk[emoji13][emoji12][emoji481][emoji482]

Harvest of the Early skunk Seedsman.
To refresh your old memories this plant came from inside 4 weeks ago it had powdery mildew and spider mites infested pretty bad with both so I moved it outside immediately after discovery infestations so I could treat it. I treated the spider mites with green lacewing larvae and the p.m. with hydrogen peroxide and water mix and milk water mix. 90% effective on powdery mildew. Washed and rinsed hung and drying[emoji482][emoji109]

Harvest of the Yard girl.
Chem berry diesel Dark Horse genetics
To refresh your memories about this plant this plant was my yard indicator letting me know when the natural sunlight as directed the trigger for this plant to commence flowering.
So this plant was in the yard hence the name yard girl. This plant is small because I deliberately kept it small. I didnt want it growing over my fence.
She had gotten p.m. the aphids and the spider mites.
I treated it with green lacewing larvae for the aphids and spider mites and I treated the p.m. with hydrogen peroxide water mix and milk water mix.
I was very successful in treating all three again 90% on the p.m. because of the above reasons[emoji482]

You lucky one, i wish i had your place to grow, your techniques are great and fully organic, good one![emoji106]
Thanks Mongol... [emoji481][emoji482]
Dude I so wish you had a nice place to grow too man.[emoji482]
Hope one day you'll be able to grow outside and legally.

It's nice to grow outside.
But it can be freaky tho....

They're everywhere[emoji35]

Even with the cage and cameras the dog.
I still freak some times.
I dont freak so much about being robbed.
But having a confrontation with the rippers and some one getting hurt or killed.
Me or my family or even the rippers. I worry about that.
I am not in this for that to happen. But it's a reality that could happen.

This is not a good place for my outside grow. Way too many peeps around.
So low profile is a must.
I learned my techniques out of necessity. Cus it seem to be the stealth way to go.
The organic way. Was a cost saving advantage. No chems to buy.

"Winner winner chicken dinner"

But I found that a little chem help now and then when a plant is in need of some quick fix nuets then I see it's ok for a little just to help it out over the rough spot.
That's where I come up with 90%

Thanks grow bro[emoji481][emoji482]
Thanks AFN [emoji481][emoji482]

May we all have many good harvests to come[emoji482]
from Growtogrow[emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji41]

O !!!???what??[emoji377][emoji379]
Hold on you my brother, before you kill some weed ripper:crying:you can easily continue in your basement growing, don't you?:pass:
LoL [emoji481][emoji482][emoji28][emoji41]
Yes I am growing inside now.
And fighting with PM. Aphids. And Spider mites. [emoji35]The SM I just found on the Chocolate mint og that I am harvesting now.
The Red dragon has nothing on her no PM neither she is clean.
I will grow the Red again.
The Bubba kush had got the PM but no bugs.[emoji482]
So washing all in hydrogen peroxide and water mix then rinse with the clean water.
Hang and dry.
Smoke reports to come.[emoji482]

Cheers [emoji481][emoji482]
The final Harvest of the outside grow 2018[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482]
I still have some small plants they're finishing up 3 CBD veey small ones and 1 small Blueberry.
Early Skunk seedsman and Chemberry Diesel Dark Horse genetics[emoji482]

So now I'm on to reconstructing and making the outside grow more automated.
I'll start a new thread for this procedure and continue it with the 2019 grow when the season starts.
I'll periodically add to this new thread along the way until we are finally started outside growing in the spring around 4/20 / 2019.
I really would like to be in the ground no latter than 5th of May.
To harvest crop [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] by 6/30 / 2019.
And harvest crop [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] by no latter than 9/15 / 2019.
Crop [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] will be a smaller crop than [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG].
I expect crop [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] to be an 8 to 12 pound crop and crop [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] will be no less than 12 to 20 lb crop depending on weather.
I'll be running approximately 10 to 12 plants per crop and I'll be running mostly Indica dominant strains and hybrids anything pretty much that I can flower with in a 7 to 8 week time frame.

So enough about planning. I'll get with you all on the new thread when I get ready to get started. I'll also show pics of the modifications to the grow cage and automation that I'm going to try and create and implement for this next grow season.[emoji482]

Some smoke reports are due and I have some still to come soon.

Thank all of you [emoji91][emoji482][emoji90]who have been loyal followers to this thread[emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji109][emoji106][emoji297][emoji100]

Thank AFN[emoji91][emoji482] for providing us with thread ability to have our grow Seasons recorded and documented[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji109]
And of course all the comradery that's on this great forum. The great people on here. The great Growers. And all the great information and help thats on this forum.
Cheers to all [emoji482] Growtogrow[emoji482]
