Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018

im guessing the bugs got in the window.guessing the basement window is ground level outside and a lot of bugs n stuff dont like getting too far off the ground.once they fell into the basement they coulnt find their way out again.but with the shower and change you took every precaution,cant account for every eventuallity.
staying bug free for so long was a victory in itself [emoji106]
and them uhaul small box dont look so small:smoking:
Hey @archie gemmill [emoji482]
Sorry dude.... I forgot to respond to you. sorry like I said I've got a lot of thing going on right now.

So yeah that's probably how they got in them bugs came right in that little window I had open and its only 4"x12" with a screen. I guess didn't take many to getting started and away they went.
It looks like I had done pretty good so far though looking a lot better in there I found 7 a little bastards day before yesterday I'll go down and check them in the morning again and see what it all looks like down there again but for the most part everything looks real well think I did severe damage to them... I'll spray the green plants again in about another 4 days or so just for Grins and Giggles cuz most of those larvae should have gone through their cycle by then..
Yeah the boxes are doing really well the weeds becoming very nice so mellow and smooth and yeah it's got all the right stuff every one of them it's brought some of the smell I dried them just a little bit differently and the smells are a little bit different and they're the same but yet you know just maybe more of something or another not sure exactly which one it is but one of them every time I walk by the boxes I can smell it a skunky smell I'm not exactly sure which one it is cuz when I open the boxes up to discovered I just can't seem to find it it's just a slight hint [emoji482] but I think it's the Citrus super Haze not sure it came out a little bit different this time it doesn't have as much Citrus flavor as it normally does as what the plants that grew in the raised bed even those plants have more citrus and they're exactly the same plant their clones the ones that grew outside came out spicy and kind of cheesy flavored but yet still got just a very light hint of the citrus. ????[emoji482]

Bud report sage and sour the two plants in the garden that reveged and I continue to grow in to flower... for those of you who have been following.
all right they came out weird but the bud structured weird stringy fluffy but with all that being said the high is outstanding it's better than the original plant everybody who smokes it so far has put them to sleep literally to sleep as I'm talking to them yesterday my friend HB LOL we were having a conversation talking about all kinds of shit and as I was talking to him he just kind of faded away I didn't think I was that boring LOL but yeah I called him back and again he faded away LOL...
So the neighbor lady came over a couple of weeks ago and asked me if I got anything it doesn't put you to sleep LOL so maybe that's a good thing or bad thing I'm not sure but it's definitely nighty-night weed LOL.

White Widow bud smoke report.
Seedsman White Widow from seed wow it turned out spectacular got approximately a pound off the one plant of all solid good bud no bullshit cuz the way I grow now I don't get any crap I get all just Good Buds that's all I really want so the bud comes out not exactly like the plants from last year these are different seeds that I ordered last winter after last Summer's grow so these seeds are from a new batch from seedsman and they're different than what the White Widow from the past was.
So this is a Cheesy flavor kind of almost has a Limburger type smell with fruity smell.[emoji90] spectacularly hard nugs very desirable easy to grow.
And the buzz is spectacular very very buzzy very high very happy for very long time that's a lot of varies and that's very nice.
The only downside to this plant is it picked up the bugs and a powdery mildew easy but it seemed to go pretty well with a light dep and the the blue of sun of the spring of the year it seem to do okay with that and all in all it was an awesome plant and I would grow it again definitely [emoji482][emoji817][emoji818]

Citrus super Haze seedsman.
Smoke report ...yum... it taste a little different then the Citrus haze from the past it's got a little bit of a skunk hit to it along with the Citrus flavor and it's only a hint of citrus and it also has a little bit of a Cheesy flavor to it and Spice but the smell is a skunky lime. The buzz is good and very good high last good long time real happy with the product yield came out very well and it also did well with light depth and the blue Sun everything was golden this plant also did well with the powdery mildew and the bugs it didn't seem to affect it before Harvest it was good these two plants produced almost to pounds even though that these plants were crushed Memorial Day weekend they still sprung back and produced all that and the one plant had half of it lost in that storm...
Will definitely grow this plant again.

The mutant Barry this plant was the plant that was a monster crop plant and then it reveged.
So it's buds came out better though then the sage and sours buds these buds were more dense but not as dense as I would like them but they did come out pretty well had a very strong blueberry flavor the buzz is very good to very strong again though both the sage and sour and the blueberry were accidents and so I probably won't try to recreate any of these attributes unless somebody asks me to.

Chocolate mint OG Humboldt Seeds again wow! It's an awesome set of plants these were the monster crop plants in the pots in the garden I will not grow above ground again I'm done with that scenario it's too much work but the plants came out awesome I had such a hard time watering these two plants cuz they kept drying out so fast in that summer heat but the product in the end came out really nice these two plants produced about 2 lb quality bud great flavor the plants inside taste different from the plants outside the plants inside seem to have a strong minty flavor than the plants outside have more of a stronger white chocolate flavor with a hint of mint.
The buzz is awesome great was outstanding it doesn't seem to make you sleepy like one would think it does range on that edge though but it's a very nice buzz real mellow in the drying techniques that I use now seem to enhance the mellowness and flavorfulness of it all makes your mouth water before you light it.

Chem berry diesel....
So after trimming all of the little bud sites and just garbage often the stock and inner branches just everything that didn't look like it would produce anything it came off 2 weeks ago tied it down some spread it out it's looking pretty good now this plant was a super crop plant that's where you bust the branches when it's in veg this is supposed to produce more THC and more Bud sites.


Come on man :smoking:, CBD got the least praise and info. A little bit more for your pal :pighug::smoking:?
Hey @Ryker604_BT [emoji481][emoji482][emoji109]

Okay I'll give you a little bit more on the CBD..
It's very very very... I'll say it again very ooey gooey. Even after drying all this time in the boxes and bags it retains its really ooey gooey ness.
I got rid of some yesterday to a patient client. Wow! he says "loved it a lot and I want a lot. It's good smoke" he says to me.

So to tell you the truth about it it's got a very pronounced Alpine smell. Like you're in a deep Pine Forest. It's just like I cracked open some pine needles with a Earth Tone under that. With a slight hint a dogwood in there too.
But when you open up the bag those smells aren't as present it seems to be more of an Earth Tone smell. But once you bust open a bud all those smells come out and change to that Alpine Earth Tone Dogwood kind of smell.
So I'm about to smoke some right now before I give you a report on what I think it tastes like.
I can tell you right now the first hit out of my pipe taste like hash a good blond hash at that.
I'm only going to take two hits otherwise I won't do nothing all day long LOL .
The second hit doesn't have as much hash Flavor now it's more Earth Tone flavor in the exhale But has got a Hashi after tone taste as well.

Okay it's been about 15 minutes since I took the two hits and I'm buzzin and it's a good Buzz.
Yeah it must be good because another two commercials have gone by.
So it must be another 15 or 20 minutes anyways LOL
Yeah I'm all warm face now and feeling happy it's got good pain-relieving qualities makes you feel happy it's definitely got sativa qualities to it. It is 80% sativa.
I don't feel like grabbing a bunch of food tho and sitting here watching TV all day right now.
I feel like getting up doing something that's a good thing.

The chocolate mint OG and the sage and sour and the mutant blueberry are oh so sleepy time weed. They take away the pain and if you're tired they will amplify that too the point of sleepy time LOL

So I'm going to go out and mow the yard right now. It takes me about 45 to an hour.
I'll tell you what my buzz is like when I come back in from yard work.

Well it's been an hour. Man still buzzed.
Man...I pulled weeds. mowed half the yard made tea for the outside plant watered it. rolled-up hoses clean the garage.
Yeah it works pretty good lol
My buzz just started run out I'm still high but it don't feel as strong as what it did that's off two hits. I'm going to take two more hits and go mow the front yard.

Okay I couldn't take just 2 hits LoL. I took three or four maybe five I don't know I lost count it's just a small bowl.

Yup....right back where I was LoL Watching tv LoL
Yup good stuff[emoji90][emoji482][emoji109]
Got to finish the yard now[emoji90]
[emoji14] LoL.[emoji482]
