Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018



Nice harvest Gtg plus you still have a few more plants to chop...so you had a Nice season!

Good idea with the cameras so you could just look on your phone to see what’s going on. Plus it gives you a peace of mind! Great Job Buddy[emoji1376][emoji1373][emoji91][emoji6]

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Well here it is [emoji481][emoji482] sorry not to many pics.... Of the last of harvesting.
I was in a hurry because I found powdery mildew on a few of the bottom branches of the White Widow and I found some aphids.
But on the Citrus Super haze inside each of the main colons there was a little Bud rot .[emoji50][emoji43][emoji21][emoji30][emoji50] most of it was all in its infancy just very small spots.
So I opened up every single colon
I was on it quickly and I surgically cut out all the bud rot out of each colon. Then I came back and took each colon that had the Bud rot and extracted it from the plant and separated all of the buds from the main colon stem and put them in the sun to dry for the day about 3 or 4 hours and then brought them in the outside drying room the garage LoL.
I was not going to bring them inside and contaminate my inside grow any more than I may have already.
Before I went in my house I jumped in my chlorinated pool and soaked up clothes and all shoes too for about 15 to 30 minutes. Hopefully Kill the bugs and eggs too. Hope[emoji120]
I never go from the outside grow to the inside grow in the same day. I always change clothes and take a shower but who knows those damn things came on so quick I mean six days and they were all over that one branch it was a fast infestation of the aphids and the Bud rot weehoo!
I caught that just in time wow....[emoji109][emoji818][emoji817][emoji106]
So I washed all the Harvest off in 3% hydrogen peroxide to water mix couple of dunks in the mix and a couple of dunks in Clearwater and then let hang drip dry front of a fan for a while then on to the drying room

I am so glad I am done outside growing for this year...[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482][emoji818][emoji106]

So I finished harvesting the Citrus super Haze both plants.
The ones that got crushed last weekend in May. I am guessing but just the buds weighs about 15 to 18 pounds wet. Great Harvest icky sticky gooey gooey. It was ready 10 to 15 % amber. The White Widow was the same and very fruity smelling very sticky icky.
Up dates and smoke reports as they become available.

Thank you AFN for watching[emoji481][emoji482]

Well done man, it looks like you had a pretty successful year outside. Time to sit back smoke a fat joint and enjoy your harvest. It's been great watching your year go by and made my winter a bit more enjoyable. Great growing
Well here it is [emoji481][emoji482] sorry not to many pics.... Of the last of harvesting.
I was in a hurry because I found powdery mildew on a few of the bottom branches of the White Widow and I found some aphids.
But on the Citrus Super haze inside each of the main colons there was a little Bud rot .[emoji50][emoji43][emoji21][emoji30][emoji50] most of it was all in its infancy just very small spots.
So I opened up every single colon
I was on it quickly and I surgically cut out all the bud rot out of each colon. Then I came back and took each colon that had the Bud rot and extracted it from the plant and separated all of the buds from the main colon stem and put them in the sun to dry for the day about 3 or 4 hours and then brought them in the outside drying room the garage LoL.
I was not going to bring them inside and contaminate my inside grow any more than I may have already.
Before I went in my house I jumped in my chlorinated pool and soaked up clothes and all shoes too for about 15 to 30 minutes. Hopefully Kill the bugs and eggs too. Hope[emoji120]
I never go from the outside grow to the inside grow in the same day. I always change clothes and take a shower but who knows those damn things came on so quick I mean six days and they were all over that one branch it was a fast infestation of the aphids and the Bud rot weehoo!
I caught that just in time wow....[emoji109][emoji818][emoji817][emoji106]
So I washed all the Harvest off in 3% hydrogen peroxide to water mix couple of dunks in the mix and a couple of dunks in Clearwater and then let hang drip dry front of a fan for a while then on to the drying room

I am so glad I am done outside growing for this year...[emoji481][emoji482][emoji482][emoji818][emoji106]

So I finished harvesting the Citrus super Haze both plants.
The ones that got crushed last weekend in May. I am guessing but just the buds weighs about 15 to 18 pounds wet. Great Harvest icky sticky gooey gooey. It was ready 10 to 15 % amber. The White Widow was the same and very fruity smelling very sticky icky.
Up dates and smoke reports as they become available.

Thank you AFN for watching[emoji481][emoji482]


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Well done man, it looks like you had a pretty successful year outside. Time to sit back smoke a fat joint and enjoy your harvest. It's been great watching your year go by and made my winter a bit more enjoyable. Great growing

Sent from my SM-J320ZN using Tapatalk
Thanks @thegreenbandit[emoji481][emoji482]
Thanks for watching.[emoji482]

Duuuudeeee, long time no hear :pass::pighug:.

First of all, you deserve a fat rep slap for your amazing outdoor grow this season :slap:. No, really, you've done a great job and I've learnt a great deal from this thread, for which I thank you :toke:.

Second, hope that everything is well with you and yours. And I'm excited to see some dried bud shots, eh :eyebrows:?
Fantastic grow,bumper harvest [emoji106] a lot of hard work,good to see you get out what you put in.
Great stuff
Good luck n keep er lit
@Ryker604_BT [emoji482]
@archie gemmill [emoji482]

Thanks for stopping by man [emoji482]
I appreciate it.

I'm very glad that you found interest in my unorthodox growing Style LOL.[emoji482]
Not many people can understand how I do it very few and I'm glad you did gain some knowledge.[emoji482][emoji106]
Cuz I know I've gained knowledge from all of you people on AFN. Thanks[emoji482]

I'm always going off the deep end with some of the stuff that I do my.
Wife calls me crazy cuz I'm always doing things over the top and I guess I do... sometimes it's worth it..
The crop that I took in this year from outside garden is roughly around 9 to 12 lb. ( not as much as last year) It's still curing but is all dry it's very smokable right now and the effects from all of the outside grow the White Widow Citrus super Haze the mutated sage and sour and mutant blueberry chocolate mint OG all had spectacular effects.
The bud structure tho are shit on a sage and sour and on the mutant blueberry. I wouldn't grow those again the way I grew them. But with that being said if I was to grow cannabis for concentrates then this is a good way to do it the reveg monster crop. The reveg works pretty well for that and would probably would work even better if I to let it go longer in veg I would have had a much larger yield.
But also I would have ran into more problems at the end mold powdery mildew aphids and spider mites all were coming when I was harvesting so all-in-all I think I'd beat the punch and I didn't get to bloodied...
I'm dealing the aphids right now outside with the 1 plant that I have left out in the outside garden a Chem berry diesel.
Even with all the precautions that I've took to try and keep them bugs from getting in my inside grow they still got in there I'm fighting them in my basement now with my inside grow I just ordered 5000 green lacewing larvae that should be here this morning to this afternoon sometime from Amazon and I'll turn them loose.
The bad bugs don't appear to be in my flower room yet but they're definitely in my veg room.
I spent 2 days ago spraying with AzMax and hand killing thousands of them they got on there within two days possibly three days ago at best I don't know they got on there so damn fast. but if they're on one plant they're on the rest most likely.
I searched them all out best I could so I'll let the good bugs do the rest...
I won't spray in the flower room that all has to be done with bugs the good bugs will win and I'll make it I just hope I don't have the problem continue into the winter and I have to clean the entire room again and I can eradicate them before it gets that far. fucking nightmares.
I threw out probably close to 20 water clones because the aphids were on them pretty bad.
I just don't know how they get inside? Before I go to my inside grow I always shower and change my clothes I have no idea how they got down there the only thing I can think of is about 3 weeks ago I had my basement windows open for 2 days. And at that same time that's when I found the aphids in the outside grow on the White Widow.

I'll have smoke reports on all of the outside grows after a couple more weeks of curing at least like to have three or four weeks of curing past the dry point before I like to really sample it and say Yeah this is good or bad.

The entire outside grow is curing inside of brown and white cardboard boxes filled with lunch size brown paper bags each filled 1/2way with cannabis and then sealed Inside the boxes.

So sorry I haven't been on here very much lately I don't really have too much to say just now.
I got a lot of things going on personally.
I'll try to pick up more with the inside grow when we get closer to October.

From Growtogrow
Thanks again[emoji817][emoji109][emoji481][emoji482][emoji818]

im guessing the bugs got in the window.guessing the basement window is ground level outside and a lot of bugs n stuff dont like getting too far off the ground.once they fell into the basement they coulnt find their way out again.but with the shower and change you took every precaution,cant account for every eventuallity.
staying bug free for so long was a victory in itself :thumbsup:
and them uhaul small box dont look so small:smoking:
I didn't think about showing you what was inside the boxes.
So after hanging plants to dry until you can snap buds off.
Then I put the bud loaded stems in the boxes. And mite be in the box like that for a few days a week or so and then I'll take them out of the box and I'll trim the buds up off the stems and put them in the small paper bags and that's where they'll stay at until I'm ready to put them in jars and use them.
So each box is has got however many small brown paper bags inside it to accommodate the bag being proximately half full of buds and then fold the top over.
I place them all inside the box and tape them up so they stay in the box for weeks maybe months.
When my jars get empty then I'll bring it out the brown bag weed and fill the jars. it seems to be like every time I refill the jars over time the weed seems to taste possibly better the bud seem to be better so the Cure can go on for as long as six months staying in the brown paper bags like that weed is just about perfect seems to retain its flavor best when you put it in the jar and let it sit in the jar for a 24 hour or to a week and when you open a jar up the aroma and smells are just so intense.[emoji482]

Last of the outside grow.
This plant was the yard light indicator telling me when the buds start naturally in my area this plant started to turn around the 11th of August

Chem berry diesel:
Breeder Dark horse genetic.
From seed. Was grown slow (not given a lot of food) until I moved her into the cage so not to get to big in my yard.
Now she is on a regular feeding of teas and I added super soil to the top 4 or 5 inches of the pot that was left over with nothing in it. So thats about a 4 gallons of soil. We have about 6 weeks left to go on this girl.

I've been fighting aphids on the outside grow and the inside grow.
So I ordered 5000 green lacewing larvae.
A week before they came I sprayed the downstairs green veggie grow which consists of six large plants that two of them had aphids and all of the water clones had aphids. So I trimmed a lot of the plants up and through all the water clones out and poured gas on them and set them on fire in the fire pit.
Then sprayed with the AzMax to drench twice in 4 days.
The problem was pretty well took out then.
So the green lacewings came and went into the flower room mostly and on the outside grow where the flowers are growing in both of those grows and I cannot spray.

Outside chem berry diesel is in a
25 gal pot with about 60% good soil.

I pulled her apart yesterday pulled her down and I trimmed her small little buds sites near the stock and lower stems the last time she gets trimmed and the only adjusting that will happen after this will just be to allow better Sun if possible to lower bud sites.

The first pic is of before puling her down.
2 pulled down.
3 to 9 is done pics.

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