Outdoor Growtogrow outside grow 2018

Now that's what I call a review, thank you brother :d5:.
I still haven't made it outside to finish mowing the front yard and I'm still high LOL yup it works LOL good stuff[emoji90] I shouldn't have finished off that Bowl LOL

the veg/reveg thing had me real nervous,couldnt really have worked out much better in the end :d5: top growing in and out [emoji106]
Hey Archie [emoji481][emoji482]
How you doing bro?
You're right about that sage and sour and re veg I was worried about a lot.
And with good reason too. Now We all know.
I mean the THC value is high grade... that was a good thing.
But I won't do it again though.
I lost a lot of weight on the sage and sours and the blueberry.
2 oz that was it on the Mutant Barry but it's quality guarantee that and will put you down.
And the sage and sour we're just funky looking buds lots of THC super fluffy. A 3in kind of looking bud should weigh about 3 grams but it barely weighed a gram.[emoji31]

Also thouse plants should have yielded a pound or better each. So it was a big loss. [emoji818] to experimentation.
I won't do that again guarantee it.
I'll figure something different out if it happened to me again but now that I know how it happened it can't happen again by accident. It would have to be by Design now...
Do you have another grow going Archie? Send me a link if you do cuz I don't think I've seen anything new from you yet that I can recall? [emoji817][emoji482]

Well I just can't help it just keeps sticking plants in the outside garden LOL

Had troubles in the inside grow... Aphids Spider mites and Powdery Mildew what a freaking nightmare
So few weeks ago when I first discovered the aphids I ordered the Green lacewing larvae they pretty much took care of the aphids and this was in The Green Room mainly. But in the flower room I had nothing going on it looked good.[emoji108]
Then seven days ago I discovered spider mites and powdery mildew in there so I grabbed the Early Skunk which seem to have the most wrong with it spider mites and powdery mildew and wiped it all down with baby wipes and then took it out to the outside grow along with a small blueberry and three of the Chem berry diesel water clones that were in small pots and had rooted because they all had aphids real bad. I had took the small three CBDs and BB out approximately 3 and a half weeks prior to this when I first discovered aphids in my green room. They had been infested the heaviest so I just wanted to get them out of the house to slow down my infestation any further.

So this is where I'm at
So pm still on the OS plants but the Early Skunk is doing very well and the yard CBD plant is looking okay some reason thou it has yellowing leaves a little more than I'd like at this stage in the game I'm not sure maybe low nitrogen I'm on certain. I fed it some General Hydroponics nitrogen week before last and doesn't seem to have helped but a little bit. Well not exactly sure what else it could be will dose again tomorrow. [emoji481][emoji482]

Up date [emoji481][emoji482]

Powdery mildew is dead

The powdery mildew has been eradicated in the outside grow.
I was using hydrogen peroxide water mix I sprayed them all one good time with the mix ( one quart of hydrogen peroxide to 4 quarts of water) it's a good mixture and works pretty quick so the next day when I went out there to look at the Garden it didn't look like it did as well as a job as I would like to have done or as quick. Thrre was still some active powdery mildew upon a few of the leaves that hadn't been killed after drenching.

So going back to the drawing board and researching more methods destroying powdery mildew.

So I came up with the ancient remedy that I had used last year it wasn't that successful because I had too much Shadow across my garden from the tree across the street for it to work properly. But this year I had full sun in the New Garden area and this process worked immaculately.

So the Magic Mix:

(one quart of milk to three quarts of water and direct sun light)

Then spray the plants with the powdery mildew on them in the direct sunlight so they get direct sun for at least 4 hours of that day.
What happens is the milk lays on the leaf of the plant in the direct sunlight in the Sun changes the chemical structure of the milk into an antibiotic which kills the powdery mildew.

It will killed all the powdery mildew and there is none left on any of the plants outside it's been 6 days since I sprayed them. And there is no visible sign of powdery mildew upon any of the plants. [emoji14][emoji109][emoji108]

And all you got to do is mix up the hydrogen peroxide and water or just water and spray rinse it off a few days later or before you harvest doesn't matter isn't going to hurt a thing being on there the rain will wash it off[emoji14][emoji482]

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Up date [emoji481][emoji482]

Powdery mildew is dead

The powdery mildew has been eradicated in the outside grow.
I was using hydrogen peroxide water mix I sprayed them all one good time with the mix ( one quart of hydrogen peroxide to 4 quarts of water) it's a good mixture and works pretty quick so the next day when I went out there to look at the Garden it didn't look like it did as well as a job as I would like to have done or as quick. Thrre was still some active powdery mildew upon a few of the leaves that hadn't been killed after drenching.

So going back to the drawing board and researching more methods destroying powdery mildew.

So I came up with the ancient remedy that I had used last year it wasn't that successful because I had too much Shadow across my garden from the tree across the street for it to work properly. But this year I had full sun in the New Garden area and this process worked immaculately.

So the Magic Mix:

(one quart of milk to three quarts of water and direct sun light)

Then spray the plants with the powdery mildew on them in the direct sunlight so they get direct sun for at least 4 hours of that day.
What happens is the milk lays on the leaf of the plant in the direct sunlight in the Sun changes the chemical structure of the milk into an antibiotic which kills the powdery mildew.

It will killed all the powdery mildew and there is none left on any of the plants outside it's been 6 days since I sprayed them. And there is no visible sign of powdery mildew upon any of the plants. [emoji14][emoji109][emoji108]

And all you got to do is mix up the hydrogen peroxide and water or just water and spray rinse it off a few days later or before you harvest doesn't matter isn't it hurt a thing being on there the rain will wash it off[emoji14][emoji482]

Awesome, thanks for sharing. I will have to remember this for future use!

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Thanks [emoji481][emoji482]

The Chem berry diesel outside was covered with the PM.
So Yes the milk works really well in the direct sunlight.
The [emoji274] is definitely is a major factor in this PM remedy.

I'm going to give it a go in my inside grow underneath my lights I'm not sure if it'll work or not.??
The hydrogen peroxide is working but it isn't working as fast as what the milk did on the outside grow.
The milk work awesomely.
So I'll give it a go on the inside grow and see if it works or not.
I dont think it will hurt nothing anyways at least not that I know of LOL.
I'll try it on some test leafs in the flower room.
I'll let you all know how it comes out.
I sprayed the inside grow with hydrogen peroxide yesterday again.
I had a few spots and dots of powdery mildew and some mix left over. The PM is mostly gone now but the Bubba Kush is still carrying a little bit for whatever reason.
The Red Dragon has no sign of any powdery mildew on it and it was right in between the two chocolate mint OG's that were covered in PM.
So the Red Dragon is PM resident. Mostly[emoji108]
The one chocolate mint OG is still going and it's got very little PM on it now.
So the hydrogen peroxide water mix does work but isn't a fast a killer though like the milk.

The milk is definitely a killer it destroyed the powdery mildew outside hands down.

Who would know that one of my favorite drinks in the whole world. Milk. Would be such a killer LoL[emoji91][emoji109][emoji95][emoji379][emoji108][emoji41][emoji482]

Thanks [emoji481][emoji482]

The Chem berry diesel outside was covered with the PM.
So Yes the milk works really well in the direct sunlight.
The [emoji274] is definitely is a major factor in this PM remedy.

I'm going to give it a go in my inside grow underneath my lights I'm not sure if it'll work or not.??
The hydrogen peroxide is working but it isn't working as fast as what the milk did on the outside grow.
The milk work awesomely.
So I'll give it a go on the inside grow and see if it works or not.
I dont think it will hurt nothing anyways at least not that I know of LOL.
I'll try it on some test leafs in the flower room.
I'll let you all know how it comes out.
I sprayed the inside grow with hydrogen peroxide yesterday again.
I had a few spots and dots of powdery mildew and some mix left over. The PM is mostly gone now but the Bubba Kush is still carrying a little bit for whatever reason.
The Red Dragon has no sign of any powdery mildew on it and it was right in between the two chocolate mint OG's that were covered in PM.
So the Red Dragon is PM resident. Mostly[emoji108]
The one chocolate mint OG is still going and it's got very little PM on it now.
So the hydrogen peroxide water mix does work but isn't a fast a killer though like the milk.

The milk is definitely a killer it destroyed the powdery mildew outside hands down.

Who would know that one of my favorite drinks in the whole world. Milk. Would be such a killer LoL[emoji91][emoji109][emoji95][emoji379][emoji108][emoji41][emoji482]

I have heard that milk is good for your soil as well, but I have never tried it myself.

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