late on the catch-up again!
Looking good on the PP and WT brudda -

I must say the PP is showing to be very stable and predictable, always the nice nose cone buds, tight pistils, just the right shape and stretch... She should start smelling mighty good too!
WT, that's a bit of a journey but she should be worth it! Depending on the aroma you get, she may have quite the fierce sati'-high, not for everybody... Be sure to sample well and share wisely, no doubt you have some folks who don't handle powerful psychoactivity well

LOL! ...it's funny, but many of my smoking friends don't like this anymore, they favor the hybrids most,..... Heavy Indi's just put them in a chair for nappy time as well

...I have ruined a couple dinner parties before-

Sorry to hear about the clones, that bites! ...here, I'll lend you my bag o' shame for a bit-
I got my KIS Organics soil cookin' now, for the auto's that is! Hopefully I dialed the heat down enough this time,... it was a bit N-hot last time; I cut the photo soil by about 30% with normal soil, and it was not enough,... proof that even organics can burn a bit! N-tox is what it looked like the most actually....
I think the first run list is settled (so much backlog of cultivars, it's ridic'!)-- White Crack, HubbaBubbaSmelloScope (bubblegum x), Zamadelica, S99 (a Stone's Autoflower Portal cross)... round 2 TBD!