could have given them a rinse and a blow-dry!![]()
.... Oh well, stuff like that keeps a health bit of humble about us, right?
The PP would be fine with the late run, but not so sure about the WT,.. no forcing speed into that one, she's a true equatorial landrace derived Sati', and Asia Dragon Queens do not like to be rushed! Cold will bog things down as well.... Her mold resistance is something to consider in addition!
Oh on that note, I'll be chatting with the owner of "RotBlock", which didn't die out as thought, the rep's just bailed! The owner reached out to staff, under the name Phyter (also product's true name) and wants testing done, so I'll keep you up on that-
It's a similar bio-agent as the BotryStop I used last year, only a different microbe,... I can say it works, it's the only thing that got the Strawberry Amnesia across the finish line due to her being mold-weak! You can read up on it in the RotBlock section here....
About Reputation, we used to have it on the old software, this new one had to have it added in as an "extra",.... like Hecno said, it's just an e-back slap for anything that one deems worthy,... something funny, great results, good info, awesome harvest/buds, that sorta thing,.... Just a little extra acknowledgement is what that's about!

Yeah you know I did rinse them off right after I sprayed them. it was spring water or distilled water whatever had in the bottled drinking at the time.. But what I did find out that don't help. Is some of these strains are real sensitive. I found a few of the strains that I'm working with are much more sensitive than other ones to that effect also. The White fire or Wi-Fi strain it seems to be very sensitive to anything I do to it. So far I've only gotten a couple of clones off it and it's been a struggle every inch of the way. To get them to go.... Ugh... I did get a Strawberry sour diesel to clone finely feeew damn.. Im also having a time with the new Chocolate mint og. I've worked with this plant many times in the past and always had good cloning success.
But my cloning success has been spot-on compared to times in the past using the other method with the dip and the root Riot cubes in the propagator. This air cloner seems to be so much easier.. I may have mixed my solution too strong also. As the instructions say anywhere between 40 and 50 ml per gallon. I'm using the upper side of that at just about 50 ml. So it may be too strong for some of the strains and maybe I possibly should run it at the bottom level for the first week of cloning and then maybe bump it up after that once the plants get used to it. It's still a learning curve to me but my success has been good so far. I can't complain too much.
The wild Thailand this one here I have from seed is doing really well with the p.m. right now in my grow. As I have p.m. now in my basement again

You know the light dep thing is really a good tool for moving these long-running plants right along in my latitude. As I've had pretty good experience with running long run plants. Such as and Neville's Haze for example. The Neville's Haze is longest flowering plants I've ever tried to deal with. With a flowering time between 14 to 18 weeks long.
I did really good with the one seed that I ran in 2017. I took it all the way to Halloween though from a start date July 10th and it was just getting about 10% Amber at the time of harvest. I pulled it in just before the first ice. She gave me almost two and a half kilos. As every single branch was large colon
Neville haze 2017
She was a beautiful plant. she has beautiful sativa leaves. I always called her my Yeti of the garden.