Potted 11 out of 12 pots with plants. Every pot has got a different strain in it with 3 pots having 2 and 1 pot with 3 of the same strains. One pot is a duplicate of the Black sugar plant making 4 total 3 in 1 pot. I wanted to have a lot of Black sugar plants growing in this grow.

I want to make a lot of concentrates.
I added blood meal bone meal humic acid worm castings and 1 gallon of vermiculite and about 3 gallons of water to each pot before planting
Ill have some better pics next week and a proper introduction to the ladies that are going to the Northern land.
The 12th pot will have the Dragon seeds Dragonfruit Auto.
We've had very little rainfall here in Michigan. The average rainfall at this time of year is around a foot of rain and or snow melt. From the first of the year to now. But we've barely gotten over 6 in in that amount of time.
The weather woman says Spotty showers are in sight but don't expect any significant rain in the foreseeable forecast. Shit!!!

I ran out of rainwater long time ago and I have had to use filtered city water

it is what it is.

Ive hauled 7 - 55 gallon sealed barrels of water up to the land and left there. Plus 2 more full ones that are strapped in the truck that have large holes in the top for my pump to fit down in. I guessThis is my hillbilly fire truck

Just a lot of waterrrr