Hey GTG That sounds a great plan, a few scare tactics should be a good idea also and thorny shrubs bordering the property. They have an excellent range,plus its nice to keep an idea on the plants also to see how they are progressing. Sadly Meth Oxys and other over the courter pills seem to be an issue here in Australia also, it even in small country towns as the bikies/dealers go out there. To think the cops, waste time and resources chasing down cannabis grows, when the could be using the choppers to case the real drugs like Meth. The recreational areas maybe have cheaper rent than say the big cities much like out here so maybe that is why they are out there, good idea though GTG to secure your property, it would scare them off or at least deter, canna is worth a bit, heard a few sad stories of growers here who, had guerilla grow only to have the plants taken at harvest -i feel their anger and painThanks Smokey yeah the remote camera is 1 part of the security system that will help me know what's going on at the site. There is another 8 camera system that records up to 2 terabytes. As well as 8 remote laser motion detectors with transmitting range of up to a half a mile. Ill know pretty much when anything comes onto the property from every side.
I've come to find out that the area has a Meth and Oxycontin problem and is a poor and low paying job and with a bit more crime than one mite think for a large Forest recreational area.
So I can't stop the crime but I can try to deter it a little bit.. I've also got some other remote control scare tactics that are sure to put the fear of god in a mother fuc××× to
Can not wait to do ground grows, once secure more will do so, less issues in the ground than pots, lol i hope