Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

Make sure you filter your water that comes off your roof for your rain water catchment system.
I used a laundry bag duffle bag and I set it down inside a cage that I made out of a pice of small fence set in the water then the water has to go through it catching all the materials that can get into the rest of the barrels. It works great as heck and it's good for about a month and you got to take it out and wash it you can back in again you're good

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What do you think about this G2G? It was raining cats and dogs one day, so I set out the 5g buckets at the rooflines edge and caught 2/3 of a bucket. I like a dummy just left them in place for the next days milder rain storm. The slower rain washed the red off of my mission tiles and I figured the water wasn't usable. What say you?
What do you think about this G2G? It was raining cats and dogs one day, so I set out the 5g buckets at the rooflines edge and caught 2/3 of a bucket. I like a dummy just left them in place for the next days milder rain storm. The slower rain washed the red off of my mission tiles and I figured the water wasn't usable. What say you?
Mmmm... Well it should be good.
What is the red? Is the red coming from the clay tiles. Dose the ground that water runs on what's it look like grass growing up or dead what's going on with that?

Grass looks good. But it been raining for 1.5 months, so everything is busting out with growth. Your right it is probably neutral, my cuz says the spray silicon on them at the factory. I just chickshitted out.

What about putting some fulvic and silicon in the mite spray?
Grass looks good. But it been raining for 1.5 months, so everything is busting out with growth. Your right it is probably neutral, my cuz says the spray silicon on them at the factory. I just chickshitted out.

What about putting some fulvic and silicon in the mite spray?
Mmm I've not tried that I dont know? But you can alternate you could do something different one time and then do something different the next time I do that quite often I use alcohol and then the next time I would use like a SM 90 or something like that I mean I switch off back and forth a lot just because I wanted to defeat them keep changing the game up but the alcohol really works never had an issue since started I using it.

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Ok just talked at my cuz, he now says he doesn't know the substance that they spray on the tiles, but it ruins your shirts and will not wash off and smells harsh.
Ok just talked at my cuz, he now says he doesn't know the substance that they spray on the tiles, but it ruins your shirts and will not wash off and smells harsh.
Mmmm well it mite be a good thing to have it tested then. See if it's good or bad...if not anything just for GP.

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