Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

update to the veggie room Veggie Girls the girls in waiting the girls that are going to be my outside grow the girls that are just girls girls will be Girls Girls Just Want to Have Fun whatever

So my Somango is a going to be a monster just like her mother was so far so good I haven't sext her yet so I'm still calling her her unless I know otherwise but right now it's a monster plant my hand from pinky to thumb across is 8 in she spans that width Plus.

So let me refresh your memory on the Somango this girl is from 2017 she is the one that I picture of the wheelbarrow load the picture of the girl holding the big bud.
This is that plant so whether it's a female or rather be a male I will use this genetics in my next crop. I will make seeds with this plant one way or another this is a monster and I'm going to grow it just like it's Godzilla out side if she's female.

Introducing the Somango

You see what i mean @Bailey ?
Thanks for the tag @TheMongol
I'm going to sub up and read through :pighug:
Thanks for stopping by Bailey[emoji481]

It's always good to have company come around[emoji482]

So kick back in your favorite chair. Crack open your favorite beverage [emoji482] get your favourite smoke out. Roll it pack it however you enjoy your cannabis and kick back for the ride.

I'm about to start to do some cloning for my outside garden this year.
So things are going to start getting a little interesting before I start the new thread for the outside 2019 grow.
Come on spring[emoji482]

Thanks for stopping by Bailey[emoji481]

It's always good to have company come around[emoji482]

So kick back in your favorite chair. Crack open your favorite beverage [emoji482] get your favourite smoke out. Roll it pack it however you enjoy your cannabis and kick back for the ride.

I'm about to start to do some cloning for my outside garden this year.
So things are going to start getting a little interesting before I start the new thread for the outside 2019 grow.
Come on spring[emoji482]

Thanks m8 I like the look of that big recliner just there so I'll grab that .
My favorite smoke is hard one but I'll smoke some blue cheese today :hookah:
And a fat joint is my preference my man

I was told by a little birdy that ure an awsome grower inside and out even more so outside as you grow trees :smokeit: so looking forward to the show m8 :dancer:
Thanks m8 I like the look of that big recliner just there so I'll grab that .
My favorite smoke is hard one but I'll smoke some blue cheese today :hookah:
And a fat joint is my preference my man

I was told by a little birdy that ure an awsome grower inside and out even more so outside as you grow trees :smokeit: so looking forward to the show m8 :dancer:
Thanks Bailey[emoji482]I appreciate it bro and thanks to the little birdie whom sent you the cracker crumbs to follow to my thread.[emoji481][emoji482] As that little birdie probably knows I'm not very good with links and setting up to help people find their way to navigate through all the threads that I've created along the way since I've been here on AFN
But I have a couple of outside grow threads and I think I got 2 inside grow threads and I have one more that I'm doing for Seedstockers...
I don't like to brag too much but that Somango from 2017 that was a hell of a plant I couldn't really believe how big the buds got on that plant.

I'm so stoked[emoji573] that I got a seed from that plant and she's took and is growing... it's going to be a monster.... I can't wait to see what it's going to be like.[emoji13][emoji482]
Its mother grew the same way it started out big and in the Summer sun it grew as much as 3" a day for several days it's all documented in my first outdoor grow Journal I had on AFN.
So if this girl's anything like her mother watch out she's going to be a monster...
I might do a little light dep on her just before flowering time happens in my area. Maybe bump it up by two or three weeks ahead of the normal flowering schedule. Thats about August 15th... That's what I did in 2017 but I didn't plant until Memorial Day weekend the end of May.

But this year I'm going to move her outside in the beginning of May. I'll be moving her in and out until the day light hours reach 14 plus hours and then in the ground she go's.
So it will have an additional 3 to 4 weeks plus she'll have the grow time inside after the cloning is all done. So all of the veg time to grow even bigger[emoji482][emoji482][emoji482][emoji269][emoji268][emoji267][emoji319]

Yum yum looks delicious
Humboldt Seeds chocolate mint OG.
Everybody loves the chocolate mint OG[emoji269][emoji268] it is fantastic plant all-in-all I believe it's the best flavorful plant I have ever grown in my entire life it has flavor Beyond flavor and it is very very strong with the mint but the white chocolate flavor comes through as well.The Buzz is awesome it runs around 25% THC if grown properly maybe even 27% it's a very relaxing Stone if you take it into Amber I don't recommend using big quantities of it if you have any plans to do anything all day long because it is one of them couchlock weeds that makes you very relaxed and you really don't give a shit about nothing I'm here to tell you I've wasted more days smoking that shit in the morning time[emoji482]
But it is some of the most pain relieving relaxing hunger helping weed I've ever had.
I like to mix it with pretty much any kind of blueberry that I've come across so far rather it be seedsman or Barney's Farm or whomever blueberry that you mix the two together and smoke them [emoji573]holy smokes kiss that day goodbye[emoji573] it will fly by so fast you won't even know it's gone LOL next thing you know you're watching movies at night going to sleep LOL.[emoji482]

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I don’t know about trees, I’ve seen full on forestation in this thread before :eyebrows:

hope you’re well @Growtogrow :pighug: and you’ve got those damn bugs under control :pass:
LoL [emoji482]thanks Froot n Fuel[emoji482]

Welcome my friend good to have you onboard. [emoji482]
Yeah pull up a chair have a seat break out your favorite beverage and your favorite cannabis and lighter up.

I look at growing weed just like it says... Growing is a weed all you got to do is feed it give it light give it water and they will produce every single time.

But like you said the bugs pests funghi damn powdery mildew will kick your ass if you can't get on it quick enough but I've got some tricks now and I'm fighting them all pretty good these days. A friend of mine turn me on to this organic spray that I've been using. It seems to work really well on the p.m. ...also believe it or not I don't have any fans running in these grows not for 8 months now not one single Breeze there is no air movement in those grow rooms the veg or the flower room.
I got to say I'm not mad at what I see so far I hope it all turns out well in the end I think it will just judging from what I see so far.[emoji482]

Humboldt Seeds chocolate mint OG.
Everybody loves the chocolate mint OG[emoji269][emoji268] it is fantastic plant all-in-all I believe it's the best flavorful plant I have ever grown in my entire life it has flavor Beyond flavor and it is very very strong with the mint but the white chocolate flavor comes through as well.The Buzz is awesome it runs around 25% THC if grown properly maybe even 27% it's a very relaxing Stone if you take it into Amber I don't recommend using big quantities of it if you have any plans to do anything all day long because it is one of them couchlock weeds that makes you very relaxed and you really don't give a shit about nothing I'm here to tell you I've wasted more days smoking that shit in the morning time[emoji482]
But it is some of the most pain relieving relaxing hunger helping weed I've ever had.
I like to mix it with pretty much any kind of blueberry that I've come across so far rather it be seedsman or Barney's Farm or whomever blueberry that you mix the two together and smoke them [emoji573]holy smokes kiss that day goodbye[emoji573] it will fly by so fast you won't even know it's gone LOL next thing you know you're watching movies at night going to sleep LOL.[emoji482]

That sounds awsome m8 I've never tried any thin mint yet but I will soon as I'm growing SEEDSTOCKER thin mint crack just now for the 2019 battle .