Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

all looking good mate please remind me who makes the candy cream
What's up Stoney T [emoji481][emoji482]

Thanks bud..
The Candy cream is a Seedsman seed.
This is my first time running them.
@Robbiie714 has grew one or two a few months ago.
I'm not sure if his got that much blue in them or not?

Hey Mongol[emoji482]
Oh I got rid of the bed last spring it was too much of a hassle to grow in I couldn't make any time at it.. The bags are so much easier I can slide them around I can move them this way and that way it's a lot easier..

Hell yeah...Hey come on over man we can have a group smoke anytime you want. That was Super Bowl party. It was just a little one neighbors came on over we smoked out watch the Patriots and the Rams have a boring-ass game I'm just glad the Patriots did win. But we got smoked out bro shit you got to put ice in it that thing it will blow your head off the ice Smooths it right out[emoji481][emoji482]

Be aware, i'm a fast ticket booker Gtg!:crying:idk how i mist this with the beds, but bags also good:thumbsup:
Be aware, i'm a fast ticket booker Gtg!:crying:idk how i mist this with the beds, but bags also good[emoji106]
LOL .... [emoji482] hey Mongol how are you buddy[emoji482] I hope you're doing well and hope you're staying warm over there. It's cold as hell here again. It's like 16 windchill like 3 or 4 below now. A sharp wind cut right through you. Brrr

Yes I like growing in the bed as well. it was very nice. But in order for me to have a rotating crop. Its almost impossible to run rotating crops in a single bed.
I really would have had to have had three different beds. They would have to be divided in room's or three different rooms with beds in them in order to keep a rotation going.
I really like growing in the bed though it had worms in it.
It was like gardening outside but inside.[emoji482]
But the bags with this new super soil concept that I've acquired instead of using a lot of it perlite I'm using natural pea Stone and I'm also using the clay pellets for my drainage and I've used soils that maintain a lot more water then what the soils I had used in the past so I'm having to water a lot less and I'm seeing a lot better growth to these plants and what I had seen using the ocean forest and Happy Frog commercial bags.

So right now I'm using Miracle Grow organic soil and I'm also using organic composted cow manure and I'm also using organic topsoil plus I'm using organic worm castings and organic mushroom compost along with all my amendments blood meal bone meal humic acid generous amounts of those all three extra extra amounts of those.
Plus I used Alaskan organic tomato garden stuff and also I used jobs organic tomato stuff. So I got quite a menagerie of stuff in there also got Epsom salts Dolomite lime triple phosphate alpaca poo and the last of my Mexican bat guano that's higher nitrogen.
All of the soils hsve got organic nitrogen in them. Such as the blood meal and the Mexican bat guano and I put generous amounts of the blood meal to it a lot a lot more than what you normally would in a 20 gallon or 25 gallon pot a lot more bone meal and a lot more of the humic acid than what you would put in three or four cubic feet of soil much more overload.
But so far so good but we'll see in the end product how it comes out taste-wise. I hope the taste is awesome I hope the buds come out nice and dank. With the higher nitrogen it's really the only thing I'm worried about but I needed to put the higher nitrogen and the more bone meal and humic acid to make sure that the plant had enough to go through the entire process in this soil cuz I don't really want to add any tea or any toppings or anyting to it throughout this entire grow unless I have to and we shall be watch it closely.
One plant is growing in Pro mix all by itself no additives no extra nitrogen just straight Pro mix.
We'll see what thats all about here shortly.[emoji482]

What's up Stoney T [emoji481][emoji482]

Thanks bud..
The Candy cream is a Seedsman seed.
This is my first time running them.
@Robbiie714 has grew one or two a few months ago.
I'm not sure if his got that much blue in them or not?

iv seen that maple leaf indica pop up here and there i think sensi seeds does it always wondered if it the maple part of the seed stocers maple sherbert x pre89 skunk my favorite from there line up so far think i might have to ask mischa if she can get me any info
iv seen that maple leaf indica pop up here and there i think sensi seeds does it always wondered if it the maple part of the seed stocers maple sherbert x pre89 skunk my favorite from there line up so far think i might have to ask mischa if she can get me any info
Yes ask it would be good to know

update to the veggie room Veggie Girls the girls in waiting the girls that are going to be my outside grow the girls that are just girls girls will be Girls Girls Just Want to Have Fun whatever

So my Somango is a going to be a monster just like her mother was so far so good I haven't sext her yet so I'm still calling her her unless I know otherwise but right now it's a monster plant my hand from pinky to thumb across is 8 in she spans that width Plus.

So let me refresh your memory on the Somango this girl is from 2017 she is the one that I picture of the wheelbarrow load the picture of the girl holding the big bud.
This is that plant so whether it's a female or rather be a male I will use this genetics in my next crop. I will make seeds with this plant one way or another this is a monster and I'm going to grow it just like it's Godzilla out side if she's female.

Introducing the Somango

Update continued of the veggie room...

Pics in order
Seedstockers OG Kush
Royal Queen seeds Green gelato
Barney's Farm LSD
No name
Pheno Finders seeds Wedding cake
UGORG Blue's
Green thumb seeds pre 98 Bubba kush

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Update to the flower room.

The Flower room is doing awesome..
The Chem Berry diesel is off the chain. she's now 5 feet across by 5 feet across. Plus

And the difference in buds.
I'm going to show you that underneath the 315 CMH the buds are much bigger on the right side.
On the left side underneath the HPS light..the buds are much smaller.
I couldn't tell you why??
The bulb in the HPS light is a new bulb ipower 600w hps ???
