Indoor Growtogrow inside grow and part time breeding.

That's good news on the bugs and PM buddy:clapper:. I will be trying to remember this information, no doubt I'll need it sooner rather than later! I think i will have to stock up on a few things so when shit happens I'm ready for it:shooty:. Your girls are looking fantastic! I'm starting to learn there's a lot more to ganja farming than i first thought!:cheers:
Hey TGB...[emoji481][emoji482]
Yeah it's good to have on hand hydrogen peroxide rubbing alcohol baking soda neems oil baby wipes mild dish soap and bleach.
These are all things you really need to have around for emergencies or in some cases everyday use.
well I'm glad things are coming around for you for sure you know it's all about the growing.
Anytime you got any kind of problem and I can help you with it I'll help you there's no doubt and if I can't help you well I'll research it and find somebody who can. cuz I certainly don't know everything there's a lot to learn in this growing cannabis there's so many strains of so many hybrids so many variations too climate soil content hydro aquaponics desert conditions jungle conditions there's so many ways to grow weed.
I'm recently looking into getting some volcanic soil and trying to replicate conditions where weed can grow and produce flavors that I'm Desiring.
Because it's all about the way you grow them what kind of air quality there is soil quality nutrients ie. what they eat you know just like Swiss cheese and provolone mozzarella dandelion wine plum wine apple wine all the different kinds of hops for your different flavored craft beers
It all depends on what they eat plant or animal dictate the way they're going to taste.
From a natural point of view.[emoji482]

Blues finally popped so I got her in the terrarium and way we go all seeds have cracked germination is now complete and upwards they grow

Good luck with the new starts:cheers:
Thanks Archie [emoji481][emoji482]
I appreciate it bro.
These are going to grow on the slow grow.
I got plenty of stock for right now so these are going to be like ready to go when I need them to go but I'm not going to grow grow right now I'ma going to try to do a little breeding I think I'm going to try a little bit of grafting a couple of these plants see if I can't create a
Frankenstein mother LOL
I don't know that's my intentions anyways[emoji28] we'll see how it goes[emoji28] I got to set up a couple a little rooms that I can keep very sterile kind of like your cabinet kind of like the professor's Laboratory but small got to keep it clean for them graftings I was thinking about setting up like an aquarium that I got my rubber gloves attached to their inside and I'll put everything inside there that I need inside there when I do the grafting so it can stay in there for a little while at a time while I graft branches on to a mother Frankenstein stock.[emoji482]

Eclectic Elle had a photo mom with 6 autos grafted on to it last year.looks like a lot of fun,a great experiment,and dont take up much room.
O yeah... She was talking about grafting a few months ago too. That's what got me keen to it.

I've been thinking about for a while. I think I am just about ready.
If one of the Bubba kush plants has a nice thick stock I may use her for the Franklin mother or the Chem berry D mother I have in the green room now.
She's already got lots of room on her. I could experiment with her as soon as these ceilings get big enough branches on them to graft mmm ![emoji298][emoji44] that's not a bad idea..[emoji482]

Hey [emoji481][emoji482]
Just an update for the little ones They're coming along pretty good the blues have yet to poke their heads above the root Riot Cube but the rest are all doing well and they're all about an inch and a half I had to split the husk off a couple of them they were kind of stuck on the White Widow hasn't spit her seed husky yet and neither has one of the candy creams. If not off by tomorrow I surely examine and possibly amputate the husk off

So we're not out of the woods yet but at least we're growing up.

After further thought about it I decided to take the husks off now there's no sense in letting them work any harder than they have to at this size so I removed the husks that we're holding there hand leaves together.
So upward we grow[emoji482]

Before n after pics

Eclectic Elle had a photo mom with 6 autos grafted on to it last year.looks like a lot of fun,a great experiment,and dont take up much room.
Sadly not correct archie - they weren't autos and I didn't get 6, I think I tried 4.

I have a new mother on the go but the air movement is too vigorous in my big tent and both grafts have failed. They dried out within a few hours and didn't get a chance to take. But I'll try again soon in a tiny tent!
Sadly not correct archie - they weren't autos and I didn't get 6, I think I tried 4.

I have a new mother on the go but the air movement is too vigorous in my big tent and both grafts have failed. They dried out within a few hours and didn't get a chance to take. But I'll try again soon in a tiny tent!
Hey Ells[emoji481][emoji482] have you got any pics of how you did the grafting I just like to see how you did it cuz I got a couple of ideas and I read up quite a bit about it but I think there's a better way then what I'd seen even but I'm not sure if it works or not but can I see what you have done to see if it similar to what I'm thinking of doing?

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Hey you how you doing[emoji481][emoji482]
Have Elle [emoji481][emoji482]got any pics of how you did the grafting I just like to see how you did it cuz I got a couple of ideas and I read up quite a bit about it but I think there's a better way then what I'd seen even but I'm not sure if it works or not but can I see what you have done to see if it similar to what I'm thinking of doing?
I'm well thanks!

No pics, because once they were done I wrapped them in PTFE tape, but the successful ones were v grafts (similar to cleft grafts). I tried whip grafting but they wouldn't stay in place. The v grafts were quite simple - trim the cutting end to a pointed shape, split the stem where you want to graft it on to, slide the cutting in and tape it up. You have to get as much contact between them as possible to have the best chance, and then you need to keep it quite humid so the cutting doesn't wilt before it's started taking up nutrients from the main stem.

Maybe next time I should just try a grafting clip without the PTFE tape, because it's a bugger to use!

What's your idea?