Lighting GROWNORTHERN The Manual.

I managed 3 one flowered under one because my T5 packed up I think 2 should do it Dan From GN suggested two for a 120 +120 I'm a bit miffed as I wanted 1 more I have had to get a vipar as they discontinued the M S 006 by the time I had the money and the Quality doesn't seem as near as good so I'm going to Veg with the Viper and continue flowering with the MS006 I wish I had the two fortunately there staggered, I just hope they can honour their Warranty if something goes wrong but yeah I think it should do fine .With two .Good luck
Does anyone know when GrowNorthern will have lights for sale online or where to scoop one up?

the new unit will be available the start of August
the first week or second week

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Does anyone know when GrowNorthern will have lights for sale online or where to scoop one up?

the new unit will be available the start of August
the first week or second week
roll on 1st September,or before as things rarely go to plan.ive had to buy shite because my current led just died (6 weeks into grow).will be at the front of the queue/que/cue/kwi ? will be at the front of the line when these new lights are released.
I think the first option was correct but I'm a bit Dislexik ha ha I should of used that for a name ,I'm in the same boat
But I think the other LED although different and looks cheap actually seems to be working quite well with vegging ,The Reds look a lot more washed out than the MS006 but the plants look greener under it it throws out so much heat though But it is unusually hot for the UK I hope you get your new one very soon.✌
Hi everyone
I own the older GN0006 which only comes with one switch to turn all the modules turn on or off. Is there anyway I kan add a switch so I kan turn just 2, 4 or all 6 as per my choice? Has anyone done this? Any advise will be highly appreciated.

I'm sure theres a way to add some more switches but doing this might void your warranty,and I really don't see a reason to do this because you should be using the light at full strength to receive the benefit it as designed for.
I'm sure theres a way to add some more switches but doing this might void your warranty,and I really don't see a reason to do this because you should be using the light at full strength to receive the benefit it as designed for.

We have a lot of electricity issues in my country. Basically there is no electricity in my place 10 hours a day. One of the reasons I grow under LEd is koz these lights can run under a UPS very easily and that what I do here. I can use less modules during veg and have less load on the UPS if I am able tu turn the modules off.