Lighting Grownorthern LED lights

No that's fine, i was thinking of getting some cfl blue bulbs to help with the growth stage myself. If I had a blackstar flowering model it would certainly help and as you say you cant have too much light!!!!!
just been entered in the GrowNorthern FAQ section -
FAQ: Why does the power consumption of the unit differ to the units name?
A 3 watt LED means a 3 watt maximum part. Therefore using 80pcs of 3 watt LEDs, 240 watts is the maximum possible power consumption. All 3 watt LEDs are limited between 2.2 and 2.8 watts per LED depending on the spectrum in order to get the best lumen efficiency, heat dissipation and lifespan from each diode. When 660nm is used as the dominant spectrum on a grow light the power draw can be between one 1:3 and 1:4 less than the maximum possible output of the unit i.e. 240 watt. This is because Epistar 660nm LEDs are most efficient at 2.2 watts per diode.
Does that go some way to answering the draw question????????????
yes you are right og all the manufacturers inflate there figures to make them sound more powerful. and there are many ways to fudge up the information to make there panel sound like it is the best. i have blackstars. they work well and seem to be reliable. as you said every diode brand uses a different draw 2.2w,2.5w also different degree of lenses all effect the statistics on a given led panel. i have a good accurate meter and my 240w blackstar is drawing 175 to 180 watts. two other gentlemen on this forum also have blackstar 240w and they also have meters there meters say that there 240w panel is drawing 140watts, so if the diode is drawing 2.2 watts and there is 80 diodes in the panel do the math 2.2 x 80 = 176 watts.
thats what my meter says. why the discrepincy? different models, different diodes,. that where they get the 50,000 hr. life span:2cents::peace:
Hi All ,
First of all I am NOT the owner or anything to do with the company who I enquired about. I am like everybody else a seeker after the best way to grow cannabis. I have smoked for 40 years and grown it on my balcony for many years in a haphazard way, but after having my contract at work terminated due to collapsing unconcious and being hospitalised 3 times in a year due to an as yet unkown affliction, I have decide to grow it properly indoors for economic reasons. When I started doing my research I came across LED lights which interested me but I found it difficult to get any coherent view on them, with opinion bitterly divided. For the last few weeks I have been researching LEDs on the net and come across various options. the Blackstar was one of them, but I was concerned after reading of QC problems and potential design problems as well as having to return them etc. I looked at and liked the US products like the 357 Magnum and the Penetrator series, but I would have ideally preferred to have them available in the UK. After looking through some local Hydroponic retailers in the south of england I noticed the lights I mentioned in my query. Unfortunately I could find nothing on the net about them and in my innocence decided to post on a forum to see if anyone could help me. I thought I was embracing the AFN community, but obviously not, for which I apologise.
I posted the technical blurb on the LEDs in a misguided attempt to make it easier for those who are more technically knowledgable on the subject to give me a considered answer. From the firms r website they have only been in existence for a year or so which may explain why no one has heard of them, if they are kosher then it would be a good thing for the AFN community (or those who are prepared to embrace new technology) to have a european based supplier of quality product. So once again I apologise if I have ruffled feathers with my first ever post on a cannabis forum, I can now see how suspicions could be aroused by my post , but that was the last thing on my mind.
ograndeviado, i actually joined this thread because you had the exact same query i did. throw in my 2p. i have been interested in indoor/LED for quite a while now. I am onli interested in LED. Just like you, i started researching, few years now, and found that the onli LEDs availiable were those piece of shit prakash (or whatever), the penetrators and magnum series from the usa. Like you i wanted something based in the UK. I stumbled upon Grownorthern purely by chance, maybe a year ago. I contacted them by fone in july they must have missed the initial call and called me back later that morning (i was suprised). I didnt purchase anything but had a lengthy convo with the man. He was super helpful, he was chillin, customer service was a 10, considering, quite quickly he knew there was no chance of an immediate sale (i was asking ALL the what ifs), he answered any and all questions i had with no hesitation and utmost friendly nature. I was throwing curve balls, tryna blindside...photon density, flux, all that, location, payment, delivery, warranty who what where why, i was relentless. Im not gonna go into the raw nitty gritty. but the point is i left the conversation feeling like, when i was ready to get underway, there was no way i WOULDNT be buying grow northern. I dunno about blackstar, but i do know blackstar is not on the same level as the grow northern man. he told me that he sources the leds themselves in USA so they share some of the design of the penetrators (ps the usa made ones need to somehow be coverted to accept our power supply- messy if u ask me), they get pieces made in China, but the design and build goes on here....anyway, ramble over, im not their promotional i dont know them from adam. Im jus saying, some people are talkin a lot of shit on ere, some are talking pure sense. but what it is, is that i know from pure estimation an gut-instinct based on my research. that them guys r the tip of the berg, for LEDS for anyone looking 4 LEDS in the UK, ive searched and not found. but thesae guys have been doin the ting for a while, there known on the commercial grow circuit, so go with your opinion, because i vouch from what youve sed that you know what your looking for these guys talking about blackstar have mitigated the fact that we dont want an american product, although they are supplied here. what the fuck are you gonna do when it needs fixing, send it overseas for 4 months...P>S, the convo may have moved on a little, im responding to like the 1st 3 pages, normaly i wouldnt jump in, but this guys situation was so similar to mine...............respect to the blackstar man, if it works for you dont change, im just so focused on the GN. that's just me..... also the cfl bulb trick is one of the best in the book. i can dig it, offence to anyone, all casual banter!
That's some praise for a light you've never used mate..when you've bought one and grown with it,and posted pics in a thread showing how good these LEDs work I think more people would take in the uk too,iv spoken to the guys at gn and they are cool,but I still bought a blackstar from the USA because it was cheaper than buying off gn,it works a treat,has 3w chips,6 spectrum and is well power changes needed its has worldwide not saying the gn LEDs are no good iv heard real good reports on there produts,just saying we wanna see actual grows not what the guy at the shop told you,there obviously gonna claim there lights are the dogs nuts.seeing is believing..
I will say this though,if money wasn't an issue I'd have no problem buying off grow prefer to buy from a uk company and they also give you a 3 year warrenty..there just a little more pricy than a blackstar and that's the biggest factor for most growers
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ped, you say customer service was a 10, the SALES pitch was a ten,customer service begins after you buy the product!:peace:
Thanks Petrovski for your input, very helpful, although as Red eyed C says the proof of the pudding is in the eating!!!
With this in mind I have decided that, with my grow tent arriving on monday, I am going to go and have a look at a GN Ms006 modular 270w model at a local stockist next week and as long as it looks OK in the flesh I will buy one. Hopefully this will widen the scope of the UK based potential LED buyers on this forum.
People should note that they do a 240w BS clone model for £40 more than the the BS but with a 3 year warranty and it can be switched from growth to flower mode unlike the BS. So as long as they work ok they are not that much more expensive
Dear me, Thank you Red Eye, I just get my choice of light finally decided and I am shown one I have not come across yet (Quantum bloom) Well they certainly seem ok from what they have got on the website and if they are reccomended by DP's Tony that is a definite plus and they do seem to be more cannabis orienrted than the GN. I shall have to check them out because they dont say whether they are for both veg and flowering or just one of the two. It had been my intention to buy a second light (probably a Blackstar) once I had got myself sorted out , so with a 3 year guarantee I would be better buying one of these IMHO or maybe save money and buy two of these...........decisions ....decisions!!!
They are for veg and flowering mate,there specs are almost identical to the blackstar.the 3 year guarantee is a big bonus and uk based too.