Lighting Grownorthern LED lights

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM............saving £100 on the LED would certainly cut my start up costs or pay for a heap of nutrients. Also being veg and flowering, having a 3 year guarantee and being UK based negates 3 of the main advantages of the GN which just leaves its modularity and is that worth £100 approx? One thing i did notice is that the GN modular is considerably heavier than the QL (6kg-2kg) which supposes there is a lot more things in there although that may be partly due to the modularity. As with the old adage about furniture "if you can pick it up, throw it away" i would love to know the reasons for the difference in weight?
I'm not sure about the difference in weight mate.My blackstar weighs about 3.5 kg so im guessing it's something to do with the modular design if it weighs more
Hey Red..
really stupid much radiant light do LED's put out compared to normal grow light.

I've decided I could really do with a supplemental light for if the weather is crap I can rotate the girls in for a few hour each.

Best place for me would be the glasshouse...I have blackout blinds...but they will always let light leaks you think I would get away with it...or will I have an almighty Glow coming out..?
From what iv read mate hps offers around 20-40% usable light and with LED 70-100% depending on spectrum,these are only figures iv read in different articles on the net,but a correct led specrum offers your plants way more usable light.but they are bright mate,any gaps in your blackout blinds will see a pink glow coming through :-) your plants would love basking under a nice led though on a shitty day :smokebuds:
Hey red-eye I am sold, just checked out some grow reports from the US on the 300w model and they seem to be very pukkah indeed. Thanks for your late intervention and to everyone else for all their help
No worries mate glad to help :smokebuds: if you call them to order please tell us how there service was mate
will do, want to check out a few things anyway. I had seen the US StealthGrowLED website, but didnt realise it was actually made in the UK. Onwards and upwards !!!
Im pretty sure these grow northern lights are CIDLY apollo lights that are being rebranded and resold just like the newer blackstar chromes. Not only are the cases the same but they use exactly the same heatsinks. From the side shots you see of this design light it looks like there is room within the case for a deeper heatsink yet they all have the same shallow finned models. FWIW apollo 10 (10 module) lights drawing over 300 watts can be had for less than £300 delivered to UK if ordering from cidly themselves directly... I havent ordered one yet but I am sorely tempted especially since it seems the new BS chrome lights are the exact same design. As for being uk manufactured my assumption would be that at best "they" have all the components shipped over then some dude in his bedroom/garage is assembling them himself to save money and selling them himself from here. Sift thru the BS guys and sniff out the truth!
well, I'm just gonna drop :2cents: in the jar here... The only LEDs I ever tried were 2 different ones... both claiming to "kick ass" so to speak.... and they lied.... the only good reports I've heard have been about the Blackstars, which I'm currently saving for one now... as after Seymour-Buds grow, I'm finally convinced they DO have their place and abilities in the grow world.... so about $1400 later...... my advice would be to go with what already works for everyone..... but if you got the extra cash and dont value your wallet as much as I do... give it a shot... I'd love to hear someone BESIDES china makes a good one!



I'm not trying rain on your parade here but Seymour uses hydrogrow penetrator LED's not Blackstar LED's.... Just my :2cents: worth.

Sorry if I have taken you up wrong dude.... Maybe you were just talking about LED in general, y'know having a place in the grow world & not Blackstar LED.

My Bad. :confused: