Lighting Grownorthern LED lights

tshirt is right, i think something is fishy, they skirted aroun the answer, another question, they talk about modular. what happens when one led burns out in a module? do the rest still function in the group? any specs. on lumens or par? i do like the 3year warranty blackstar is only one year.
well, I'm just gonna drop :2cents: in the jar here... The only LEDs I ever tried were 2 different ones... both claiming to "kick ass" so to speak.... and they lied.... the only good reports I've heard have been about the Blackstars, which I'm currently saving for one now... as after Seymour-Buds grow, I'm finally convinced they DO have their place and abilities in the grow world.... so about $1400 later...... my advice would be to go with what already works for everyone..... but if you got the extra cash and dont value your wallet as much as I do... give it a shot... I'd love to hear someone BESIDES china makes a good one!

Thanks for your considered opinion TshirtNinja, If that is the best they can do and you dont like the sound of it, then that is good enough for me! Blackstar it is!!! at least I know they are Ok, got 3 weeks in Brasil for the Salvador Carnaval and then we get started. Had some really good news yesterday. because my girlfriend is a pensioner we have managed to get pension credits rather than Jobseekers Allowance so I will have no one hassling me about getting a job (what chance an unskilled 56 Year old with an undiagnosed habit of collapsing unconcious anyway) and they have backdated it for 3 months so that gives me £2000 spare (not all for weed growing but....) which means I can do it properly without too many financial constraints. Thanks for all your help and everyone else this seems like a far less fractious site than many of the others I have visited
I got the impression from the way it was written that it is just a stock reply, as I asked them about the current drawn and whether their PAR which was apparently capable of covering 1sq metre in the 240w model was equivalent to the 2 x blackstar240s I would need to cover the same area. Both of these questions were ignored and my secondary question on current drawn brought a bland and worthless response so asking about lumens will probably take us no further. They have had their chance as far as I am concerned, I would love to buy them but £329 is a lot of money to put a punt on it IMFAO
I'm looking forward to seeing your grow once you start up. I don't like to toot my own horn but I turned on most of the guys here to black star because simply it works. I researched many panels and have optical and light experience and it's the best bang for your buck.
Iv had some contact with this company and iv also
Spoken with another uk AFN member who had owned and used there classic 3w model and he said it was good,he only stopped using it when he upgraded to the penetrater X series which blows most led panels out the water..iv been tempted to buy from these guys but the modular series puts me off simply because I see them everywere like eBay and hydro shops which makes me think it could be mass produced junk. How ever if it's just the casing there using and putting there own tech in there then id think it could be a good panel,but its just a little over priced for my liking
yeah man. i have used the 3 watter on my first grow here at AFN. Came with a 3 year warranty and i think i got fairly good results for 1 litre pots and considering all the mistakes i made.

i'd say the blackstar 240 has a better spectrum than the "classic" panel that i had and they are also available from a uk supplier now. i think they cost about $100-150 more and once you add up the import duty and overseas shipping it proably works out +/-£40 more expensive. i'm pretty sure 90% of all panels are made in china. i know all of mine have been. Blackstar Leds are proven to give good results.

i also had a 1w prakasa panel from a different uk supplier and it was junk. the grownothern classic had superior build quality (case,fans,hangers etc)
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Thanks Auto snooch and red eye for finding him finally some substance to the debate
Well it has certainly become more interesting now that we have some actual experience with the light in question. The goods are produced in the UK, I have no doubt the casings are mass produced in china (even then they say that they can produce the original "classic" 3w version in a few weeks, so maybe even that is wrong). They only have one offline outlet and despite searching on ebay uk and other shops I can find no others, so i am not sure where Red eyed C saw them, unless he was referring to LEDs in particular. as he did refer to the modular system specifically.
The Blackstar 240w flowering model I can buy locally for £239 or I can buy the GN modular 275w model for £329 which means the BS is about 75% of the price.
Then you havre to add in the advantages of the modular system.
3 years warranty for a start,
The modular system allows you to replace and upgrade individual modules which makes things easier and does away with redundancy to a great extent
It is supplied with secondary optics which allow you to change it from 120 to 60 degree angle on any of the individual 15 lamp modules so with the six module unit you could alter the angle to suit the lamps position in your grow
It is suitable for both vegetative and flowering rather than simply flowering or vegetative as the BS is
then we come to the imponderables.......... publicity blurb!

One of the best aspects of the new units is the vast improvement to the photon flux density per targeted cm2. Our secondary focusing optics produce a much greater light intensity equally over a more precise area. We have already seen a vast improvement in flowering growth in our prototype testing and now our new units for 2012 are being passed over to the best growers in the UK. We are sponsoring prize growers this year with our Modular and HP5w series. Grow journals will be available on this site early in the new year.

and unique aspects

Our new Pulse Frequency research & software allows us to maintain the same constant rate of photosynthesis produced by our by constant current drivers but with the benefits of limiting by duty cycle rather than by current. The LEDs are Pulsed at a very high frequency and then the duty cycle is adjusted to find a sweet spot between the rate of photosynthesis, power consumption & the LEDs performance. Lifespan & lumen maintenance of each chip is lengthened as they reach an equilibrium temperature at 10-15 °C lower than the classic series and they are not being constantly over driven.
The new drivers are designed by Grownorthern. They are isolated power drives that use transformers, drivers and complex integrated circuits to protect the LEDs and the user from the mains. The output voltage is below 25 volts per module making our Modular series some of the safest LED grow lights available. Our integrated circuit is linked to a built in monitoring system and micro controllers to adjust the LEDs performance. Individual indication LEDs show the user that the system is running correctly.

given that we have had some warmly welcomed confirmation of the "classic" versions abilities from Auto-Snooch I think we can put a bit more faith in the words of the blurb rather than dismiss it as untested moonshine. Which brings me back to the original question in this particular posting. which is the better value?
Personally I am going to do what I always do at times like this ....roll up a big fat one and cogitate!!!!
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I was referring to the modular series mate but not grownorthern specifically,just that Iv seen lots of other companies with exactly the same casing,and it makes me a little sceptical..
Check this link,this company sells exactly the same looking panel,and I emailed them just for a price check and it's a hell of alot cheaper than grownorthern,but not sure of the quality of parts used,and the emails stopped when I asked about specs
I do feel these companies selling LED panels have created this scepticism and uncertainty themselves by not being honest when listing there products,we shouldn't have to dig and email just to find out basic info like wattage drawn etc,