Lighting Grownorthern LED lights

i run two black stars 240 watt in a 2 x 4 x 5 tent without pulling in fresh room temp air it can get as high as 87f in there which i beilive at 85f photosynthesis starts to grind to a hault. At 90f for an extended period plants are dead. With my 4 inch intake and my 4 inch inline fan hooked to a carbon filter i maintain a temp of around 76f.
A passive intake should work fine. I'd recommend a 4" in line fan for exhaust with a carbon filter. I have mine hooked to a variable speed timer. My intake and exhaust are both from inside the house. In the winter I'm able to run my fan at it's slowest speed, and about 1/2 to 3/4 speed in the summer. I'm also at the other end of the house from my wood stove, so had to add a small space heater for some additional heat, especially during lights out.
well thats sweet, you have all been a great help, I think my road forward will be a 90x90cm grow tent, a 4"fan and outake w/carbon filter and a Blackstar 240, use this to do a couple of grows to experiment and sort out the best way to operate and what fans, heaters I may need etc (I am on the south coast of the UK). And then buy another blackstar to make the most of the space available.
Those panels look sweet guys. Like the uk's answer to blackstrap in the USA. Buy one and do a review I have been dying to see someone with the 5w chipsets
TshirtNinja- thanks for your reply to my PM they do look nice dont they! I will e-mail them tomorrow morning and find out what they actually draw in current for all versions ie 3w, 5w and 3w modular. Although with the 3w one, being only 180w notional, it will have to draw a very high current to be as good as a blackstar 240 that i can buy for £50 less. The 5w version is only 120 so the law of diminishing returns applies with a vengeance with a price the same as the 180w notional compared to the Blackstar.

What would be the reason for going for the 5w? surely a 5wLED/120w would not be as good as a 3wLED/240 or am I missing something?

Is there anything anyone would like me to ask on their behalf or any point that you would like clarified and I will see what i can find out and report back tomorrow as soon as i get a reply!
At the moment despite TshirtNinjas positive viewpoint, the fact that i will eventually need 2 blackstars for my grow tent means that unless the GN LED lamps prove especially effctive, i shall probably have to go for the blackstars,
I finally received this answer from GrowNorthern a few minutes ago, I have replied asking for the amount of current pulled by the 3w modular system and await a reply

I'm glad to hear your interested in our products. Unfortunately the classic 3 watt range has been discontinued. We had been selling it for the last 3-4 years and we only got positive feedback but just before Christmas we released our modular series. The modular series uses the same LEDs and are very similar in price vs no LEDs. However the modular series uses a much more digital method of controlling the LEDs. LEDs are like computer chips but most companies use constant current ICs which just overdrive the LEDs. Our new drivers consist of programmable micro processors to further control performance and efficiency by modulating pulse frequency, width and duty cycle. Other benefits are programmable soft start to prevent surges and an error check out pin and warning LED to indicate faults.
Flowering growth on the modular series is much more effective than the classic 3w series due to the new polymer secondary optics. Finally all parts are easily removable and can be fixed or replaced very quickly for UK residents. Having the programmable driver allows versatility to uses other LED modules and install new hardware/software like dimming programs and timers.
The new High powered 5w LEDs have been redesigned for spread and efficiency as there viewing angle with the optics was not as focused as the 3w LEDs because of the shape of the 5w integration. The units are more expensive because of the cost of the 6 chip integration and assembly but because they use smaller chips in larger quantities you get a higher efficiency and you increase this by removing the secondary optics, which we have done. Now the 5 watt units are between 17-19% more efficient than the modular range in terms of radiant flux but are still much less efficient in flowering because of the lack of intensity. So the 5 watt series is best for Vegetative growth and to wean plants on as you can really use the extra spread and efficiency of the unit.
In terms of grow journals we are a UK company and I cant recommend any journals other than the ones we are going to publish later this year. We have prize growing journals using the 5w and modular series, commercial fruit growing using the modular series and some new info on the research we are currently doing with LEDs and photosynthesis. So just check back with us later this year for more info and results.
My personal recommendation if you want to see the best quality flowering growth we have to offer is the modular 10 as the series more build in intensity rather than covering area so you get the best flowering results we currently can offer from a single unit + we just got the new polymer optic with advanced moisture protection and reflective finish only on the 10 which the modular 4 and 6 wont have until next month.

Any Questions/Feedback is more than welcome

Best Regards

the reply from GrowNorthern

We still have many people asking for and trying to buy the 3 watt series as it is similar to others used in grow videos and sold in other stores. We can still have these made in a 2 week time frame we just don't stock them as the modular series is a far superior line. Using the modular 4 you will get better results than the 240 watt so why stock the 240 watt unit? The current per each driver that powers two modules in parallel is 1.43A , so around 700ma per module. The voltage obviously varies from spectrum to spectrum from 2.2 to 2.6. The total power consumption of each LED module is just under 30 watt (including the 12v supply for the fans) so for example the modular 6 draws 180 watts from the power supply.
They look good and whatnot but this back and forth is dodgy at best. Drawn wattage can be shown very easily and they are skating around the question with crappy estimates. Buy one if you like but I smell something foul