TshirtNinja- thanks for your reply to my PM they do look nice dont they! I will e-mail them tomorrow morning and find out what they actually draw in current for all versions ie 3w, 5w and 3w modular. Although with the 3w one, being only 180w notional, it will have to draw a very high current to be as good as a blackstar 240 that i can buy for £50 less. The 5w version is only 120 so the law of diminishing returns applies with a vengeance with a price the same as the 180w notional compared to the Blackstar.
What would be the reason for going for the 5w? surely a 5wLED/120w would not be as good as a 3wLED/240 or am I missing something?
Is there anything anyone would like me to ask on their behalf or any point that you would like clarified and I will see what i can find out and report back tomorrow as soon as i get a reply!
At the moment despite TshirtNinjas positive viewpoint, the fact that i will eventually need 2 blackstars for my grow tent means that unless the GN LED lamps prove especially effctive, i shall probably have to go for the blackstars,