New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

Someone's excited... lol!

Very excited! can you blame me though? She looks better than the other two did. I might have to change my mind about the breeder "FEMINISED SEEDS", however im still disappointed in my own killing of the other two girls.
Good luck, and welcome to AFN.
thank you!
Hey! I know the feeling! I still get that way, that's half of why I grow!

Very excited! can you blame me though? She looks better than the other two did. I might have to change my mind about the breeder "FEMINISED SEEDS", however im still disappointed in my own killing of the other two girls.

thank you!
For sure !! GL on the grow!
Thank you :D

Hey! I know the feeling! I still get that way, that's half of why I grow!
That's exciting to know, so everytime i'll get that fun anticipation :D.

New photo coming soon.

I did notice last night the temp got really hot so i opened a few vents but its still warm. I'm doing the swamp cooler method along with ice water.
Now, i know some of it is just that the accurite is dark and under an LED, but do i need to reposition my fan? I removed some of the additional smell deterrent and im putting frozen towels up. just for some reason last night it got super hot. like 90 F.

How can I fix it so im not constantly fighting this? I know that insulation doesn't help much, but its such a small tent to have that 300 watter in. i just have zero room for anything bigger. Because, like the rest of colorado it needs to be behind two locked doors and one of them is the closet door. I added a padlock to make it kosher.
Do you have a fan moving air in and out of the tent?
Yes I do, I just am not sure if maybe i need to pull *IN* air from the outside. Luckily I have the carbon filter so I can just add it in as a vent, add the filter then vent to the dryer vent
I did the knuckle test and it was dry so i did a 120 ml watering just to make the soil moist, the bottom of the bucket has moist soil still but it is finally starting to get to the point to water again (so that's what 3/4 days). Since I under water to a severity I am going and trying to over water for me. I don't think 120 ml is going to drown the plant, and in fact most of the soil is still moist.

Once a day I am doing a 90 degree rotation of the plant to insure even light dispersion

Here's a pic of her, she's been battling some higher than normal temps, but i changed the way i have my tent set up and it seems to have cooled it down very nicely.
here's a photo of the girl today, shes growing FAST!


On a side note, how do you guys do this growing without horticulture/grow glasses. My eyeballs hurt every time I forget to put them on.
I forgot to do the quarter turn last night and she started training a bit to the side. No photo right now.

I have jobes spikes that are 2-7-4 (organic), 13-4-5, 6-18-6, 4-4-4, and 13-3-4.
I am using the ones i don't use on the girl on my garden so it is not wasted.
Which should I use when I do add it? I was thinkign the 2-7-4 since it's organic
I find the NPK numbers don't mean much with organic nutrients. If I chose, it would be the 4-4-4. The N in most organic nutes is mostly slow release

I forgot to do the quarter turn last night and she started training a bit to the side. No photo right now.

I have jobes spikes that are 2-7-4 (organic), 13-4-5, 6-18-6, 4-4-4, and 13-3-4.
I am using the ones i don't use on the girl on my garden so it is not wasted.
Which should I use when I do add it? I was thinkign the 2-7-4 since it's organic