New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

omg! Don't feel bad, my dog recently ate several seedlings.... pm me!
Done. I think i may just have to wait a few months to start again. I'm in too much pain to do this process over again. The driving factor was the cost savings, but if i have half my seeds destroyed it just means i have to pay normal price so why wait for it to grow?
I found her in the soil, she was moist, her roots were intact and only one fan leaf was missing. I tried replanting her. Cant get a photo yet, but she might live, just might be a week behind. keep your fingers crossed everyone. this is my last ditch effort
I don't think she'll make it. I might go with a NL. Do you guys think i need to really change my soil since she barely used it and it was 5 gallons?
I just want something fast and low. but this is the third dead one. really disappointing.
vision NL or royal queen NL is where i can't decide
Which is shorter and least smelly
I know im dp and bumping a lot, but now im questioning myself, shes perking a little bit. maybe ill give her a day or two and see. if she ends up comign back, then i have to give these guys ("feminized seeds) props for an amazingly strong seed if it survives.
It'd be a testament to their genetics if it does.
re-use the soil, its fine. NL in auto is good. If you need fast though, check out Sweet Seed I think its call speed+. Done in as little as 47 days!
The Dragon's Blood I've grown tends to finish in 58-70 days.

I don't think she'll make it. I might go with a NL. Do you guys think i need to really change my soil since she barely used it and it was 5 gallons?
I just want something fast and low. but this is the third dead one. really disappointing.
vision NL or royal queen NL is where i can't decide
Which is shorter and least smelly
re-use the soil, its fine. NL in auto is good. If you need fast though, check out Sweet Seed I think its call speed+. Done in as little as 47 days!
The Dragon's Blood I've grown tends to finish in 58-70 days.
Thanks! I'm limited on money right now so i can't do it. I need low smell mostly. I replied to your pm.

Just for others, i didn't realize my cat got in to the area the grow tent went until i heard it cry.

Which auto NL do you guys think I should go for?
Keep your tent zipped up unless you're in your garden. NL auto is good. Check out DP, Fast Buds, Sensi. Also anything crossed with BIg Bud should yield good .
It was zipped up but the side vent was opened, cat ripped through the side vent meshing.
I have a few other seeds here, im going to try a royal queen NL since im limited in funds i can't really buy more than what I have :(. I do have a Toof Decay which i might do instead.

Thoughts on NL versus toof decay @pop22 @R3dt34rz et. al. ?