New Grower Growing while in extreme pain - My Journey so far

Missy seems to be a problem child :biggrin:

She is, but her namesake is too. My friend Missy was always getting in trouble and, bless her heart, was a bit if a genetic misfit like me. But Missy was one spunky little sh*t she never gave up.
In a bit I will be making an update of pictures.
I fell at work today and I am more sore than normal. I need to make auto pots or just a watering system. Was thinking of just a bucket with some water and a drop irrigation system on a timer.

I know we discussed auto pots on here before, but any other suggestions for automation from anyone?
Here's the girls

Missy, my "problem child" as @HashMaster so brilliantly states :)

And my now rapidly growing toof decay "The Toof Fairy"
I missed a day of updates, everything on the girls is okay. I am just in pain so I am limited on what I'll do.

Might be some photos late tonight.

The toof decay just got it's first hint of smell, installed the odor neutralizer and nothing but fresh smell. Going to work on a carbon filter tomorrow to add to the set up. I have the huge canister but I want a smaller one.
Gals are still going well. I hope tonight to get photos up. It has been painful few days. I can't wait for my own med supply. Once this run is done I plan on doing more mephisto and buying directly from them.

I will try to update tonight
Here they are


The toof fairy

Missy looks like she'll be short and stout and the toof fairy is just chugging along doing it's thing. It's amazing what a few days will do.
Hmmmmmmmm...maybe still hard to tell. You should now in a few days. But good you are looking! Females are distinct. You'll see two, little antenna like hairs sprouting at a node. A male will have a little sack sprouting from a short stalk and protrude outward, or hang down.
